Chapter 204

After an unknown amount of time, the screams and wailing in the quiet room finally gradually weakened.

Zhang Xueyao opened the quiet room from the outside and walked into it slowly.

The floor and walls of the entire quiet room were covered with bloodstains. It didn't look like a retreat for monks, but more like a prison in the Dark Guard Mansion.

Zhang Xueyao avoided the pools of blood and walked to the center of the quiet room, where there lay a bloody "human figure".

The reason why we say "human form" is because its original appearance is already difficult to recognize, and it can only barely be regarded as the shape of a person.

But fortunately, this "human form" has not died yet, and still has a breath of life.

Zhang Xueyao knelt down slowly, wiped off the blood on his face, revealing a rather handsome face.

There are also scars on this face, and the eyes are closed, but the expression is surprisingly calm and peaceful.

Zhang Xueyao felt pity for no reason, but a 20-year-old child must suffer so much, isn't it a bit too much for Gongsun Zhongmou to put the burden of Jianzong on this child in the end?

She half-kneeled on the ground, regardless of the blood staining her white clothes, and gently took the child into her arms.

Zhang Xueyao didn't expect this child to avenge Gongsun Zhongmou. After all, Qiuye is already a person who is about to ascend to the ascension. Even if this child can really be invincible one day, Qiuye will definitely be dead by then. Besides, the parents Things that the elders can't do by themselves, putting all their hopes on a child, is a bit base.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xueyao couldn't help feeling a little sad. She feared that it would be difficult to seek justice for her husband in this life.

After a long time, Xu Beiyou finally woke up slowly. Just as he opened his eyes, he found that Zhang Xueyao was staring at him with complicated eyes.

Xu Beiyou wanted to struggle to get up, but he didn't have any strength in his body, so he could only speak hoarsely, "Master?"

Zhang Xueyao came back to her senses, a little smile appeared on her face, and said softly: "Congratulations, you have survived this life-and-death test, it is considered a small accomplishment."

Xu Beiyou's expression was stunned, three parts surprised, three parts firm, three parts relieved, and one part unconcealed doubt.

Zhang Xueyao saw it, smiled and patted his head lightly, as if coaxing a child, "Don't worry, Master didn't lie to you, it's true."

It was only then that Xu Beiyou suddenly realized that he was hugged by his teacher's wife, and the faint scent of blood that could not be suppressed lingered in his nostrils. Even though he had been in contact with many women of all colors in the past few days, he was still flushed. face.

The corners of Zhang Xueyao's mouth hooked lightly without showing any traces. After all, she was still a child, with a simple air that had not been worn away by the world, and she was much more pleasing than those honest gentlemen who were full of men, thieves and women.

Zhang Xueyao said softly: "Heal your injury first, and discuss other matters after your injury recovers."

Xu Beiyou had no room to refuse, so he was carried out of the quiet room by Zhang Xueyao just like that, but at this moment Xu Beiyou was bloody and bloody, and his whole person seemed to have shrunk by a circle.

This time Xu Beiyou didn't go back to his small courtyard, but was taken by Zhang Xueyao into the main courtyard located in the middle of the East Lake courtyard.

After Zhang Xueyao settled Xu Beiyou, she said, "I will not hide some things from you. I lived in two rooms with your master many years ago. This is the courtyard where your master used to live. Now I leave it to you."

Xu Beiyou is speechless, this place is much better than the courtyard he used to live in, Zhang Xueyao's single courtyard is on the left side of this courtyard, and the library and Liuli Pavilion are even closer at hand, it is really a family The place where the Lord can live.

Xu Beiyou couldn't help but said: "Master, let me live here, isn't it a bit overstepping?"

Looking at Xu Beiyou's face, Zhang Xueyao shook her head and said, "Zhongmou has gone, and he is placed in ordinary people's homes. Even if the old master who is in charge of the house is gone, the young master will naturally hold up the door. There is no reason for the old lady to come forward. Now you You are the first disciple of Jianzong, and the only direct disciple of Zhongmou, no different from our parents and children, you should come out to support the family, and let me, an old lady, enjoy some happiness."

