That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 15 Joyful Avalokiteshvara

Chapter 15 Joyful Avalokiteshvara

After Xu Beiyou and Zhiyun entered the room, Zhiyun immediately transformed into a frightened little rabbit with his arms crossed, and he didn't even take off his robe.

Xu Beiyou can talk eloquently in front of the children of several aristocratic families, but it doesn't mean that he can handle things with ease in front of women. In this kind of matter, he is a complete rookie with no experience at all.Moreover, seeing Zhiyun's face as if he was facing a formidable enemy, he didn't know if it was because of the subtle psychology of self-esteem or inferiority that he couldn't tell. Most of the original charming thoughts had already dissipated. Tian Lanjian sat down at the table, poured some water from the teapot on the table, then dipped his index finger in the water and began to write and draw.

Zhiyun carefully sat down on the bed, saw that Xu Beiyou was ignoring him, so he put down his guard, slowly took off the voluminous robe that largely eliminated gender and the turban that covered his face, and asked in a low voice: "You Angry?"

Xu Beiyou shook his head, but did not speak.

Zhiyun subconsciously pinched the corners of his clothes with both hands, feeling a little nervous.

For some reason, Xu Beiyou suddenly remembered the woman riding Sa Luzi. If this was the case, if he just changed to that graceful woman, he might be at a loss and become himself.

Xu Beiyou shook his head again, dispelled this unrealistic thought, and refocused on the matter in front of him.In the past few days, the master explained sword four for him in detail. According to the master, sword 36 is actually a complete set of magic arts step by step. Sword one to sword seven can be classified as swordsmanship. From eighth to sword thirteenth, it has already involved the category of sword energy. You must reach the third rank or above and have enough cultivation base to support it. However, from sword fourteen to sword nineteen, you must change from sword energy to sword intent. One can only touch the realm of the first rank. As for swords twenty to sword thirty-six, they are completely in the category of swordsmanship, and it is not enough to appreciate all the mysteries if you are not in the realm of immortals.

So before reaching the third-rank realm, Xu Beiyou's first task is to memorize Sword One to Sword Seven by heart. You don't need to be able to master them, just memorize them by rote. When you become more and more skilled in the future, you will naturally understand the secrets.

As the sky was getting dark, Xu Beiyou was completely immersed in his own world. He kept pouring water on the table, and then outlined sword moves with simple lines, forgetting that there was another person in the room.Zhiyun on the side became more and more uneasy, he hesitated to speak several times, but when the matter came to an end, he retreated again.In fact, she is also a little girl who has never been in contact with the outside world. Compared with the woman who can read people's hearts, she is timid and cowardly, and she doesn't know how to guess people's hearts, so Xu Beiyou ignored her, and she simply thought Xu Beiyou was angry Yes, even though she didn't know what she did wrong, she still wanted to apologize to Xu Beiyou, just wanting him not to ignore her.

Back then, the woman riding Sa Luzi hesitated to speak because she didn't know how to apologize, because she had never apologized to others.

Now Zhiyun hesitates to speak, the reason is also that she doesn't know how to apologize, but it's because she doesn't know where she is wrong.

About two hours later, the sky was getting dark, Zhiyun quietly turned on the lamp, and Xu Beiyou emptied the pot of water. When he reached out to pick up the teapot again, he found that the teapot was empty, and he came back to his senses .

Then Xu Beiyou suddenly remembered that there was Zhiyun in the room.

Just at this moment, Zhiyun also looked towards Xu Beiyou, looking soft and weak.

If it were replaced by a veteran flower bush, he would be able to see through the little Taoist's mind at a glance.If you are a decent person, a few words of comfort are enough.She is so dirty, she beats snakes with sticks, this little nun who doesn't know how to reject others is afraid that she will be ruined by animals with tears in her eyes.It's a pity that Xu Beiyou is neither a gentleman nor an animal. He is just a bumpkin who has just walked out of Danxia Village. He has a vague understanding of the relationship between men and women.

Xu Beiyou asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Not hungry." Zhiyun whispered, but there was a bit of joy on his face.

