That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1288 There Are Two Things Between The World

Chapter 1288 There Are Two Things Between The World

In February of the first year of Jingyu, when the grass was supposed to grow and the warbler was flying, an astonishing news came out from the East China Sea, and then quickly spread to the entire Central Plains, but it was immediately overshadowed by another even more astonishing news.

The first news is that the new king of Wei, Xu Beiyou, officially conferred the title of king and became a vassal, which caused the whole territory of Wei to shake up and down. However, the whole territory of Wei didn't have much resistance. When the general situation was gone, he quickly surrendered to the new king, including the palace of Wei. All the riches of the king also belonged to the new king.The old concubine Wanyan Yingzhu led a large number of servants and her own dowry, left Wei State by boat, returned to Houjian, and joined her elder brother Wanyan Beiyue. In a sense, this can be regarded as returning to her natal family.

After that, Xiao Zhinan sent a large number of officials to the Wei State, and Xu Beiyou took advantage of the new wind to complete the high-level rectification of the Wei State Center.A large number of officials in the old Wei Dynasty were dismissed from their posts, and even some stubborn ones were directly beheaded, and all their wealth was confiscated. At the same time, Xu Beiyou issued the first decree in the name of the King of Wei, which probably meant that the army fought many battles. Today, the people's livelihood is difficult, and now the country is in crisis, so I ask you to donate generously.

But most of the dignitaries in the Wei state still complained endlessly. The highest one donated 2 taels, while the low ones were only a few hundred or thousands, which was very perfunctory. How much gold?Interpreting the phrase that the public is the best actor, the whole state of Wei was very lively for a while.

Do the Dukes of Wei really have no money?No.According to the archives of the Anwei Mansion, all the dignitaries who can have a reputation in Wei Guodong are mostly worth more than 100 million taels of silver. What's more, such as the residences of the princes and princes, their wealth is more than ten million, and their wealth can be seen.

So next, Xu Beiyou let these unclear Wei dignitaries see the thunderous wrath of the new king.He first secretly ordered the dark guards to investigate and punish a few small and big officials, and then took advantage of this matter to pull out carrots and bring out the mud, and began to clean up. Wei Guo dignitaries.

A large number of officials were sacked for a while, and several princes and dignitaries were directly thrown into prison. Xu Beiyou once again decreed, "Anyone involved in this case will have their family property confiscated and their official positions removed. If there are any extremely vicious ones, they will be killed immediately."

There is a good saying that being an official for thousands of miles is only for money, and how many of these officials are clean. Given the solid evidence, they are enough to go to the execution ground for several times.That's why Xu Beiyou didn't show any mercy. Those who should leave their jobs quit their jobs, and those who should have ransacked their homes. In just half a month, they got a total of more than [-] million taels of silver.

During this turmoil, Xu Beiyou did not take the initiative to kill, so half of them just lost their official hats and money bags, and their lives were saved. Wei's blacklist, so in this purge, several major crimes were listed, such as ransacking and beheading, or exiling the men in the family to the northwest as slaves, and confiscating the women into the Jiaofang Division.

After the new king became a vassal, the descendants of the Zhang family and a small number of descendants of the Gongsun family who had been expelled from the Wei state returned to the Wei state one after another, while the life of the Shangguan family, Ye family, and Murong family became difficult. Ye Lanyi, the concubine son who was expelled from the Ye family, returned to his hometown with the support of Zhang Xueyao. After returning to the Ye family, he not only sent his biological father Ye Daoqi After being kicked out of his seat, and expelling Ye Daoqi from the Ye family, he was finally elated and swept away all the depression in his heart for more than 20 years.

