That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 19 2 Dragon Gate 2 Swords

Chapter 19: Twelve Dragon Gates and Twelve Swords

Xu Beiyou and Zhiyun were about to return to the inn after eating, when the old man who didn't know where he was just now suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and said in a deep voice, "There's no need to go back to the inn, we're leaving the city directly."

Xu Beiyou saw his master's serious face, so he didn't ask any more questions, and pulled Zhiyun out of the city with his master.

After passing through Longnan, they officially set foot on the boundary of Xiliang Prefecture, which is often referred to as Beyond the Great Wall by the people of the Central Plains.Here, most of them are the Gobi Desert, with high sky and wide clouds, mixed with grassland scenery.

The old man has been to the Splendid Central Plains and the Merry Jiangnan. If there are four seasons in life, he spent summer and autumn in these two places in his life.As for the Northwest, he visited in spring when he was young, and set foot in winter when he is getting old now.When he was young, he hated the Northwest, because here he tasted the taste of failure for the first time, losing to the person who would rule the world in the future, so he never came again in the following two seasons of "summer" and "autumn". northwest.Now that winter is coming, he actually likes the northwest a little bit. He likes the high sky and wide land here, and he likes to walk alone on the wilderness. Occasionally seeing a trace of people is a pleasant surprise.

However, since there are four seasons, after the four seasons there is a cycle of reincarnation, especially when the increasingly heavy haze begins to permeate the heart, the old man knows that the time left for him by God is not much, so after coming to Xiliangzhou, in the When staying overnight in a Populus euphratica forest, the old man made a decision.

After Zhiyun fell into a deep sleep, the old man called Xu Beiyou aside, and the two sat cross-legged.

The old man asked bluntly, "How does Jian Si remember?"

Xu Beiyou replied truthfully: "Many changes have been memorized, but they are still a little short of what Master said."

The old man nodded and said softly: "The third patriarch among the five northern patriarchs of Taoism once wrote a quatrain with nearly a thousand words in it, two of which are "the sun and the moon in the cave are the sky. The sword in the box Roaring all the time, I swear not to pass it on if I don’t meet my colleagues.’ I deeply agree. When I met you as my teacher more than ten years ago, it was fate, and because your temperament resembled that of my teacher’s late brother Bofu, so I passed on the sword to you as my teacher. After more than ten years, I returned to the northwest as a teacher, and found you again, it is a fate, and this is the word fate, so you are the successor of the teacher."

This time Xu Beiyou understood, but he didn't know what to say.

The old man continued: "I have traveled all over the world as a teacher, and I have seen countless juniors. Some are stunningly beautiful, and some are dull. Among them, your aptitude can only be regarded as an average person. But the mind is first-rate, holding the cicada and watching the sword is really what made me decide to hand over the sword in the box to you. I originally planned to spend 20 years to sharpen your "sword embryo" and make you Forged into a peerless sword, it is a pity that I don't have so much time as a teacher now, so I can only use some tricks."

Xu Beiyou finally understood the meaning behind what Master said. Originally, Master wanted to observe him for a while, but for some reason, Master didn't have that much time, so he planned to teach himself real skills now.

As a result, Xu Beiyou was both a little excited and a little frightened.

The old man raised his hand, and the Tianlan sword behind Xu Beiyou came out of its sheath with a clang, and plunged straight into the ground between the two of them.

With a solemn face, the old man said calmly, "Beiyou, in your opinion, what does this sword look like?"

Xu Beiyou frowned slightly, a little puzzled, hesitantly said: "Is there murderous intent in the sword?"

The old man flicked his fingers, and flicked Xu Beiyou's brain from the air. He said angrily, "This Tianlan has been used by you for ten years and has not been stained with human blood. It has a murderous aura."

Xu Beiyou stretched out his finger and lightly touched the place where he was hit, he couldn't help but gasp, Master's attack was not light, it really hurt like hell!

Seeing that Xu Beiyou was at a loss, the old man could only helplessly ask himself and answered, "There is sword energy and spirit in the sword."

Xu Beiyou looked at the Tianlan sword, he knew the sword energy, but what was the spirit in the sword, so he became more and more confused, and asked in a low voice: "And then?"