Just as Xu Beiyou was about to speak, Zhang Xueyao interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and then said: "This is the main courtyard and the main house, where the old lady lives, not the place where the old lady should live. Sooner or later, you will have to take care of this house. It's the same when you come in, Qinglian and I, the orphan and widow mother, are still counting on you, the eldest son, to shelter us from the wind and rain."

Xu Beiyou smiled wryly and was speechless.

In the next few days, Zhang Xueyao didn't come again. Xu Beiyou heard from the official Song who served him that Zhang Xueyao seemed to be going out again, and she was not in the East Lake courtyard at the moment.

Nowadays, whether it is a disciple of the Sword Sect or an ordinary maid, the attitude towards Xu Beiyou is very different. Li Qinglian moved to Jiangdu City, but Xu Beiyou moved into the main courtyard that has been vacant for a long time. This is undoubtedly a complete confirmation of the young master. Fame and fame are an indispensable thing no matter where they are. During this period of time, the crowd has been careful to flatter this future new master.

About another ten days later, Zhang Xueyao still didn't see that there was always there, but the wound on Xu Beiyou's body had almost healed and he was able to walk on the ground.

The first thing he did after he got off the ground was to walk back and forth in the new yard he just lived in.

Although someone cleans it every day, it can't hide the lack of popularity.

Especially after the previous owner of the yard died, white lanterns and white silk were hung here again, making it look even more deserted.

This main courtyard, since the old man left Jiangnan, has been shrouded in a layer of haze. After the old man died, the haze became like a dark cloud over the city, making people breathless, until Xu Beiyou moved in as the new owner. Here, here, the atmosphere has turned a corner.

The maids and servants who originally regarded this place as a forbidden place began to shuttle through it, and the haze shrouded here seemed to be swept away by the clouds.

After Xu Beiyou walked around, he finally came to Gongsun Zhongmou's study.

Compared with Zhang Xueyao's study, Gongsun Zhongmou's study is much simpler, with fewer antiques and rare treasures, and more classics copied from the library.

Xu Beiyou scanned through the books one by one, and found many familiar faces, such as the Taiping Huanyu Ji, Shujing Zhijie, Dadong Zhenjing, etc. that he had read.

The desk is very simple and elegant, and the top is also very simple. Apart from the four treasures of the study, such as brushes, ink, paper and inkstones, there are brush washers, pen holders, paperweights, etc., which are not hard-to-find items. For aristocratic families, they can only be regarded as common.

The side door of the study is also connected with an inner room, and idlers are not allowed to enter.

Xu Beiyou hesitated for a moment, pushed open the unlocked door, and couldn't help laughing. This is actually a small bedroom, just a bed, a screen, and a hanger.

Xu Beiyou could even imagine the scene where the master was driven to the study by his wife to spend the night after the husband and wife had an awkward dispute.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Xu Beiyou's mouth. When he walked into the inner room, he found that there was still a suit of clothes hanging on the hanger. The clothes, crown, shoes, belt, accessories, etc. were all available. The whole body was plain white. The cuffs, neckline, The piping and the belt are all embroidered with strange cloud patterns, and the wide robe has big sleeves, which has a vague meaning of being out of the dust. It is somewhat similar to the Taoist robes of the Taoist school, but there are great differences in the details. Generally speaking, it is luxurious and elegant, not like ordinary things .

Xu Beiyou looked at the clothes in a daze.

This should be the crown robe of the Sword Sect Master, right?
It's just that he didn't see his master wear it once. In his impression, his master will always be in that black robe covered with wind, frost and dust, which is a bit sloppy, or informal.

But whether it was Zhang Xueyao or anyone else, they all told him that the master was also a handsome man when he was young, with a straight crown, no wrinkles in his clothes, no dust, and he was meticulous in everything.

It's just that I don't know what kind of world situation the master has experienced, and finally became the appearance of the sword-carrying box later.

If this dress can be worn on Master, it must be extremely beautiful, right?At least he won't be worse than Taoist head teacher Qiu Ye, and he won't be worse than Emperor Xiao with the imperial crown and dragon robe.

Xu Beiyou stood on the hanger in silence for a long time, didn't move anything here, turned around and went out, and gently closed the door again.

Unknowingly, he walked to the desk again, and suddenly, on a whim, he spread out the paper, grinded the ink, and wrote two sentences with a pen.

A strong heart is not old with age, and you can still be a ghost hero after death.

(End of this chapter)

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