The Shangguan clan was the least suppressed, almost painless. After all, the Shangguan clan produced a sword sect patriarch, Shangguan Xianchen, and a sword sect elder, Shangguan Qinghong. In view of the face of these two people, Zong Zongzhu will not do anything to Shangguan.The only thing that was somewhat unexpected was that after Shangguan Feng, Shangguan Luan, Shangguan Tan, Shangguan Yun and others died one after another, the person who took over as the Patriarch of the Shangguan family was a woman named Shangguan Qiushui, who was said to have had a relationship with that great sword fairy. Old, people don't know the depth, no one dared to provoke her rashly, but let her secure the position of Patriarch.

As for the second news that overshadowed the first news, it is related to the Murong family. If the previous news is only about the secular regime, but it doesn't matter to monks like idle clouds and wild cranes, then the second news is enough to make All the monks in the world were shocked by it, and the degree of shock was not inferior to that of the two saints in the world fighting to the death on Jun Island.

The Great Sword Immortal Xu Beiyou, one of the three saints in the Tianji list, actually went to the Murong family's mansion in person, and after confiscating the Murong family's ancestral house, he took away the head of the Murong family, Murong Xuan, from the Jinguang Temple. At the same time, there is also the Taoist "Qianlong" Qi Xianyun who is rumored to be the illegitimate daughter of the real person in charge.

Murong Xuan is the wife of the Daoist Master, and is respectfully called Mrs. Murong by countless people. Qi Xianyun is a disciple of the Daoist Master. No matter whether the rumor is true or not, they are not much different from their own daughters.In other words, the lord of the Sword Sect kidnapped the wife and daughter of Daoist Daoist Master.

Although Sect Master Jianzong's actions harmed his family's wife and daughter, it was a bit of a shame, and it was a loss of face, but in comparison, the Daoist Master's face was more damaged. If the Master Master is indifferent to this , that will completely lose all face, even the disciples of the Taoist sect will lose their face.

But this is not the most shocking thing, the most shocking thing is.After this incident, Daoist Daoist Master Xichen, one of the eight elders of the Taoist sect, held a meeting of the seven peaks of the five sects of the Taoist sect in the Yuxu Palace in Laoshan, Qizhou, and condemned the head teacher Qiu Ye for being unethical and perverse, resulting in the annihilation of the entire army of the Temple of Demons Then, Qing Chen, Ming Chen, Shan Chen, Xuan Ye, Zhong Li An Ning and other big real people died innocently.The No. 1 Tianyun in Yunzi's generation, Du Haichan, the master of Jiangnan Daomen, Wang Mudao, the master of Qizhou Daomen, and many other Taoist masters, as well as many veteran figures in the Taoism, responded one after another and raised the banner to oppose the head teacher Qiuye.

And above Xuandu, apart from Bai Yunzi, among the real people of Chen's generation including Weichen and Yuchen, no one stood up to support Qiuye, let alone reprimand Xichen.There are even rumors that there are undercurrents surging above Xuandu, especially after the black-clothed head teacher Chen Ye has disappeared, it is already difficult to control the situation of the Taoist sect with the strength of the head teacher Qiu Ye alone.

In an instant, such a huge Taoist sect showed signs of splitting.

Because of this, everyone in the world is waiting for the reaction of the Taoist sect, to see if the Daoist Daoist Daoist who has been the No. .


Although everyone in the world already knew the news, strictly speaking, these were just rumors that had been released without any real evidence. The one who really knew the truth was a letter written by Xu Beiyou himself to Qiuye.

It's just that it is easy to write a letter, but it is difficult to send a letter.As the leader of the alliance, Xu Beiyou must not be able to send his heart in person, as this would be a loss of status.

If a person with a high cultivation level is sent there, after all, it is the mysterious capital of Taoism, which has been operated for more than a thousand years, and it is as solid as gold soup. Next, if you want to return Murong Xuan's mother and daughter with this, should you change it or not?
If you send an insignificant disciple there, let alone whether it is appropriate, you will have doubts about whether you can ascend to the majestic Xuandu, which is known as the highest place in the world.

Finally, after discussion among the people, it was decided that Ye Daoqi, the former Patriarch of the Ye family, would send the letter to Xuandu.

(End of this chapter)

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