Chapter 1263

When the heroes gathered on Biyou Island, Xu Beiyou, the owner of Biyou Island who was supposed to be there, was still stranded in the imperial capital.

The reason for this is roughly three reasons: first, Han Xuan has not been in good health recently, and Xu Beiyou, as a son of man, is not easy to travel far away, not to mention serving the sick bedside.Second, Xu Beiyou also stored a large amount of belongings, including the Dragon Stele Book of Heaven, in the green landscape of Meishan outside the imperial capital. It would take a lot of effort to transport these things to Biyou Island.

As for the third and most important point, the date of Xiao Zhinan's enthronement ceremony has been fixed.According to an unwritten rule of the Daqi court, before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, creditors will not collect debts, yamen will not seize people, each yamen will seal the yamen, and officials will go home for the festival and not work.Therefore, after the cabinet deliberated, Xiao Zhinan's enthronement date was set on the 22nd of the first lunar month after the Lantern Festival, which happened to be the Jiazi day of the year.It's just that the news hasn't been made public yet, and only a few people in Xiao Zhinan, the Supervisor of Rituals, and the cabinet know about it.

Today is the Lantern Festival, just like a widely circulated proverb, "Clouds cover the moon on the [-]th of August, and snow lights up the lights on the [-]th of the first lunar month", a fluttering light snow falls.

According to the usual practice, His Majesty the Emperor will host a banquet in Weiyang Palace today, because there is no His Majesty the Emperor in the strict sense, so it is presided over by Princess Regent Xiao Zhinan. The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were somewhat flattered, and after the banquet, the sky had completely dimmed, and the officials slowly dispersed, and each went back to the house in sedan chairs, and then went to celebrate the festival with their families.

Xiao Zhinan and Xu Beiyou didn't leave Weiyang Palace until the end, because the two had already been to Han Xuan's mansion in the afternoon, so they had no intention of leaving the palace at this moment, Xu Beiyou asked the accompanying eunuch for A lantern, let him hold the lantern, and the two walked towards Ganquan Palace together.

On the left and right sides of the two, no one accompanied them.

After walking for about a stick of incense, Xu Beiyou suddenly stopped and said, "Twenty is the crown, thirty stands, and forty is not confused. Although I am not yet 30 years old, I have already completed the two things of starting a family and starting a career. Liye, after I inherited the master's mantle, I spent four years revitalizing Jianzong, and defeated Daomen, and led Jianzong back to Biyou Island. Married, I married you, I dare not directly say that I am the most beautiful woman in the world, Conservatively speaking, there is still a top three, and the current Princess Regent, no matter how you look at it, you have a wife, so what can a husband ask for."

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Zhinan listened quietly, just like the wife of an ordinary family, with her husband as the main priority, not the regent princess who is arbitrary in the temple.

Xu Beiyou stretched out a hand and wiped it lightly between his brows. An imperceptible sadness flashed across his eyes, and he said with a faint smile, "The first meeting in Danxia Village, the reunion in the Northeast Liao Palace, the covenant in the south of the Yangtze River, and the meeting in the imperial capital." I got what I wanted, and when I think about it now, it’s really like a dream. In a big way, the so-called life of a hundred years is not a big dream in spring and autumn? That’s why so many people have wanted to seek longevity through the ages. I'm no exception, but I didn't expect that this great creation of longevity came too early, so early that I could compete with Qiu Ye for the opportunity to ascend."

The extremely intelligent Xiao Zhinan turned pale.

Xu Beiyou stared at her, didn't say anything more, but reached out to hold her palm, and the two continued walking.

In the freezing cold night, the couple walked hand in hand through the quiet palace, and when they reached the Feishuang Palace, Xu Beiyou stopped again, first helped him tighten the cloak he was wearing, and then raised his finger To Feishuang Palace, he said with a soft smile: "When Dading was in the past, I had to suffer a lot of criticism from the empress here."

Xiao Zhinan gently held her husband's hands, and said softly: "You almost killed the queen mother that time."

The two of them had a tacit understanding, instead of talking about Feisheng and Qiuye just now, they turned to the matter about the empress.

Xu Beiyou asked curiously: "I've always been puzzled, why should I be called the empress instead of the emperor's wife?"

Xiao Zhinan said with a smile: "The so-called husband and wife, there is no distinction between high and low. It is the so-called raising eyebrows together, so "wife" and "qi" are homonyms. The Confucian sage Xunzi believes that the Son of Heaven is the only one, and no one can sit on an equal footing with him, so he cannot be a wife. , but to weigh in."

Xu Beiyou nodded slightly after hearing the words, and then asked with a smile: "The five matters of governing the country are the power of the land to the people, the power of the things to the officials, the power of the contempt, the power of the punishment, and the power of the food. They are also called the five powers of foreign affairs. In contrast, there are five internal affairs, the five powers are in the hands of the emperor, and the five powers are in the hands of the empress. After you ascend the throne, you will be in charge of the five powers, who will hand over the five powers to?"

Xiao Zhinan said solemnly: "Of course it will be handed over to my empress."

Xu Beiyou feigned surprise and said, "Who is Your Majesty's queen?"

However, Xiao Zhinan didn't go on, saying that the queen's surname was Xu, etc., but sighed lightly, "If I were the emperor, and I didn't have three thousand beauties in the harem, why would I need five? With my aunt and the others as hosts, I can handle it no matter what."

Xu Beiyou had a look of guilt on his face, "I'm the one who's sorry for you."

Xiao Zhinan shook his head, "There's nothing wrong or sorry between husband and wife."

Xu Beiyou held her hand backhanded, and said softly, "After attending your enthronement ceremony, I will immediately rush to Biyou Island, first to meet the masters of the various sects, and then discuss the grand plan of joining forces to fight against the Taoist sects. By the way , before that, I have to go to Wei State first, anyway, there are a lot of things."

Xiao Zhinan asked, "Where's your ascension ceremony?"

Xu Beiyou pondered for a while, and said, "Because it involves Taoism and the situation is unknown, so you don't want to go to my enthronement ceremony, and stay in the imperial capital with peace of mind."

Xiao Zhinan hummed lightly, and lightly leaned his head on Xu Beiyou's shoulder.

Xu Beiyou, who is not a great sword fairy at the moment, stroked his wife's hair, and said softly: "Before we got married, we just got together less and separated more, after we got married, we still got together less and separated more. I was either on the way to Jiangdu, or on the way to the imperial capital, and last year, it was even more ridiculous, either I was fighting with others, or I was on the way to fight, the time by your side is limited."

Xiao Zhinan suddenly asked: "Do you still remember the ten-game agreement we made at the beginning?"

Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "Of course I remember."

Xiao Zhinan wiped the corners of his eyes with his big sleeve, and said with a smile: "After you come back from Biyou Island, we will continue to complete the agreement of ten rounds."

Xu Beiyou gave a solemn hum.

She held out a finger.

He froze for a moment, then stretched out a finger, hooked it with his wife's finger, and said with a smile: "Since it is the order of His Majesty the Emperor, how dare Beiyou not follow?"

(End of this chapter)

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