Chapter 1323
After this sword strike, the battle between living immortals finally came to an end.

Qiu Ye sighed softly, and retracted the Linglong Tower. The Linglong Tower, which was as tall as a mountain, began to shrink, and became three feet high again, and was held in the palm of Qiu Ye.

At the same time, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian that originally suppressed the Linglong Pagoda also turned into four streamers and flew out of the tower, and then the four swords returned to the Sword of Zhu Xian, which was held by Xu Beiyou.

The left hand Zhu Xian, the right hand the emperor.

The two most powerful swords in the world are in your hands. Looking at the world, who is worthy of the opponent?

At this moment, Xu Beiyou's imposing manner was incomparable.

Qiu Ye looked calm, but there were layers of waves in the heart lake.

Because he already had a premonition that the next moment would be the time for the two to really decide the outcome or even life and death.

It's like a transition from old to new.

The cold winter that has occupied this world for too long still wants to bring down a cold spring, but the belated Chinese New Year can't wait for the grass to grow.

Holding two swords in his hands, Xu Beiyou swept forward with one step.

In an instant, he rushed in front of Qiuye, and Zhu Xian chopped off his head.

Qiu Ye set up the Linglong Pagoda to block Zhu Xian, bent the middle finger, ring finger, and little finger of the left hand, and straightened the index finger and thumb. There were six seals around the palm, and then pushed forward flatly, trying to break Xu Beiyou's chest.

After all, in the fight just now, Xu Beiyou's chest had already been hit by Du Tianyin, if he could do it again, it should be able to directly shatter his heart.

But before Qiuye made a move, the Tianzi sword in Xu Beiyou's right hand had already crossed his chest in front of his chest, facing the sword, forcing Qiuye to withdraw his palm.

Under such circumstances, Qiuye could only retreat backwards.

Xu Beiyou followed like a shadow, always keeping within three feet of Qiuye.

Three feet in front of you is invincible.

Autumn leaves can only retreat again and again.

Xu Beiyou's figure suddenly accelerated, and the distance between him and Qiuye shortened from three feet to two feet, and then Zhu Xian shot, easily piercing Qiuye's lower abdomen.

The two passed by each other, and Zhu Xian also came out through his body.

Xu Beiyou held Zhu Xian again and strolled in the courtyard.

But Qiuye could only hold onto the abdominal wound, staggering.

If Xu Beiyou didn't have the Tianzi Sword, the fight just now would have been a result of injury for injury, but Xu Beiyou had more Tianzi Sword, and Qiuye lacked the Dutian Seal, so the fight just now became Qiuye's loss and Xu Beiyou's A sure-fire deal.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Beiyou turned around, and then attacked Qiuye's back with the Tianzi sword in his right hand.

This sword is extremely random, so random that it doesn't belong to any of the swords 36.

But at this moment, the Daoist Daoist Master holding the Linglong Pagoda in his hand didn't have the slightest intention of resisting, and his figure disappeared in a flash.When it reappeared, it was already tens of feet away, still holding the Linglong Pagoda.

Although Qiuye still had some strength left, she was not sure about this sword.

It is true that the Linglong Pagoda is the world's number one defensive weapon, but Jade Immortal is also the number one offensive weapon. Even if the Linglong Tower can block Jade Immortal, if you add a Tianzi Sword, then it cannot be foolproof.

Holding two swords in hand, Xu Beiyou swept forward again.

A mighty sword energy and a mighty sword intent followed.

Qiu Ye began to retreat, tossing and turning on the Lotus Peak, appearing and disappearing again and again, desperately dodging.

When Xu Beiyou moved forward, he laughed loudly and said: "The head teacher of the dignified Taoist sect, how is it proper to dodge like this?"

Akiba didn't speak.

At this time, the verbal dispute was meaningless, and Xu Beiyou's move was just to disturb his mood.

The next moment, Xu Beiyou threw Zhu Xian in his left hand into the air, leaving only the Son of Heaven sword in his right hand.

I saw Zhu Xian flying into the air at this moment, once again transforming into four with one.

The four swords formed a sword formation with awe-inspiring killing intent, and fell with a bang, and then a soaring sword aura shot straight at Jiutian Qingming.

From a distance, it seems that there are four huge pillars standing on the four sides of the Lotus Peak, so that the entire Lotus Peak is under this killing array.

Qiu Ye, who was in it, inevitably froze for a moment.

Then Xu Beiyou jumped up high, like a long rainbow hanging in the air, and slashed at Qiuye fiercely with the Son of Heaven Sword.

The hustle and bustle was everywhere, and the autumn leaves slid back more than ten feet, from the forehead between the brows to the chin, there was a bright red line of blood, and blood slowly seeped from it.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Xu Beiyou's figure gradually appeared. I saw this young junior pointing down with a long sword in his hand. , You want to make the Daoist sect last forever, but how can there be any real immortality in this world? You want to grasp everything in your hands, but the end result is that you can't grasp anything. "

The Linglong Pagoda hanging above Qiuye's head emits brilliant golden light, but before it drops a mysterious yellow aura, the Zhuxian Sword Formation covering the entire Lotus Peak moves accordingly, arousing the sword energy to hit the Linglong Pagoda, Arouse bursts of ripples, so that it can't let down the mysterious and yellow air, let alone protect the autumn leaves.

Countless black and yellow auras shattered, like countless golden sands scattered with the wind, or dissipated between heaven and earth, or flew into the higher nine heavens, and flew to unknown distances with the strong wind, or It was directly beheaded by Zhu Xian's sword energy.

Without Dutian Seal and Linglong Pagoda, how can Qiuye win at this time?
Xu Beiyou was not in a hurry to draw his sword, he just stood there and asked, "Qiuye, do you have a last word?"

Qiu Ye said calmly: "No matter how I live or die, I only hope that you can keep your promise and let their mother and daughter go."

Xu Beiyou raised the Emperor Sword and pointed at Qiuye, "I will."

Qiu Ye took a deep breath, and the color of crystal clear glass appeared on the outer skin of the whole person, which was clearly visible, and gradually recovered the vitality.

There is a saying in Taoism that three flowers gather at the top and five qi are towards the Yuan. Those who get these two can ascend to the sky.

Xu Beiyou didn't say much anymore, and brazenly drew his sword.

Sword 35, a sword to open up the ground.

There was a muffled bang, and the earth trembled.

A huge qi ripple spread to the surroundings, covering every corner of the Jade Immortal Sword Formation.

Everything within this range, whether it is a person or an object, is completely reduced to powder.

The Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, which had not suffered much damage during the previous fierce battle, was directly turned into powder at this moment, leaving no trace of its existence.

Qi Xianyun and Murong Xuan in the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall were lucky to be protected by the Dragon Stele Book of Heaven, so they did not die under the mighty power of this sword.

But the entire Lotus Peak encountered a catastrophe, and was chopped off by this sword to a height of three feet.

After a sword strike, Qiuye couldn't stand up, and could only lie down on the mottled ground.

At this time, he was covered in blood, soaking through the skirt of his clothes, and he was already powerless to fight.

However, Qiuye was far from dead, and she didn't show resentment, she just looked at this young junior quietly.

Then another autumn leaf with a slightly illusory figure got up and floated upwards.

At the same time, clouds of five colors converged on the sky, and pillars covered with ancient seal characters supported the majestic Gate of Heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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