That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1284 Between Killing and Not Killing

Chapter 1284 Between Killing and Not Killing
Xu Beiyou was silent for a long time, without expressing any views of his own.

Although many people in the world say that he has the style of the ancestors of the past, in fact, he and Shangguan Xianchen are two completely different people.

Shangguan Xianchen is the kind of truly free and easy person who despises all the rules and etiquette in the world, that's why he doesn't ask about his opponent's sect background, drawing his sword is a deadly battle, that's why he has disagreements with his master, even for Shangguan who is his own background. Shi also looks down on a lot.But Xu Beiyou is different, he pays attention to rules and principles the most, even Zhang Xueyao thinks he is like a little master, compared with Shangguan Xianchen's free and easy, Xu Beiyou almost never enjoys himself, everything he does It is for the responsibility and burden on the body.So he disagreed with many of Shangguan Xianchen's actions.

But then again, whether you agree or disagree, the events and people of those years have been blown away by the wind and rain. Calculated according to age, unless Xu Lin is proving the Tao and ascending, it is absolutely impossible for Xu Lin to still be alive. this world.

Whether or not Shangguan Xianchen imprisoned Xu Lin here is not so important.

As for whether to rectify Shangguan Xianchen's name, Xu Beiyou didn't think about it for a while.At the beginning, Shangguan Xianchen didn't know what considerations he had, and he didn't make any excuses for the rumors that he had killed his teacher. He didn't care, and Xu Beiyou didn't intend to add anything to the snake.Furthermore, imprisoning a teacher may not be much better than killing a teacher. It is also a big treason, but the severity is different.

Bingchen sat cross-legged on the ground, put the broken greed and hatred on his knees, and said: "Have you thought about it? If you think about it, save me from here quickly. Now I'm trapped in this sword 35, and I don't say anything. It is really difficult to guard against the sword energy entering the body at all times. Also, I know that your combat power is much higher than mine, but when it comes to the real realm, you and I are both in the realm of the eighteenth floor of the earth fairy , you must be careful when you make a move..."

Xu Beiyou came back to his senses, smiled and said, "Simple."

The next moment, the expression on Bingchen's face froze suddenly, and he saw Xu Beiyou pull out Zhu Xian from his waist, and lightly pointed forward with his sword.

The sword 35, which was already at the end of its strength, suddenly disappeared.

Rao Bingchen, the sword fairy on the [-]th floor of the earth fairy, couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.

Is this the Xu Beiyou she knows well?Could it be that after not seeing him in just half a year, this kid almost changed his fate against the sky and made great progress again?
At this time, when she looked at Xu Beiyou's black hair, it was very complicated.

Xu Beiyou didn't wait for Bingchen to ask, and he took the initiative to say: "Senior Bingchen didn't know something. After Xu killed the king of Wei in the south of the Yangtze River, by chance, he got some gifts from heaven, which not only made up for what was lost back then. Shouyuan, and also got the opportunity to ascend, in this life, he is expected to prove the Dao and live forever, and now he is also cultivating diligently, and there is only a thin line from the eighteenth floor."

Bingchen couldn't help taking a light breath.

Ascension machine, proof of immortality.

Even though the realm of the eighteenth floor is only a thin line away from the eighteenth floor, the gap is as big as the distance between the first floor of the earth immortal and the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal.The key is not the level of combat power, but longevity. It can be said that the word longevity is almost the dream of all monks on the eighteenth floor. Now Xu Beiyou told him lightly that he already had the opportunity to prove the Dao and ascend.

A young man who is less than [-] years old has been certified to live forever. How can she feel so embarrassing for an old man who has lived more than [-] years old?
Xu Beiyou didn't pay much attention to Bingchen's astonishment, and took a step forward, facing the dust leaf under the Daozu statue across the last sword 36.

After all, Chen Ye has practiced for many years, and he still has eyesight. At this time, he knew well, judging from the appearance of Xu Beiyou's sword that broke the sword 35 just now, the combat power of this archenemy of Taoism has exceeded the ordinary 36th-floor earth immortal Too many, it is not difficult to break the last sword [-], it just depends on whether you want to.

With his current state of embarrassment, it is undoubtedly a dream to win against Xu Beiyou like this.

After a short period of despair, Chen Ye showed a wry smile.

Xu Beiyou said, "Master Chen Ye, it's been a long time."

Chen Ye said bitterly: "It's been a long time since Sect Master Xu."

Xu Beiyou raised Zhu Xian in his hand and moved forward a little.

Sword 36, open the sky.

It's just that Xu Beiyou's sword to open the sky is really small compared to the sword to open the sky that traverses the entire Prisoner Niu Temple, just like the gap between a silver needle and a three-foot green sharp edge.

However, Xu Beiyou's sword was not intended to completely destroy the last sword to open the sky, because he has roughly seen that the last sword 36 is the root of the entire Prisoner's Temple. , the 35 swords that were previously broken can also be gradually restored to their original state on this basis, but if this sword is broken, the entire Xiaoqian world of Prisoner Niuguan will collapse.

So Xu Beiyou just used the incomplete sword 36 Xiao Kaitian to forcibly break a hole in the Kaitian sword in front of him, without hurting the root, and allowing himself to pass through.

When Xu Beiyou came in front of Chen Ye, Chen Ye also stood up and asked, "Sect Master Xu came here to kill the poor?"

Xu Beiyou said bluntly: "Master Chen Ye has an old friendship with the former master, and the enemy of our sword sect is also the reason for each master. It depends on whether you can kill or not."

Chen Ye asked: "The poor Taoist should be killed or not?"

Xu Beiyou passed by Chen Ye, and walked step by step in front of the Taoist statue, "Although I have killed many people, I still have to defend myself. I am not a bloodthirsty person. What interest. Most of the time, the reason why I kill is because killing can solve the problem, that is, the so-called situation forces me to kill, and when I can not kill, I try not to kill."

Chen Ye turned around, looked at Xu Beiyou's back, and sighed: "Sect Master Xu really has a good heart and a good heart. I must thank Sect Master Xu for not killing me."

No matter what idea Xu Beiyou looked at, the meaning of his words was already very clear, that is, he didn't want to kill Chen Ye. For an earth fairy who aspires to live forever, living is better than anything else. As long as he lives, he can live forever .The earth immortals on the [-]th floor who went to die for righteousness or dignity or other things are after all only a minority.

Xu Beiyou turned around and looked at Chen Ye, "But for the sake of the overall situation, I can't enlarge the real person to leave this place yet."

Chen Ye's thoughts changed sharply, and she immediately understood Xu Beiyou's intentions.

The reason why Xu Beiyou didn't break the last sword 36 just now is because he wanted to continue to maintain the small thousand world of the concept of prisoner cattle, and keep Chen Ye trapped here.

Chen Ye, who had accepted her fate, didn't say anything more.

Xu Beiyou didn't pay any attention to him anymore, he flicked his big sleeve, and a flying sword flew out from the sleeve, which was the special purpose that led Xu Beiyou earlier.

Xu Beiyou turned his head and looked at the Taoist statue in thought for a moment, then waved his sleeves.

The Taoist ancestor is like holding a sword in his right hand, and the index finger and middle finger of his left hand are used as sword fingers, but there is a slight gap between the two fingers.

Shu Gui disappeared in a flash, and just landed in the gap between the two fingers.

The next moment, the entire Taoist statue moved aside with a bang, as if the door was wide open.

(End of this chapter)

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