That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1276: Hidden Dragon, Crouching Tiger, Lotus Town

Chapter 1276: Hidden Dragon, Crouching Tiger, Lotus Town

There is a large town at the foot of Lianhua Peak, which is somewhat similar to Linxian Mansion under Tianfeng Peak, the Taoist capital, but it is not as large as Linxian Mansion, and its name is not as grand as "Linxian". It was named "Lotus Town".

Lianhua Town was built in the time of Shangguan Xianchen. At that time, it was the heyday of Jianzong. Many big figures of Jianzong brought their children to Biyou Island. For convenience, they built their own mansions at the foot of Lianhua Peak, gathering less to make more, forming the embryonic form of Lianhua Town.Later, under Xiao Shen's suggestion, Shangguan Xianchen ordered to officially build a town here, and because it was located under the Lotus Peak, it was named Lianhua Town.

After the great change in Jianzong, the original old Lianhua Town was naturally destroyed. Today's Lianhua Town was restored and built from Tianji Pavilion according to Zhang Xueyao's memories.However, in those days, Lianhua Town lived in the elders of the Sword Sect and the junior family members of the master of the palace, but now they live in the direct disciples of the major sects. They all followed their teachers to Biyou Island, and the teachers climbed to the Lotus Peak. , They settled down in Lianhua Town nearby, plus some immortal monks who have lived for many years, the town and the outside of the town are almost two worlds.

A mountain cultivator who was brought to the town by a friend by chance, at first saw Shen Geng, a master of earth immortals, rushing by with his disciples on the street, which made him very excited. The real master, and the Dragon King, the master of the eight branches of Buddhism in white monk clothes.Going further into the town, I saw Li Qinglian, the junior sister of the master of Jianzong. At this time, this Mr. Lian was surrounded by a group of female disciples of the White Lotus Sect, talking and laughing.Immediately afterwards, Wang Sheng, the master craftsman of Tianji Pavilion, and Zhang Yuping, the chief steward of Jianzong, descended from the Lotus Peak together. The two just met Wanyan Yufei and Wanyan Zongbi brothers and sisters who were going to climb the Lotus Peak. They stopped and laughed.

If at the very beginning, he was startled, by the end he was completely numb.Those high-ranking people who are always in the dark on weekdays seem to want no money at this time, and they all come out in one go.

A lotus town can be described as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

At this time, not to mention my own high cultivation base, those who are truly high cultivation bases have already climbed to the Lotus Peak.Not to mention that I have a strong background, and those who can live in Lianhua Town, who are not the children of high-ranking people, who do not have the backing of the sect, if they want to bully others here, then they really chose the wrong place.

What's more, this is still the site of Jianzong. I'm afraid there is no need to say more about Jianzong's methods, especially the prestige of the master of Jianzong, who has been bloody killed by the Taoist sect with the lives of more than ten great masters. annotation.Jianzong has already released the words before, please comrades, if something happens, otherwise the sword will not be merciful.This also makes many sect disciples who are used to being domineering on weekdays feel jealous. After all, they are on other people's territory. If you speak for yourself, even if you have reason, why do you reason with that Great Sword Immortal? Could it be that you are also the illegitimate child of the head teacher of the Taoist sect?
In the center of the town, there is an "inn" that can barely be called an "inn". Staying in it also provides a variety of food and drink, but the seats and rooms are limited, so you need to wait patiently.

At this time, the lobby was overcrowded. A total of twelve tables were filled with decent monks. The cultivators are very different, and there is a sense of being superior to others from the bottom of their bones. This kind of aura seems to be from a family, and it is difficult to learn it. Enraged.

However, among monks from famous families, there are also differences between high and low, the most intuitive one is the difference in realm, even if you come from a Taoist sect, a monk in the realm of ghosts and immortals would not dare to be presumptuous against casual cultivators of earth immortals, this is due to strength.At this time, there were two Earth Immortal monks in the inn, sitting on a table in the middle, and there were only these two people on this table, compared with the other tables with seven or eight people, they stood out from the crowd.

Both of them are men, and they don't look like people from the Central Plains.One is tall and rests with his eyes closed, while the other is short and pours himself a drink.

At this time, three more people came outside the door, they were a young man and a woman and a slightly older woman, but in front of this older woman, the young man and woman who should have been outstanding became not so outstanding up.

It is true that this elderly woman is too outstanding. If she uses four words to describe her, she should be "exquisite elegance". Even the newly enthroned female emperor, at this age, is nothing more than that.

Judging people by appearance is the nature of most people.When the woman walked into the inn, all eyes were attracted in an instant, even the earth immortal monk who had been closing his eyes to rest his mind opened his eyes, only the drinker was still drinking by himself.

The woman has long been used to such a situation, her face was calm, without any change, she went straight to the table where only two Earth Immortal monks sat opposite each other, followed by the young woman.

Because the other tables were already full, there were only two vacant seats at this table. The older woman took one by herself very rudely, and the young couple shared a bench.

The young man ordered two pots of authentic Jiangnan daughter red.

The moment the young woman sat down, the two earth immortal monks on the table held their breath almost at the same time. The short man who had been drinking alone also stopped drinking, and looked at the man with a little surprise. young woman.

If the older white-haired woman surprised them only by her appearance, then it was the young woman who shocked them with her real cultivation base of an Earth Immortal.

So young, there is a fairyland. Could it be that he just looks young, but is he actually a shy person with good looks?
The two couldn't help but look at each other.

Could it be that the two of them lost their eyes and failed to see that this young woman is the leader of the three?

But thinking about it this way, it's not right. If the young woman is the leader, she should be the one who monopolizes the stool, and there is no reason for the older woman to sit alone.

It's also strange that both of them were born as casual cultivators in the mountains, and they don't often walk in the Central Plains. For many famous people in the world, they only know their names but don't know their people, so it's really amazing to meet such a master of the earth. Can't guess the history.

Thinking of this, the two exchanged a veiled look.

Immediately, the short man looked at the older woman, only feeling that this person seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

The tall man looked at the young man, but suddenly let out a scream.

The two used the technique of looking at the qi, not looking at the outside, but only looking at the inside.

At that moment, the tall man seemed to see a brilliant unsheathed green blade, dazzling and dazzling, making him feel that his two moves seemed to be completely evaporated at this moment.

The young man smiled slightly, he didn't care about the prying behavior of the two, he just said with a smile: "Don't look at anything wrong, don't listen to anything wrong, I'm afraid that what you two are doing is not in line with etiquette."

It was clearly just an understatement of ordinary words, but it actually made the scalps of the two earth immortal monks who had been in the Western Regions for many years go numb for a moment, and they had an absurd illusion.

The person in front of him wanted to kill, and it was only a word away.

(End of this chapter)

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