Chapter 202

Ordinary warriors who do not know the right way to temper their energy and physique can only stop at the first-rank realm in their entire life. Even if their combat power can be compared with the realm of ghosts and immortals, they cannot be regarded as practitioners, let alone higher-level comprehension. He is a scholar and a land immortal who cultivates a sense of immortality.

The advantage of the disciples of the great sect is that they have both the inheritance of the method and the teaching of the master. As long as they are not mediocre and useless, they can achieve a similar level of cultivation even by grinding time, so they want to be among the disciples of the great sect. To stand out, apart from the superior aptitude and the rare opportunities and luck, there is only one's own perseverance and hard work, as well as the stubbornness of not being crazy or not surviving.

In the past few days, after careful consideration, Xu Beiyou decided to start retreating to practice the method of supreme sword body.The requirements for understanding and qualifications of this method are second, and the main thing is to test the mind. After all, it is a method of rebirth, and the pain is even more painful than Ling Chi. How many people are willing to suffer from this?Even if they are willing to suffer, how many people can hold on?
This is the danger of this method. If you can't bear thousands of sufferings during the cultivation process, you will go crazy, and even die.

The supreme sword body emphasizes from the outside to the inside, first practice the method of forging the body, forging the whole body as indestructible as a sword, and then condense the eight meridians and twelve meridians in the body, so that all the qi in the body can be transformed into sword qi, and the inside and outside are united. Completely reborn, achieve the supreme sword body.

Looking at the entire practice world, no matter whether it is the Taoist's impeccable body, or the four golden bodies from Buddhism, or the royal Xiao family's impeccable body, none of them can go as far as the Supreme Sword Body. Ultimate, only in terms of the level of attack, this method should be the crown.

The other kinds of body cultivation methods are mostly defense-based, but the Supreme Sword Body focuses on attack, using the body as a sword, hurting the enemy is also hurting oneself, but according to what Zhang Xueyao said, the reason why the patriarch wanted to create The original intention of developing this Supreme Sword Body was not to fight against the enemy, but to restrain the damage caused by the Jade Immortal Sword Qi to oneself. That patriarch did indeed do this, controlling the Jade Immortal Sword for two Jiazi, far away. It is higher than other patriarchs in the past, but the cultivation process of the supreme sword body is too dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will die, so the suzerains of the subsequent dynasties would rather lose their lifespan to control Zhuxian than rush to practice Wushang Upper sword body.

After all, no matter how domineering Zhu Xian is, with the cultivation of past suzerains, he can still control it for decades without hindrance, and dying after decades is better than rashly cultivating the Supreme Sword Body and then dying right now.

Life is the first priority in everything, and nine deaths without regrets does not mean that death is in vain. This is the most fundamental truth.

This is also what Xu Beiyou said to Song Guanguan just now, but knowing the truth is one thing, Xu Beiyou still decided to take the risk of cultivating the Supreme Sword Body.

One is because he has an inexplicable sword in his body, which is an innate benefit, and the other is because the current situation is unpredictable, and he will never be given decades to slowly climb up, so he has no choice but to move forward with his sword. Take a dangerous shortcut.

It is true that the supreme sword body is dangerous, but it has to be admitted that it is also a shortcut to the end.

The East Lake Bieyuan has been carefully managed by Zhang Xueyao for decades, and there are countless mysteries in it. Xu Beiyou has only glimpsed the tip of the iceberg now, but it is enough. He opened a quiet room located [-] feet underground, entered alone and then opened the array. According to the method, the entire quiet room was instantly isolated from the outside world, and no one could open it through normal means except Xu Beiyou who was located in the quiet room and Zhang Xueyao who controlled the entire East Lake Bieyuan Cardinal.Unless it is an expert in the realm of the earth fairy who storms the East Lake Bieyuan, it is absolutely foolproof.

The whole quiet room was empty, only a futon was placed in the center, and on the futon was the upper half of "Condensing the Eight Meridians and Twelve Meridians, Forging the Body into a Sword, The Supreme Reborn Method", and beside it was a half Rengao's box is full of various secret medicines that have been prepared long ago.

Xu Beiyou sat cross-legged on the futon, spread out "The Method of Condensing the Eight Meridians and Twelve Meridians, Forging the Body into a Sword, and Transforming the Body" in front of his body, and began to operate his own energy according to the method.

