That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1301 Another Uninvited Guest Arrives

Chapter 1301 Another Uninvited Guest Arrives
In the past many years, the lords of the sword sects of all dynasties have been the top people in the world, and every few generations, there will be amazing talents such as Shangguan Xianchen, which is different from the Daoist sect who has ascended people for generations. Shengjing, there are very few sword sect masters who have a good death. Shangguan Xianchen had already achieved great longevity, but it was a pity that his success fell short. Wu Yanzi, the twelfth generation patriarch, was one of the few masters of the sword sect who had a good death. It's a pity that the innate aptitude is not satisfactory, and he failed to understand the principle of ascension in his life, and stopped at the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal.

Until Xu Beiyou was born in the sky, first he climbed to the top of the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal, and later he became the only one in the world with one sword and one sword. Compared with Shangguan Xianchen back then, he slaughtered the Demon Town Hall, suppressed the Ghost King Palace, and overthrew the world. The Molun Temple runs across the river north and south, and there is no one to resist it.

Later, he got a great fortune, successfully proved the opportunity of ascension, and set foot on the eighteenth floor of the earth fairy.The whole world is shocked by this young man who is not yet [-] years old. Such an achievement can even be said to be unprecedented, so many people firmly believe that under the leadership of this young man, Jianzong will make a comeback and reappear the heyday of the year meteorological.

But then again, there are yin and yang in all things, there are those who believe, and there are naturally those who don't. Although Xu Beiyou has achieved the realm of great longevity above the eighteenth floor, the Shangguan Xianchen back then was also in the realm of great longevity. Death?Besides, Xu Beiyou's opponent this time is Qiu Ye, the head teacher of the Taoist sect who has been sitting on the No.1 position in the world for decades. It is not to be underestimated.

So whether you believe it or not, whether Xu Beiyou can break the shackles of the ancestors of the Sword Sect, or follow in the footsteps of Shangguan Xianchen, lies in this battle.

The location of this battle was chosen by Xu Beiyou on the Lianhua Peak of Biyou Island, which is also the place where Qiuye and Gongsun Zhongmou fought.When Xu Beiyou set foot here for the first time.This sapphire-paved square is full of majestic and vigorous sword marks, and the eyes are full of ravines and fragments.After the battle between Qiuye and Gongsun Zhongmou, it became more and more dilapidated.

It was not until Jianzong returned to Biyou Island that the place was rebuilt and white jade floor tiles were re-paved to distinguish it from Jianzong back then. According to Zhang Yuping, Tianji Pavilion used the best materials to repair this place. It cost a full 400 million taels of silver, which is comparable to an inch of land and an inch of gold.

Xu Beiyou raised his foot and stomped on the ground a few times, made a crisp sound, and looked up again.

There is no grand scene where the nine earth immortals come together, only the clouds roll and the clouds relax.

Qiu Ye, who set foot on Lianhua Peak, stood at the edge of this white jade square, her purple Taoist robe fluttering in the wind, her hands behind her back, neither urging Xu Beiyou, nor showing the slightest tension in facing the enemy of life and death.

Xu Beiyou looked at Qiuye, somewhat in a daze.Thinking back to the time when I traveled north and south with my master, when I first heard about the [-]th floor of the Earth Immortal, I really felt that it is extremely difficult to set foot on the Earth Immortal in this life, and it is tantamount to dreaming to climb to the eighteenth floor.When I first saw this master teacher coming in a small boat on the coast of the East China Sea, I felt that he was full of immortal demeanor, but I couldn't tell what kind of immortal he was.When I climbed to the top step by step, especially above the [-]th floor, which is enough to overlook the [-]th floor of the Earth Immortal, I will know the power of the real head teacher in front of me. , The root lies in the saying in the three thousand words of Taoist ancestors that "Tao begets one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things".

As far as the roads under their feet are concerned, Qiuye is of course wider than Xu Beiyou, but Xu Beiyou seeks the way with a sword, and has a different kind of atmosphere, whether it is the ups and downs of the internal energy mechanism, or the refinement of the essence and alchemy. Form, all of them are at the peak of perfection. After stepping on the [-]th floor, it is better to say that Xu Beiyou has achieved Tao with the sword, and controlled the sword with the Tao. This is Xu Beiyou's daring to invite battle The confidence of Qiuye is that Xu Beiyou is not as good as Qiuye who has comprehended the way of heaven for many years on the road of Dao, but he is better than Qiuye on the road of art. It is difficult to have a real distinction between superior and inferior.

There is no distinction between high and low, only life and death.

Xu Beiyou held Zhu Xian by his waist, and finally said, "It's been a long time, Master Master."

Qiu Ye said: "It's only four years, but it's just a flick of a finger."

Xu Beiyou smiled, "Four years may be very short for the real head teacher. But for me, it is really not short. For the past four years, Xu has always wanted to ask the real head teacher for help. Give me justice."

Maybe it's been a long time since I heard such straightforward words, especially from a younger generation, it is even more precious. Qiuye lost his mind for a moment, remembering the last time he fought with Gongsun Zhongmou, he He only said two sentences, one was "please sword", only two words.One sentence is "Where are three swords enough, and one more sword", in response to what Qiu Ye said, "The poor will take your last sword, after the three swords, the poor will not keep your hand", before and after the move, there are words like Jin, a full-fledged swordsman's style of acting.

But the young man in front of him is very different, maybe because he only followed Gongsun Zhongmou for half a year, or maybe because he has a adoptive father who was born in Confucianism, so he is very different from the former Jianzong people. In the same way, there must always be a reason and rules, and it is rare to draw a sword when there is a disagreement.

Perhaps, only such a person can break the shackles of Jianzong for many years.

Qiu Ye suddenly came back to her senses, looked at Xu Beiyou who was far away from her, and then at Zhu Xian on his waist, and sighed, not knowing whether she was regretful or emotional.

Qiuye’s trip to Lianhuafeng on Biyou Island this time is fast and slow, roughly like the flying speed of an ordinary earth fairy, not to mention traveling in the sea and in the evening, during this journey , He thought about many things, about the future of Taoism, and about the upcoming battle.

In Qiuye's view, there is not much difference between this battle and the previous battle on Jundao. The only difference is that Xiao Xuan acted against the way of heaven and was not tolerated by the way of heaven, while Xu Beiyou acted in accordance with the way of heaven, although he may not necessarily occupy The general trend, but there is no need to be suppressed by the Dao of Heaven at the critical moment.

No matter how it is calculated, the outcome between the two is about five or five, no one is too much, no one is less.

At this moment, Xu Beiyou finally pulled out Zhu Xian slowly from his waist, leaned his long sword on the ground, and rested his palm on the hilt of the sword.

Zhu Xian's whole body is black and purple, from the hilt to the body of the sword, there are two auras of purple and blue, like two long dragons entangled, covered by white light outside, and red light looming inside.

But Xu Beiyou still didn't rush to make a move, and looked up again.

In fact, besides Murong Xuan and Qi Xianyun, there was still one spectator in this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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