That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1278 1 Sleeve Wind Gone Without Trace

Chapter 1278
The expressions of the two of them changed drastically.

At this time, Xu Beiyou said slowly, "The two of you arrived first, and we came later. There is no reason for doves to occupy the magpie's nest. If we have to leave, we should go."

The little man laughed dryly and said, "It's not a matter of first come first served, it's just because we two have other things to do, since your Excellency is the local host, there is no reason to force guests to stay."

Xu Beiyou nodded, seeming to agree with the short man's words, but still did not let go of the palm covering the table, "The Lord does not force guests to stay, there is nothing wrong with that, but if it is not the guests who come, but the ones who want to do something An unruly thief, it is not wrong for the master to open the door and steal."

Sweat dripped from the short man's forehead, "What do you mean by that, Your Excellency?"

Xu Beiyou didn't answer, but there was purple air in his eyes, and then flowed out from the corners of his eyes, fluctuating up and down.

Ever since he received the great good fortune bestowed by the Dao of Heaven, Xu Beiyou's eyes have become unusual. Not only can he see clearly within a radius of tens of miles, but he can also see through all kinds of illusions and go straight to the inside.When he uses the qi machine in his body to infuse his eyes, he can see the yin and yang qi between the heaven and the earth, see the changes of the five qi in other people's bodies, and even look around the world, just like watching mountains and rivers with his palm, seeing everything in the sky and the earth.

Xu Beiyou looked at the little man, and said slowly: "I used mystical powers to observe Biyou Island earlier, and found that the immortals and monks on the island are like stars, with different colors. Among them, the sword sect is blue and white, the Buddhist gate is golden, and the Xuanjiao is similar." Black water, Confucianism is like fire, warriors are red blood, and there are many mixed colors of casual cultivators. Only in this inn, there is a touch of purple and gold color that belongs to Taoism. I am quite surprised, so to come here.”

The little man froze on the spot.

Xu Beiyou glanced at the calm Murong Xuan and the astonished Qi Xianyun, then looked back at the short man in front of him, "But after I came to this inn, I found two earth immortal monks, Moreover, the auras of the two are confused, without using my eyes, it makes it difficult for me to distinguish who is the color of purple gold."

Xu Beiyou looked at Murong Xuan again, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I have to mention you, madam. I was aware of it beforehand, so I can be so sure. But madam can tell the difference between the two in front of her just by observing her words and demeanor. There is something strange about the person, he took the seat first, and then led me to talk about the matter of teaching Dazheng Dazheng, trying to confuse my mind and confuse the audience. The madam can make such a judgment and response in an instant, which really admires Xu."

Murong Xuan said indifferently: "Sect Master Xu thinks too much, and this concubine is ashamed of Sect Master Xu's meticulous thoughts."

Xu, Sovereign Xu.

These five words are already a clear identity.

The short man's face was cloudy and uncertain, and finally relieved, he slowly straightened his waist, looked straight at the big sword fairy without fear, and laughed loudly: "You are worthy of being one of the four sages of Tianjibang, and you are worthy of being the lord of the sword sect. You are worthy of being the Great Sword Immortal of the world."

The tall man's complexion changed drastically, and he lost any color.

When he looked at the little man again, his eyes were full of strangeness, as if he had only really met this old friend for many years today.

The Great Moon State Master, who was born in a Taoist school but has been rooted in the Western Regions for many years, asked: "I am taking it for granted. I am very curious. As Sect Master Xu said just now, our two qi mechanisms are confused. How did you determine my identity?"

Xu Beiyou said: "Earlier, Qi Xianyun accidentally leaked his aura, and the two of you saw the clues, so you two used the technique of looking at our aura to detect our reality, which is also reasonable. It's just that you As a member of the Taoist sect, even if you don't go back to Xuandu all the year round, you don't recognize Qi Xianyun, a junior, but Mrs. Murong, the wife who has been in power in the Taoist sect for many years, you will never fail to know, so you choose to look for someone who knows everything. Mrs. Murong, you let your companion look down upon me to confirm my identity, but it is precisely because of this that I can determine who is the purple-gold color from the two of you."

The short man admired sincerely: "Just now Madam said that Sect Master Xu is thoughtful, I admire you."

Xu Beiyou said indifferently: "It's not that Xu is so thoughtful, it's just that Xu's realm is higher. Since I'm sure that there is a Taoist in this inn, even if I can't find it for a while, I won't let me go again If I think about other possibilities, there must be some omissions, I just need to go back and sort it out carefully. The result is set, even if there are some twists and turns in the process, it will not deviate from it."

The short man nodded, without much fear.

Xu Beiyou pointed to Murong Xuan, "Mrs. Murong is a distinguished guest, I personally invited you to Biyou Island as a distinguished guest, you don't have to worry about her safety. But you are a Taoist with evil intentions, but I don't know how to kill you under my sword. How much you have, one more you is not too much, one less you is not much."

The short man said indifferently: "Does Sect Master Xu want me to abandon the Daoist sect? But Sect Master Xu should also know that not everyone in my Daoist sect is Bingchen."

Xu Beiyou said softly: "In times of crisis, you can see the mainstay. The reason why the Taoist sect has been able to dominate the world for many years is because of people like you. But the reason why the Taoist sect has fallen into today's field where everyone is shouting and beating is because Because there is someone like Mrs. Murong. Now that someone like Mrs. Murong Xuan can live, but someone like you will die, what do you think?"

The short man's face was expressionless, but his fists on his knees under the table were tightly clenched.

On the other side, Qi Xianyun showed anger, but Murong Xuan ignored it.

Xu Beiyou said in a deep voice: "There is no good and evil in the world. Later, good and evil are determined by people. It is nothing more than that those who are good to me are good, and those who hate us are evil. You are the good of Taoism, but the evil of my sword sect."

The short man let go of his fist hidden under the table, and said frankly: "That's true. Just like Xu Zongzhu is the suzerain Great Sword Immortal respected by everyone in the Jianzong, but in the eyes of my Taoists, I can't wait to eat his flesh Hate the demon head."

Xu Beiyou said: "The position under your butt determines your brain. Since you refuse to leave your position, don't blame Xu for being ruthless."

After the young Great Sword Immortal who supported a sword sect by himself said these words, his whole demeanor changed completely.

Even though the sword hadn't been drawn out of its sheath, there was sword intent and sword energy all over his body.

Xu Beiyou stood up slowly, let go of the palms that had been pressing on the table, and then waved his big sleeves.

The short man, who was no longer bound by the majestic energy, quickly leaned back, trying to avoid its sharp edge.

But still failed to escape the seemingly understatement of a sleeve wind.

In the blink of an eye, countless cracks appeared on the physique of this Earth Immortal cultivator.

The next moment, his whole body was shattered inch by inch, turning into a handful of fly ash, which was completely blown away by the remaining wind.

In the end there was no trace.

(End of this chapter)

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