According to "The Method of Refining the Eight Meridians and Twelve Meridians, Forging the Body into a Sword, and Transforming the Body", the external physique of the human body can be divided into five parts: blood, flesh, skin, bones, and tendons. Therefore, the blood is included in the lower part, and the upper part mainly talks about the condensed method of meat, skin, bone, and tendon, among which "bone" is the most important thing. After all, whether it is skin, flesh or tendons, Nothing can be separated from the support of the bone. If there is no bone, it is really a pile of rotten meat.

Therefore, the Supreme Sword Body puts forward the saying that "to practice the sword, first refine the body, and to refine the body, first refine the bone".

The patriarch who created the supreme sword body once dissected hundreds of corpses and found that the number of bones in each person is generally the same. There are 51 bones in adults, 29 trunk bones, 64 skull bones, and 62 upper limb bones. There are 33 bones in the lower limbs, among which the spine is the most important. It connects the trunk bone, skull, upper limb bones, and lower limb bones into one body.

Therefore, there is a saying that "refining the bones first refines the spine".

Because of Xu Beiyou's fractured spine, Zhang Wubing implanted an inexplicable sword into his body instead of the spine. The spine is already a sword, which invisibly saves the most difficult first step. This is why Zhang Wubing said that he Because he has just entered the path of the Supreme Sword Body, with such innate advantages, Xu Beiyou can naturally understand all kinds of explanations about the Supreme Sword Body, and practice is even more effective with half the effort.

Cultivating the spine is only the first step. After that, it is necessary to focus on the spine and cultivate the four parts of the trunk bone, skull, upper limb bones and lower limb bones respectively. Each part needs to absorb a lot of vitality, and it will also be accompanied by great pain. On the one hand, Xu Beiyou doesn't have to worry, this is another benefit of the direct disciples of the great sect. There is never a shortage of natural materials, earthly treasures and panacea, so you don't have to bother to fight and fight, you just need to sit back and enjoy their achievements.

Although the current Jianzong is no longer the heyday of the past, at any rate, a thin camel is bigger than a horse, not to mention that Xu Beiyou is still the righteous young master of Jianzong, and it is more than enough to support Xu Beiyou with the power of one sect. Yu Lingsan, Jin Chan Pills, Huiyuan Dan, and other well-known panaceas in the cultivation world are all available. After taking them, the medicinal effects can quickly replenish the depleted energy, so that Xu Beiyou will never be in the danger of making ends meet during the cultivation process.

Not only that, but this quiet room is also extraordinary. It was originally Gongsun Zhongmou's retreat place, but now it has been passed down to Xu Beiyou. Among them is a map of 36 small Zhoutian stars drawn by Gongsun Zhongmou himself, which gathers the vitality of heaven and earth. Once opened, the vitality of heaven and earth within a hundred miles around the East Lake Bieyuan will gather here to form a "lake of vitality", and immerse yourself in it to practice, no less than an ordinary paradise.

Of course, for cultivating the supreme sword body, it is not enough just to have sufficient vitality. In addition, it is necessary for the practitioner to have a firm mind, so that while enduring great pain, he can still precisely operate the Qi machine in his body to temper the bones. The biggest problem in cultivating the Supreme Sword Body lies.

Sword sect has gone through thousands of years, naturally there are many geniuses, and some people once thought of cutting off the connection between the soul and the body through a method similar to getting out of the body to avoid pain, but it is difficult to accurately perceive oneself in this way, and it is very easy to make mistakes in the operation of Qi , so that it falls short.

And if you want to get out of your body, you must have the cultivation base of the earth fairy realm. Only after stepping into the earth fairy realm can you open the upper dantian knowledge sea purple mansion. Even if Xu Beiyou wants to use tricks, he can't do anything, let alone Xu Beiyou at all I don't want to use such tricks.

At this time, Xu Beiyou's mind is full of diagrams of the movement of the Supreme Sword Body. There are 33 bones in the human body, and correspondingly, there are [-] routes of movement of the Qi movement. Xu Beiyou saves the spine The [-]-way qi machine, and then step by step based on this, is more comfortable than other beginners.

As the dragon-tiger qi machine and the four-nine platinum sword qi gushed out from the lower dantian and middle dantian respectively, and began to swim in the body, Xu Beiyou's body gradually became transparent, and the blood, meridians, muscles, and skin gradually faded away, leaving only A piece of bone, at first glance, Xu Beiyou seemed to have turned into a skeleton.

(End of this chapter)

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