Chapter 1292
Apart from Gongsun Zhongmou's accident, this Jianzong's ascension ceremony was probably the most concise and brief, but it was also the most visited one.After presiding over the ceremony, Zhang Xueyao's eye circles were faintly red, because as an old man of Jianzong, she knew better than anyone else that Jianzong could make it to today's difficulties. I dare not hope to reproduce half of the glory when the master was alive. Under such circumstances, it is a blessing to be able to keep the inheritance of Jianzong's incense and the last bit of foundation.But at that time, she would never have imagined that after just a few years, Jianzong not only kept the last foundation, but also returned to Biyou Island, took back the lost 36 islands, and was able to recover Form an alliance with Buddhism, Xuanjiao, Confucianism, Molun Temple, Tianji Pavilion and other sects to fight against Taoism.

All of this is due to Xu Beiyou. It doesn't matter whether the times make heroes or heroes make the times. In a word, without Xu Beiyou, there would be no Jianzong today.

Originally, Zhang Xueyao wanted to ask Xu Beiyou how confident he was in fighting Qiuye, but after seeing today's scene, she suddenly felt that there was no need to do anything more.

Half an hour later, after the disciple turned pale, Xu Beiyou exchanged greetings with all the guests, and went to the side hall of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall to have a banquet together. At the same time, there was also a large banquet in Lianhua Town. After the banquet, this time the promotion The grand ceremony is considered a successful conclusion.

At the banquet, Xu Beiyou naturally sat at the same table with Qiuyue, Lan Yu and others, because he was the host and it was his happy event, so he drank a lot of wine, all of which were the best Baihua wine, and the alcohol was mellow. In order to resolve it, after the banquet was over, he already had a sense of fumes, but unfortunately there was no Xiao Zhinan here, so Xu Beiyou had to leave the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall alone, and came to the suzerain's residence. I saw Qin Mumian at a secluded corner.

Qin Mumian obviously had been waiting here for some time, and it was not by chance that she met Xu Beiyou. After seeing Xu Beiyou, she hesitated for a moment, and said, "There are some things I didn't want to say at first, but in the end, I still think I should say it."

Xu Beiyou smiled, raised his hand and said as he walked.

Qin Mumian nodded and turned to walk side by side.

When Xu Beiyou sat on the Moyu throne, it meant that he was already the veritable master of the Sword Sect, and he was on the same level as the elder Qin Mumian.But in private, Xu Beiyou didn't want to deliberately put on airs of the suzerain, and was still willing to regard Qin Mumian as a close elder, and it was better to get along casually.

Xu Beiyou, who was three points drunk, closed his eyes lightly, and said, "Aunt Qin, don't rush to speak, let me make a guess first. Aunt Qin is here to persuade me. It is fine to persuade me to fight against Taoism, but don't fight with me." Autumn leaves divide life and death."

Xu Beiyou opened his eyes, turned to look at Qin Mumian, and asked with a smile, "Aunt Qin, am I right?"

Qin Mumian nodded, and said, "There is no friendship between Qiuye and I, and I have no intention of speaking for him. I just think your move is too risky. You said that you have just been married for only two years, and you have been sealed as Wei." King, under your control, the Sword Sect is at its peak again. You have a family and a career, and you have the opportunity to ascend to the sky, which many people can't get. Why bother to compete with Qiu Ye, a notorious person? worth."

Xu Beiyou paused, and said softly, "I know Aunt Qin's kindness, but..."

Before Xu Beiyou could finish speaking, Qin Mumian interrupted: "I know you want to avenge your teacher, but I also said something, when will you avenge your grievances? Those are the grievances of the older generation, and you have to participate in it again, and don't worry about it." Talking about whether there is an end, what if you lose, what do you ask Xiao Zhinan to do, what about us people? What about your master and the ancestors of the Sword Sect?"

Qin Mumian paused, then sighed: "I know these words, you may not like to hear them, but I still want to say them. Don't think that if you become the master of Jianzong, you will not recognize me as an elder. There is no such good thing, you like to hear it I want to say, and I will say what you don't like to hear."

Xu Beiyou said helplessly, "Why don't you recognize Aunt Qin?"

Qin Mumian let out a long sigh and did not speak again.

The two remained silent all the way until they reached Xu Beiyou's Suzerain's residence.

Xu Beiyou stopped in his tracks and asked, "Aunt Qin, come in and have a seat?"

Qin Mumian gave him a blank look: "Why do you go in? Go in and drink some tea, and then continue wasting your tongue?"

Xu Beiyou said, "Where are these words?"

Qin Mumian looked at Xu Beiyou, stood on tiptoe a little, then stretched out his palm to touch Xu Beiyou's head, who was taller than himself, and said softly, "I know I can't persuade you, but I just can't utter some words. Having said that, I feel happy in my heart, so I will tell you one last thing, it is true that you want revenge, but don’t die, the world is not as good as being alive, since you recognize me as an elder, then I will make you ugly As I said before, if you dare to die before me, I will betray Jianzong."

Xu Beiyou snorted, "Aunt Qin, don't just say such bad words just because you are an elder."

Qin Mumian withdrew his palm and scolded with a smile: "Boy Xu, go get on with your business, and I, an idler, won't be an eyesore here."

Xu Beiyou cupped his fists and saluted Qin Mumian.

Qin Mumian turned around and left in a chic manner, and finally waved his hands with his back to Xu Beiyou as farewell.

Xu Beiyou smiled, turned around and entered the suzerain's residence.

In the next period of time, he will retreat here, hoping to step into the lofty realm above the eighteenth floor, and then welcome the arrival of autumn leaves with the best posture.

Counting from the 20th year of Taiping, he has been waiting for this battle for nearly five years.

For some senior monks, five years is really nothing, just a flick of a finger, but for Xu Beiyou, who is just 25 years old, these five years are equivalent to one-fifth of his life. Waiting for this day, whether it is long or not, it is really not short.

Xu Beiyou walked slowly along the small path in the courtyard, and when he came to a water pavilion, he turned his head and looked west.

If the location of Jianzong is the East China Sea in the east of the world, then all the way to the west is Kunlun, the ancestor of the Wanshan Mountains in the west of the world.Above West Kunlun is the Taoist Profound Capital known as the Heavenly White Jade Palace.

In Xu Beiyou's eyes, there was a strong purple air lingering, which made his vision penetrate the sky and the earth, and through a distance of thousands of miles, he saw the Zixiao Palace above Xuandu.

Xu Beiyou standing on Lianhua Peak and the purple-clothed Taoist standing on Dutian Peak were separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, and they looked at each other.

The sea of ​​clouds around Lianhua Peak suddenly rolled away.

But in the Tianchi on Dutian Peak, countless waves were also set off.

Xu Beiyou withdrew his gaze and said softly, "Xu is waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)

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