That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1290 The Great Ceremony on Lotus Peak

Chapter 1290 The Great Ceremony on Lotus Peak

Not long after Ye Daoqi left Lianhuafeng and went to sea, Jianzong ushered in his own grand event, which was Xu Beiyou's ascension ceremony.

After all, whether it is forming an alliance or co-promoting the leader, they all come under the banner of participating in the Jianzong Sect Master's Ascension Ceremony. If the Ascension Ceremony is not held again, it will be unreasonable.

The ascension ceremony is scheduled for the first day of March, an auspicious day.

Today's Biyou Island, on the Lianhua Peak, is full of festive scenes at this time.It is no longer as simple as putting up lanterns and festoons. For example, there are cranes circling above the blue sky, and koi swimming in the clear lake. Although it is still cold and cold in spring, under the cover of the formation, the whole lotus peak is like spring all the year round. It can be seen that the flowers are in full bloom, the shade of green trees can be seen everywhere, and the green grass and emerald green can be seen everywhere. It is really a fairyland atmosphere, which is different from the world.

The disciples of Jianzong and many guests coming and going on the Lianhua Peak were all dressed up, with happy expressions on their faces.

Today, Jianzong opened the mountain gate to welcome guests from all over the world.

In the early morning, a round of red sun jumped out of the sea of ​​clouds, reflecting half of the sky.With a clear cry, 99 white cranes circled up in a group and rose with the sun.

The sea of ​​clouds was churning, and a gap was forcibly separated between the sea of ​​clouds with great magical powers, as if the gate of heaven was wide open, revealing the peak of Lianhuafeng, which had been shrouded in white clouds for many years. Seeing this scene, countless monks watching the ceremony were all shocked by the skill of Jianzong. For a while, the whole Jianzong was silent, and a needle could be heard.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, 99 white cranes hovered around the Changhong. Amid the sound of the cranes, a colorful light appeared. Among them was a giant bird with nine colorful feathers. Its wings spread nearly twenty feet, and its momentum was terrifying.It is recorded in the Northern Classic of the Great Wilderness: "In the middle of the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain called the Arctic Cabinet. The sea water flows northward. There are nine gods, a human face and a bird body. The sentence is called the Nine Phoenixes." Nine Phoenixes, also known as ghost cars, Gusu birds , the nine human faces are the nine-headed divine bird worshiped by the later builders, that is, the nine-headed bird that is often said by the world.

This bird was originally raised by the Xuan Sect of Houjian, just like the dragon on the Xuandu of the Taoist School, but before Xu Beiyou held the enthronement ceremony, it was given to Jianzong by Wanyan Beiyue as a gift, and Li Xu Bringing it in person can be said to be more courteous and affectionate.

After Jiufeng came into the world, there was a long cry of cranes falling from the sky, resounding in every corner of Lianhua Peak, and then 99 white cranes were seen flying down through the sea of ​​clouds above their heads under the control of specialized monks. Then around the entire peak, circling non-stop.

The nine phoenix soared upwards, and between the flapping of its wings, countless brilliance was sprinkled.

The guests who had recovered from the shock felt that the trip was worthwhile apart from their admiration.

Since early in the morning, many disciples of the Sword Sect have been busy. The Sword Qi Lingkong Hall where the ceremony of ascension to the seat will be held has been redecorated with gold and jade green. Incense is burned, and the smoke curls up.They set up seats for the banquet in the side hall, prepared a lot of delicious wine and delicacies, and even prepared Baihua Niang brewed by Gongsun Zhongmou himself.

This wine is made from the essence of hundreds of flowers, the color is crystal clear, the taste is mild, the taste is mellow, and there is no worry of hangover, even if it is a woman who drinks it, it will not cause any serious problems, it is really a rare good wine.It's just a pity that this wine is very rare in the world, and Xu Beiyou, who is the successor of Gongsun Zhongmou, has not learned the art of brewing wine, so he can only use it to entertain the major lords, and the rest of the people will not have this wine to drink.

On the day before the enthronement ceremony, the three elders including Zhang Xueyao, Qin Mumian, and Bing Chen, as well as the famous Wu Yu, Li Qinglian, Zhang An, Zhang Yuping, Song Guanguan and others, went out separately to accompany the guests from various factions to travel around the 36 islands. Shengjing, today we will gather together on the Lotus Peak to watch the grand ceremony together.The guests who came to congratulate have stayed on the Lotus Peak for more than a day, and they have seen all the scenery, but today the sword sect is re-decorated, which is naturally another kind of atmosphere.

As for Xu Beiyou, the protagonist of this grand ceremony, someone specially assigned for plastic surgery and changing clothes will not come until the last moment.

The time has come, and I saw a rainbow approaching rapidly in the distance, shuttled among the clouds, passed 36 islands, and went straight to the Lianhua Peak.This white brilliance can really be called a bullfighting spirit and a white rainbow penetrating the sun.A monk climbed a height and looked into the distance. It seemed that there was a person walking with a sword in the white rainbow. As the white rainbow got closer, he really saw three women walking side by side, with different appearances. A white-haired woman was the leader. Many monks watching the ceremony made a noise and flew above the nine heavens with their swords. Aren't they just sword immortals?

There are three more women, they are the three famous elders of Jianzong.

After the three elders landed, they first greeted the suzerains and many guests. Now that the suzerain has not shown up, the elder Bing, who is the highest seniority, should be the main one. Zhang Xueyao of Mrs. Xu Beiyou's wife took the lead, and Zhang Xueyao said, "Today, all the visitors are guests. Elder Qin and Wu Yu are preparing for the suzerain's ascension ceremony. The first elder is responsible for receiving the suzerains, and everyone else belongs to their duties."

Everyone complied.

After Bingchen and Qin Mumian left, only Zhang Xueyao was left standing where she was, and behind her stood ten welcoming female disciples, headed by Li Qinglian, all of whom had cultivation levels above the human fairy realm, lined up neatly, The guests from all factions who came to watch the ceremony saw such a battle of Taoism, and they all lamented the strong foundation of Jianzong. Not to mention the top earth immortal monks, even the hardcore human immortal monks don't need money. No wonder they can compete with Taoism.

At the suzerain's residence on the back mountain of Lianhua Peak, the two played chess.

Xu Beiyou raised the cuff of his right hand with his left hand, and held a black jade chess piece between the index finger and middle finger of his right hand. After playing with the chess piece with his two fingers, the piece landed on the chessboard made of thousand-year-old torreya wood. Once the chess piece fell, the demon sword was ready.

Qi Xianyun held a white piece, looked at the chessboard and said: "So, although the current situation seems to be clear, we have the upper hand, but in fact, it is like this demon knife. It is difficult to break the situation."

While speaking, Qi Xianyun fell down.

Afterwards, both of them remained silent, and quickly moved alternately.

At the No.20 sixth move, Bai Zi, who seemed to have a clear situation at first, was gone.

When second-hand, Bai Zi collapses.

Qi Xianyun twirled a white ball, but refused to drop it for a long time, pondering for a long time.Snapped!Instead of landing on the board, the pieces are put back into the box.

Qi Xianyun pitched in to admit defeat.

Xu Beiyou looked at the chessboard and said: "Although it is difficult to break the demon sword's formula, but at this time the person playing chess is not you, but the real person who is in charge. With his chess strength, he may have a countermeasure."

Before Qi Xianyun could answer, Xu Beiyou looked up at the sky, put the chess piece back in his hand, and said, "The time has come."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and turned into a long rainbow rising from the ground.

The next moment, a huge beam of light landed on the white jade square in front of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall.

Everyone knows that the master of Jianzong has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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