Chapter 2

Danxiazhai is barely one of the best places in this impoverished region in the northwest, but compared to the Huahua World in the Central Plains, it inevitably pales in comparison, and is even not worth mentioning.

Today, there was a cavalry team that broke the tranquility here with the arrogance from the bustling world. There were six people and six horses in total, but the arrogance on them was even more defiant than six hundred armored cavalry.

If someone who knows horses is here, he will understand why these six people have such arrogance. The three horses are obviously from the first-class war horses in the army, and they cannot be ridden by non-generals. , a Wuzhui from the grassland, and the last one is even more extraordinary, showing the color of Yanzi, which is very similar to the legendary Saluzi.Even if the horses are like this, let alone the owners of these horses, their status can no longer be described by the word "rich", and the word "noble" must be added after "rich".

The leader is a white-clothed boy with a jade-like face. At first glance, he will give people a feeling of spring breeze, and it is inevitable to get close to him, but the "Pegasus" under him, which is second only to Sa Luzi, is always there. They are all reminding others that this noble son will definitely not be an ordinary official's son, or even a "heavenly" figure that is difficult for ordinary people to touch in a lifetime, which is enough to make ordinary people daunted and then deterred.

On the three war horses are three young men with extremely similar faces. Their every move bears a very strong military brand, and they even wear military sabers on their waists. These few may not be members of the army. , but it must be inextricably linked with the military.

The man riding on Wuzhi is considered a local snake. His old man is the commander of the Shanzhou capital. Relying on the prestige of his own father, he is also a character who can walk sideways in the northwest boundary.

As for the last person riding Sa Luzi, he was wearing a loose robe, with a hood covering his face, so it could be vaguely seen that it was a woman.

The aristocratic young man riding the "Tianma" looked friendly, but actually he was full of arrogance in his bones, and he seemed to be indifferent to the others, but he was extremely enthusiastic about the woman riding Sa Luzi.While he was talking softly with the woman, the ground-headed snake riding a crow winked at one of the three men with sabers, then pouted his mouth slightly towards the white-robed young man, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Li?" , What is the background of this person, what a big shelf."

The person called Brother Li showed a slight smile, pointed his finger upwards, and said softly: "The big man who came down from above, take care of him, there is no harm."

The local snake was secretly stunned. In the past few days, he and this brother Li had a very happy conversation. Although they hadn't reached the point where they had nothing to say, they also vaguely sensed that this brother Li's family background might not be lower than his own. Knowing that his father is already a third-rank official who holds military power, and then he is a second-rank official who can really wear a red robe. Such a person, stomping his feet, will shake the whole state three times. That person The young man in white can be regarded as a big man by brother Li, and the meaning of it must be carefully considered.

Could it be that he is a son of the clan?

The local snake was startled, and didn't dare to dwell on this issue. A meaningful smile appeared on his face, and he said instead: "It's been really hard working with this master in the past few days. I heard that Mama Zhang from the Qiongzhi Building Recently I combed up a few chicks, and when I go back, my younger brother will be the host, and I would like to ask Brother Li to give me a lot of credit."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and there was an ambiguity in the smile that could not be understood by outsiders, as if they were friends meeting each other, and everything was kept silent.

Danxiazhai occupies a large area, but what really made it famous was a cavalry battle decades ago. The battle was led by two famous governors who had been famous for many years. Two of the most elite troops in the world The cavalry fought in Danxiazhai until the sky was dark and the sky was dark, and even the corpses lay all over the ground, and the blood flowed into rivers. The ancient battlefield left behind is still deserted. It became a dead place.

The destination of this group of six people is the ancient battlefield that is regarded as a place of death and a fierce place, to see the place where the ancestors once fought bloody battles.But the vicissitudes of life, today's Danxia village has gone through several changes, has been far away from the ancient battlefield, and even very few people know the exact location of the ancient battlefield, even if someone knows, they may not dare to go.

These men and women who were obviously from aristocratic families did not bring any entourage with them for some reason, so many things had to be done by themselves. Soon after arriving at Danxia Village, the local snakes began to look for a guide to lead the way. He couldn't find one, which made the young man in white who wanted to please the beauty extremely annoyed. Although he didn't show his face, his voice was slightly lowered.

The local snake kept wiping the sweat from his forehead, and he had already set the price for hiring a guide to 100 taels of silver.

What can 100 taels of silver do?You can buy ten acres of high-quality fields in the south of the Yangtze River. As for the bitter cold places in the northwest, there are also twenty acres.

How many generations of hard work will it take for an ordinary family to save [-] acres of land?

Maybe five generations, maybe six generations, maybe eternal life.

Even so, no one came.After all, the people are as fearful of officials as tigers. These few are obviously the sons of officials, and how many of them dare to step forward?Although the money is good, it is still a matter of whether it can be in my hands. Even if I can get it, will I still have the life to spend it in that dead place?
People in this world have different origins, and that is fate.But apart from those with bad brains, how many are really stupid?
As time passed, the young man in white's face finally became gloomy.

There were more and more beads of sweat on the forehead of the local snake, and when he was almost desperate, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears, which was almost as good as the sound of nature to him.

"Are you going to the ancient battlefield? I know." A young man about 20 years old appeared in front of a group of people.

He appeared very abruptly, as if he appeared out of nowhere, and also very naturally, as if he had been standing here all along, but was ignored by others unintentionally.

This gap made the woman riding Sa Luzi couldn't help but look at him more.

He is dressed in a clean blue cloth shirt, with a long strip wrapped in cotton cloth on his back. He is of medium build, with a clean and natural smile on his clear face, just like the sky in the northwest, vast and high. Kuang.

For a woman, she has seen many excellent men in these years, and she said that the young man in white beside her is also a good-looking talent, and he is not lacking in everything. Compared with the young man in white, the young man in front of him is undoubtedly not handsome and outstanding , even a little inconspicuous, but there is a momentum in him, which is refreshing.It was like the feeling of galloping a horse in the wilderness of the northwest, with an indomitable momentum.

The woman with her face hidden under the hood pursed her lips and smiled, as if seeing an interesting scene.

Then she withdrew her gaze, and the face under the hood returned to calm along with her emotions.

For this woman who has seen how high the sky is since she was a child, this young man is a bit interesting, but she still can't interest her, let alone make her curious and in-depth, and even leave traces in her heart.

After all, there are too many excellent men in the world. The man in front of him is like a thriving green tree in the forest. Even if there are some differences, he will still disappear in the forest.

Even in the face of the six noble sons, the smile on the young man's face did not change at all, and he said neither humble nor overbearing: "100 taels of silver, no bargaining, I will take you there, take it back."

The local snake pulled out a white scarf from his sleeve, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said angrily, "As long as you can take us there, your money will be indispensable."

At this moment, the young man in white suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

There was an undisguised condescension in his tone.

The young man grinned indifferently, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Xu Beiyou."

A name that is incompatible with this village.

(End of this chapter)

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