The old man sighed, no longer insisting on his understanding in this area, and simply said bluntly: "I will not hide it from you as a teacher. My teacher is a member of the Jianzong, which is the so-called remnant of the Jianzong. My Jianzong has 36 famous swords. , which were handed down by the founder of the sect back then, corresponding to the 36 swords, which contained the sword spirit and spirit left by the ancestors, but because the battle between the sect and the Taoist sect lasted for nearly a thousand years, most of the 36 swords were destroyed and lost, and now only The number of twelve, if you can use all the sword energy and spirit of these twelve famous swords for your own use, then you can step into the realm of the invincible earth fairy."

Xu Beiyou was stunned for a long time before he managed to suppress the turmoil in his heart. Master is an expert in Jianzong?In Xu Beiyou's opinion, this is unexpected and reasonable. Thinking of the sword 36 taught to him by his master, and the sword in Chonglong Temple, he still remembers it vividly. When he thinks about it carefully, only the masters of Jianzong can have it. Such a sharp sword method.

Xu Beiyou was a child who was used to being poor. He never believed in the good things of falling from the sky, so he lowered his voice and asked, "Master, is there such a good thing like getting something for nothing in the world?"

"Get something for nothing?" The old man sneered, "If the Jianzong was prosperous, even if you were the head disciple of the Jianzong, you would not be lucky enough to think about these twelve swords. But now it’s not the same as it was back then, Jianzong is gone, and it’s useless to keep these swords, it’s better to give you a fortune, so as to pass on the incense to Jianzong.”

Xu Beiyou's expression was complicated.

The old man said softly: "On the day Jianzong fell, I only had time to take away two swords, one of which was Tianlan in your hand, and the other ten swords were lost to the world, whereabouts are unknown."

Xu Beiyou said with relief: "I just said that there is no such good thing in the world."

The old man stretched out his hand to grab the Tianlan sword, and the Tianlan sword flew into his palm. He flicked the blade with his fingers, and there was a crisp ding sound. Unexpectedly, the body of Tianlan's sword did not bend in an arc, but rippling out layers like the surface of water. Ripples, and then like clouds rolling and clouds relaxing, completely dissipated all the strength from the old man's fingers.

The old man threw Tian Lan into Xu Beiyou's arms and said, "Look carefully."

Xu Beiyou caught Tian Lan, followed Master's instructions to look carefully, only to find that Tian Lan's sword unexpectedly revealed a lot of obscure talisman patterns at some point, and there was a cold air continuously oozing from the sword, It even gave him the illusion that what he was holding was not Tian Lan, but a piece of solid ice.

The old man said flatly: "This is the true face of Tianlan Sword."

The eye-opening Xu Beiyou said with emotion: "This is the so-called spirituality, right? Sure enough, there is divine intent on the sword."

The old man smiled slightly, and suddenly pointed at Tian Lan in Xu Beiyou's arms.

The sword energy contained in Tian Lan instantly diffused.

Forced by the sword energy, Xu Beiyou's body stiffened instantly, unable to move an inch.

The current sword fairy said softly: "Today, as a master, I will teach you how to draw sword energy and spirit from the sword!"

While speaking, the old man began to snap his fingers continuously, and every time he snapped his fingers, a wisp of azure breath gushed out from the sword, lingering around Xu Beiyou.

In the end, a total of [-] breaths entered Xu Beiyou's body from various acupuncture points in his body.

Xu Beiyou's lower dantian qi sea, which was originally like a small pond, expanded to the size of a lake in an instant, and his whole body was filled with incomparable energy, and his whole body was shrouded in azure aura, shining brightly.

At this time, Xu Beiyou felt as if he was in a world of ice and snow. Every inch of meridians in his body seemed to be frozen, and even his blood was completely frozen.The old man's move came so suddenly that he was not prepared at all, but even if he was prepared, the result would be the same.

Xu Beiyou's consciousness gradually became fuzzy, and for no reason he remembered the phrase that his husband often said, "One can be a master when one suffers through suffering."

At the moment before the coma passed, he almost thought he was going to die.

The old man looked at the only disciple in his life, and whispered to himself: "Today the carp in the pond, the sky is high with the fish leaping, and the dragon gate has twelve paths, from now on there will be people in the sky."

(End of this chapter)

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