That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 1340 Three generations of flowers bloom and wither

Chapter 1340
One Jiazi spring and autumn come, and the flowers of three generations bloom and fade.

Xiaofangzhai can only be regarded as an unpopular village in the northwest, with barren land and a small population.

The young and strong people in the village, whoever has a little ambition, don't want to plan food in the soil, and go out to make a living one after another.

For those with lofty ambitions, go directly to the imperial capital, or to Jiangdu, the world of flowers and flowers in the south of the Yangtze River.Those who are a little bit short, go to Zhongdu, the land of Longxing, the Taizu of this dynasty, or go to the capital of Shanzhou.The worst thing is to go to Danxia Village, the largest village in Xiheyuan.

Leaving aside how many of these young people can gain a foothold outside, we only need to say that there are only [-] families left in Xiaofangzhai today.Most of these thirty families are old and weak, women and children, and they seem to be forgotten people, living in this barren land without contending with the world.

Perhaps it is because it is too remote and sparsely populated that not only escaped the battle in the early years, but also escaped the chaos of the San Francisco this time. From the beginning to the end, the sound of horseshoes and fighting , screams, wailing, arrows piercing through the air, and artillery roaring will always exist in the storyteller's mouth.

But there is no storyteller in such a small village, so these voices will never be heard here, and the people who live here think that the world is always peaceful outside.

Speaking of storytellers, Xiaofangzhai doesn’t have them, but Danxiazhai does.After all, Danxiao Village is one of the best big villages in the Northwest, especially as the dust settles on the grassland, there is no longer a chaotic scene of panic, but a flourishing scene full of flowers.

For Danxia Village, the most intuitive change is that there are more performers in Golan Washeri, more restaurants and inns in Shaozhai Village, more merchants who have not seen for a long time, and fewer soldiers in armor. , there are many less hasty-looking tycoons in the rivers and lakes, and many yellow-faced and emaciated refugees.

Although Danxia Village is unavoidably pale in comparison to the Huahua World in the Central Plains, or even not worth mentioning, it is barely one of the best places in this impoverished northwest region.

Already very good.

Today, three people and three horses came here from the bustling world, but they didn't break the tranquility here. They looked like a family of three, and they didn't have the arrogance of aristocratic background, just ordinary.

However, if someone who knows horses is here, they will be surprised, because the horse the three of them ride has a faint purple color, which is actually very similar to the legendary Sa Luzi.Even if the horses are like this, let alone the owners of these horses, their status can no longer be described by the word "rich", and the word "noble" must be added after "rich".

The leader is a [-]-year-old man. Baoguang is introverted. At first glance, he will give people a feeling of spring breeze, and it is inevitable to get close to him. However, the purple mark on the center of his eyebrows reminds others all the time Well, he is not an ordinary person in the market, but an immortal figure in the sky that is difficult for ordinary people to touch in a lifetime, which is enough to make ordinary people daunted and then deterred.

Next to the man is a beautiful woman. If the man is already extremely not vulgar and has the air of a fairy, then this woman is like a fairy descending from the earth. Just her appearance makes people think that there is nothing more than a fairy in the sky.She didn't wear a veil, nor did she use a veil to cover her face, she just appeared in the Danxia village so openly, looking around, no one dared to look at her.

After all, such a fairy character must be the fairy couple in the storyteller's mouth. Who thinks it's too long to provoke such a fairy character?

In addition to this couple, there is also a half-grown child who looks friendly but is actually full of arrogance in his bones. From this point of view, he is much worse than his father's morals.

Looking at the scene that hasn't changed too much, the husband and wife were filled with emotion.

The young man was a little confused, unable to figure out why his mother dragged himself and his father to such a remote place after receiving Aunt Jinxiu and the princes of the grassland in Zhongdu City.

Is there an old friend here too?
It doesn't look like it, although it is true that my father was born in the northwest and grew up in the northwest, but it is Xiaofangzhai in the northwest, not Danxiazhai.

What's more, there was a big battle between Xu Lin, the governor of the Liao Dynasty, and the shepherd of the Liao king. Although the battle was dark and tragic, and even affected the general situation of the world in the future, that battle is almost over. It's been 80 years, so there's no need to come here to nostalgia, right?

Then he heard his father and mother talk about many past events that he hadn't heard them mention.

My father said that it was only after seeing those six horses here that he realized how big the outside world was.

Then he talked about the riders back then, Li Yanliang and the other three brothers are now serving in the Northwest Army, especially Li Yanliang, who has reached the high position of the right commander, can be said to be the lintel of time.And that local local snake, although he failed to climb in the officialdom, relied on his father's connections to start a caravan trade over the years, traveling between Shanzhou and grasslands, Houjian, Julucheng and other places for many years , Now it can be regarded as a wealthy businessman.

Only Duanmuyu, the person with the highest status back then, ended up the worst, committing suicide in the imperial prison of the Dark Guard Mansion.Looking back now, I am really emotional.

The young man had heard of the name Duanmuyu, and his father, Duanmu Ruisheng, was once an important minister of the imperial court, but the whole clan was exterminated only because of rebellion. It seems that Duanmu Ruisheng was beheaded by his father himself. Feeling emotional, is it possible that father is still old with that Duanmuyu?

Then he heard his mother ask his father if he had forgotten someone.

The father laughed and replied, of course he has not forgotten, and no one can forget Her Royal Highness.

Back then, Her Royal Highness the Princess told him not to stay in this small place for the rest of his life, if he had the opportunity, he must go out and see the vast world outside.

The young man became more and more confused when he heard it, and another Her Royal Highness came out of nowhere.

Today, there are only three princesses in the world, one is Princess Chongning of Houjian, who is his grandfather's aunt, the other is Princess Yongjia, who is his mother's aunt, and the other is Prince Qingluan. The princess is his aunt, why did a so-called Her Royal Highness come out again.

Suddenly, he had an inspiration.

Dad said it seems to be more than ten years ago?
Calculating the time carefully, it seemed that Grandpa Huang was in power at that time, so could this Her Royal Highness be the mother.

Xiao Shizheng finally realized suddenly.

It turned out that this is where father and mother met.

Xiao Zhinan turned his head to look at Xu Beiyou with gentle eyes.

When she looked at the man in front of her, she was like a thriving green tree in the forest. Even if there were differences, they would disappear in the vast forest.

But looking at it today, this thriving green tree has grown into a towering tree.

The majestic stands in the forest, standing upright.

(End of this chapter)

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