Just when Xu Beiyou couldn't understand the necessary connection between "not hungry" and "happy", there was a sudden sound of horseshoes on the street outside the window.

Out of almost instinctive vigilance, Xu Beiyou immediately blew out the oil lamp on the table, then subconsciously took Zhiyun's little hand, and the two of them pressed against the wall on the side of the window. Look out through this gap.

I saw a column of nearly a hundred armored cavalry passing by on the street outside. The leader was a young man in brocade robes. The only one who could have such a majestic young man in Longnan, especially who could use armored soldiers, was that man. Zhang Shihong, the only son of the commander-in-chief with [-] frontier troops.Before entering the city, the old man had already told Xu Beiyou several names not to be easily provoked, including Zhang Shihong's name.This is not to say that the old man is afraid of this general boy, but he just doesn't want to cause trouble for nothing and cause trouble again.

This young man, who is considered to be the best in the region, does not have a handsome face, and he does not have the air of powder and powder that hangs around women all day long. On the contrary, he has a ruthless smell of iron and blood. This kind of temperament is definitely not for killing a few Servants and maids can be trained, and they must have personally killed talents on the battlefield, and there must be more than one.

Next to Zhang Shihong were two figures in black brocade robes, which surprised Xu Beiyou.

Dark Guard!

Xu Beiyou subconsciously wanted to hide, but fortunately, Xu Beiyou was not the only one who hid in the houses on both sides of the street to peek at the scene on the street, so he did not attract the attention of the two hidden guards, and the mighty one hundred The cavalry passed by arrogantly with arrogance and arrogance, leaving only mess and smoke on the ground.

Dark Guard, this is a name that is enough to make people fearful. It is not the first in this dynasty, but originated from the former Dazheng Dynasty. It was created by Xiao Lin, a close minister of Emperor Taizu of Dazheng. The leader of the instigator against the enemy generals is the first-rank secret guard governor, who is called the five governors together with the other four governors. It is worth mentioning that Xiao Lin is the ancestor of the emperor Xiao Yu of this dynasty. After Chan ascended the throne, he was posthumously named Emperor Jing.

It is precisely because the Dark Guard was founded by Xiao Lin that in the Zheng Dynasty, the Xiao family and the Dark Guard have always had an inseparable relationship. Even from Xiao Yu's rise of troops to compete in the world to his enthronement and proclaiming himself emperor, the Dark Guard can be said to have contributed a lot .Therefore, after the world changed from Dazheng to Daqi, the Dark Guard Mansion not only was not deposed, but on the contrary, its power was even more powerful, and it could even be killed first and played later. It is unimaginable to the world. Died at the hands of the hidden guards, it shows how much the royal family Xiao family trusts the dark guards they established and supported.And because of the great power of the Taoist sect in recent years, in order to counter the Suppressing Demon Palace under the Taoist sect, the dark guards have expanded again. Therefore, the three governors in power in the White Tiger Hall of the Dark Guard Mansion are regarded as the third party outside the cabinet and the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. The center can be compared with the supervisor of ceremonies in the previous dynasty.

Offended by such a place of terror, Xu Beiyou said that he was not afraid, which is self-deception, but what can be done if he is afraid?Xu Beiyou didn't think that if he took the initiative to admit his mistake to the dark guard, this group of vicious cold-blooded demons would let him go.

In the final analysis, from the moment Xu Beiyou walked into Chonglong Temple, he was already doomed to live with the dark guard forever.

At this time, the room next to Xu Beiyou's room, which is the old man's room, was empty.

Because not long after the cavalry entered the city, another person strolled into the pass city.

Dressed in beautiful white clothes, she looks like a fairy, with outstanding demeanor.His eyes are like cold stars, his face is like a jade crown, his brows are full of heroism, but also charming and charming. His long black hair is unfettered like a waterfall and falls down to his waist.

The peerless independence is not like a mortal person, but like a banished immortal who fell from the sky.

If there are really people who are overwhelmed by the country, that's all.

The old man with the sword box on his back stood opposite this person, and said softly: "In the world, men are filthy and women are filthy. Du Guanshiyin has both in one body, with a male body and a female appearance, and there is boundless joy."

(End of this chapter)

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