Chapter 1317
The purple-clothed Taoist with a broken crown looked down at Xu Beiyou whose hands were showing bones, and asked, "Is there still a sword of immortality?"

At this time, Xu Beiyou, who had no sword in his hand, did not answer Qiuye's question, but looked down at the white bones exposed in the palms of his hands, and allowed the flesh and blood to heal slowly. Up to now, the two of them can be regarded as equally divided, although at this time The sight of Xu Beiyou's hands is horrifying, but it's just a flesh trauma, nothing serious.

Qiu Ye didn't take it seriously, and smiled lightly, "That means there is another sword."

In the moment of speaking, Xu Beiyou's hands had healed as before, and there was no sign of any injuries at all. He stretched out his palms and held them, as if holding an invisible sword, and then sank his body weight, posing a The most common and unremarkable sword movement.

Qiu Ye put her hands behind her back, her eyes were calm and without ripples.

Xu Beiyou drew out his sword.

Then Qiu Ye standing on the top of the Linglong Pagoda saw Xu Beiyou take a step forward, and there was an almost substantial sword intent in the world.

When Qiu Ye felt this sword intent, it was too late to dodge. Being touched by the sword intent, there was tearing pain on both body and soul, as if to be torn in half by this sword intent.

Xu Beiyou's sword was so fast that it was difficult for a living immortal like Qiuye to dodge the sword.

Qiuye's figure began to shake continuously, and finally a cloud of blood mist exploded on the chest. Although the good-looking teacher's robe was not broken, it oozes blood, and there is an invisible sword energy entwined and circulated. Qiu Ye looked down, frowned, stretched out her hand to grab the rooting sword energy, and regardless of physical injuries, directly tore off the sword energy and pulled it out, making it impossible to see the effect.

The invisible sword in Xu Beiyou's hand was still there, but it was invisible.

Xu Beiyou took another step forward.

Qiu Ye, who had just pulled out the sword energy from her body, was stabbed by the sword again, and the whole person suddenly fell backwards, and flew backwards uncontrollably, but in the process of flying backwards, Qiu Ye's hands Jue Jue, two thunder balls appeared around his body, one Yin and one Yang, swirling around his body circle after circle, weakening the sword potential layer by layer, until Qiu Ye stopped retreating At that time, the two thunder balls dissipated together with the aftertaste of this sword.

Holding the three feet in his hand, Xu Beiyou took his third step, so close to the end of the world, he flew in front of Qiuye in an instant, and the invisible three feet in his hand pierced Qiuye's body in an instant, passing through without a moment's stagnation.

Dazzling blood flowed from Qiuye's chest, and completely dyed the long sword pierced into his chest red.

It wasn't until this moment that Qiu Ye saw the true face of this sword, it was very similar to the previous three swords of Zhu Xian, Killing Xian, and Trapping Immortal, and it seemed to be the fourth sword of Jue Xian.

The four swords of Zhu Xian each have their own magical effects.Zhu Xian is sharp and invincible.Killing the Immortal Master kills, it hurts immediately.The spirit of trapping immortals is heavy, and there is red light everywhere.

Only Juexian is the most mysterious, known as infinite changes.

At this time, Xu Beiyou used the Absolute Immortal, invisible and formless, seemingly virtual and real, making it difficult for people to guard against, even Qiuye was no exception.

Qiu Ye looked down at the three-foot green front on her chest, and said slowly, "What a Da Luo fairy's blood-stained clothes."

Before the words fell, Xu Beiyou was about to pull out the sword from Qiuye's chest, but unexpectedly, Qiuye reached out and grabbed the edge of Juexian's sword, the palm of his hand was filled with lightning, and collided with Juexian's sword Afterwards, countless electric sparks splashed.

Xu Beiyou released Juexian without hesitation and stepped back. Almost at the same time, the palm of Qiuye who was holding Juexian turned over, and the world was turned upside down.

Xu Beiyou, who was standing between the sky and the earth, also overturned, and his whole body's energy and blood flowed backward.

Xu Beiyou's figure made a crackling sound, as if being crushed by an invisible millstone.

The purple gold body of the Taoist school is similar to the physique of a martial artist, and its physique is stronger than the golden body of the Buddhist school, and it can even make ordinary magic weapons far behind.After reaching the realm of the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal, he can almost ignore ordinary injuries. Qiu Shen, who has also achieved a purple-gold body, knows that to deal with the body of a human immortal, it is better to injure ten fingers than to cut off one finger.

After Xu Beiyou and Qiuye became in a state of fire and water, many famous monks summed up their practice.The path of Qiuye lies in the word "complexity", thousands of opportunities and thousands of changes, all methods are unified and then all methods are unified.And Xu Beiyou's path lies in the word "simple", only the word sword, Xu Beiyou no longer pays attention to any supernatural powers, only a three-foot green sharp edge, one sword can turn tens of millions, no matter what mysterious means you have, there is only one sword.

Many people are imagining, if the most complicated encounters are the easiest, which is stronger and weaker?
We can see the outcome today.

One positive and the other negative, the two mighty dynasties continuously crushed Xu Beiyou's physique like a millstone of heaven and earth. Xu Beiyou bounced several times in a row, but failed to hit the fleeting key point. After more than ten consecutive punches without success, Xu Beiyou bent his finger, but it didn't pop out for a long time, and his body remained motionless.

Xu Beiyou was quite surprised. This mysterious method of turning the world into a prison should come from the secrets of the Taoist sect. As the head teacher of the Taoist sect, it is not too unexpected for Qiuye to be able to use this method. What caught Xu Beiyou off guard was that Qiuye was able to use this method to such an extent that he could feel the flaws in it, but he couldn't grasp this key point, so he could only keep being exhausted and couldn't escape. This side of the cage.

Xu Beiyou knew in his mind that with his current state, it would take him an hour to show signs of decline. An hour could be long or short, but if it dragged on for a long time, it would be enough for Qiu Ye to turn the tide of the battle.

The positive and negative qi mechanisms kept interlacing back and forth, as if they never stopped, Xu Beiyou's physique gradually became unstable, but he was still waiting, still holding his fingers.

After half a stick of incense had passed, Xu Beiyou suddenly snapped his fingers three times without warning.

Suddenly there was a dull thunderous crash between the sky and the earth, and it continued.

Xu Beiyou's finger just landed on the intersection point of the two qi mechanisms, breaking through the cage of the reversal of heaven and earth in one fell swoop.

After Xu Beiyou escaped from the cage, his figure disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, hundreds of afterimages of Xu Beiyou appeared in front of Qiuye, condensed but not scattered.

Xu Beiyou used fingers to represent swords, and kept drawing swords. These hundreds of figures are the most brilliant sword manual in the world.

Qiu Ye could only retreat again and again, relying on her innocent body and purple-gold body, to be simple and humble.

Between the advance and retreat of the two, countless afterimages stretched over half of the peak of Lianhua Peak.

In the end, Xu Beiyou pointed at Qiuye's forehead, as if the whole world was stagnant.

The afterimages behind Xu Beiyou began to slowly dissipate.

Xu Beiyou looked at the autumn leaves.

Qiu Ye's expression was calm, and she looked at Xu Beiyou calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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