That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 206 Entering Jiangdu on July 7th

Chapter 206 Entering Jiangdu on the seventh day of July

The flood at the end of June and the beginning of July also had a great impact on Jiangdu, which is thousands of miles away. Suddenly, there were many more refugees on the streets and outside the city, all of them were dressed in rags and looked disheveled. , although the government has also opened a warehouse to give out porridge, but compared with the huge number of victims, it is still a drop in the bucket, and it can only be regarded as barely making ends meet.

Those victims who escaped early were not bad, at least they could enter Jiangdu City. Later, the government ordered the victims not to enter the city, and the later victims could only live outside the city. Fortunately, it is still summer in the current season. On the tail, there is no danger of freezing.

Xu Beiyou has also heard about this massive refugee wave, but at the moment he has no qualifications and energy to care about such worldly affairs. As the saying goes, how can the world be swept away without sweeping a house? Now Xu Beiyou is busy with his "family affairs" .

Jiangdu City has always been a place where dragons are hidden and tigers are crouching. All forces here are intertwined. Since the Great Chu Dynasty, no sect has been able to cover the sky here, and it is still the same today.

Xu Bei has traveled to the south of the Yangtze River for some time, but he has never set foot in Jiangdu City. It is not until today that he has stepped into Jiangdu City for the first time.

In fact, to put it bluntly, in the past, Xu Beiyou was somewhat lacking in confidence and did not dare to enter Jiangdu rashly. Now that he has practiced the Sword Bone Chapter in the Supreme Sword Body, he finally has some confidence and entered Jiangdu City.

For Xu Beiyou, his most urgent task is to get rid of those traitors in the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, and then take the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall into his own hands.As for Murong Xuanyin, he was too busy fighting with Zhang Xueyao and the others to take care of these small characters. Moreover, to him, a few traitors from the Sword Sect were not necessary, but his love affair with Xu Beiyou More importantly, if Xu Beiyou has the ability to solve it by himself, he doesn't mind selling this young man's face.

Jianzong has two important residences in Jiangdu City, one is the Zhang Mansion under the name of the Zhang family, which is where Li Qinglian lives now, and the other is the Gongsun Mansion under the name of the Gongsun family. This is also where Xu Beiyou chose to stay.

In fact, strictly speaking, these two properties cannot be regarded as the property of Jianzong, but the private property of Zhang Xueyao and Gongsun Zhongmou. **the meaning of.

The seventh day of the seventh lunar month, Qixi Festival, is a festival that my daughter's family values ​​very much. It was on this day that Xu Beiyou walked into Jiangdu City.

Gongsun Mansion, study room.

Song Guanguan stood at the door and reported: "My lord, someone wants to see you."

Xu Beiyou buried his head in a pile of files and asked without raising his head, "Who?"

Song Guanguan hesitated and said, "Xuan Yi."

"It's him?" Xu Beiyou was taken aback for a moment, slowly raised his head, and said, "Tell him to wait in the front hall, I'll change my clothes and go."

Song Guanguan promised, turned and left.

Xu Beiyou turned around and went into the inner room, where the maid who was serving here changed his clothes.

It's not that Xu Beiyou is showing off his poverty, but it's the rule of high-ranking family members that they have to change four clothes in one day according to the time of day. The four sets of clothes differ only in details, but are otherwise identical.

Xu Beiyou is not interested in challenging the entire aristocratic family class for such a trivial matter, so as to attract other people's strange eyes. Naturally, he is doing as the Romans do. Isn't it just changing clothes? .

Not long after, Xu Beiyou changed into a white suit and came out of the study to go to the front hall.

At this moment in the front hall, Sword Master Xuanyi was sitting in the guest seat, while Guanguan Song was standing beside him.

Xuan Yi looked around and said with emotion: "I really haven't been here for some years, it's still the same."

Song Guanguan said softly: "The mistress has given this place to the young master."

Xuan Yi said with a smile: "As expected, I have also heard about the young master's affairs to some extent. It is indeed very remarkable."

Just as Song Guanguan was about to speak, Xu Beiyou had already stepped into the front hall.

Xuan Yi got up from the seat, bowed and saluted: "This subordinate has seen the young master."

Xu Beiyou waved his hand, "You don't need to be too polite, it's rare that you are still willing to recognize me as the young master, and you don't call me to kill you as soon as you meet."

"The young master was joking." Xuan Yi said with a light smile.

Xu Beiyou was noncommittal, and sat down on the main seat, raised his hand, "Sit down."

Xuan Yi's eyes were complicated, and he sat down again.

Although there were many rumors about Xu Beiyou during this period, Xuan Yi's impression of that young man was still in Julu City.

What he said to Song Guanguan just now was not unexpected. In fact, he still couldn't believe it before he came here. The thin boy in his impression disappeared after he followed his master to Biyou Island. Who knows that the so-called Jiangnan now Is the young master of Jianzong true or false?It is not impossible to concoct a fake with the scheming methods of the mistress or Murong Xuanyin and others.

Xu Beiyou's delay in showing up in Jiangdu deepened Xuan Yi's suspicion, so he decided to come here today to find out the truth.

When he saw Xu Beiyou who appeared in elegant running clothes, Xuanyi's first reaction was to think that this person was a fake, because the current Xu Beiyou was very different from the Xu Beiyou in his impression, calm and calm, showing no emotions Yu Se, even ordered them condescendingly, which made Xuan Yi a little uncomfortable, but at the same time he had to admit that such a talent was more like the young master who made their twelve sword masters bow their heads.

After the two of them took their seats, Xuan Yi looked at Xu Beiyou carefully without any trace. I have to say, if you put aside that not-so-good first impression, this young man really seems to have come out of a high class Children of the family.

Xu Beiyou let Xuan Yi look at him indifferently, until Xuan Yi completely retracted his gaze, and then slowly said: "Not long ago, I was chatting with Uncle Shangguan, and Uncle Shangguan said that the twelve sword masters of Jianqi Lingkong Hall have been divided into two groups. There are three factions, one faction obeys me, one faction opposes me, and the other faction stands by. Unfortunately, you, Xuan Yi, are classified as one of the grass by the Shangguan Shibo. Just say it."

The smile on Xuan Yi's face became a little stiff, not because Xu Beiyou directly pointed out his intention, but because Xu Beiyou intentionally or unintentionally moved out the great Bodhisattva Shangguan Qinghong.

As early as when Gongsun Zhongmou was still alive, Shangguan Qinghong didn't care much about Jianzong's affairs, and many people didn't even know that Jianzong had such an immortal master, but Xu Beiyou said it lightly, Whether it was true or not, he had to think carefully about it.

Xuan Yi said: "This subordinate heard that the young master has arrived in Jiangdu, so he came to pay a visit. There is nothing else."

"Oh?" Xu Beiyou raised his eyebrows, "That's really a coincidence. When I was in Xie Yuan, no one came to visit me. When I was in the East Lake Courtyard, no one came to visit me. But when I entered Jiangdu, there were You, the second sword master, came to the door in person, and your news is really well-informed."

Xuan Yi remained silent, not knowing how to answer.

Xu Beiyou paused, then softened his tone and said, "Actually, I don't blame you. After all, an unknown pawn who ran out of nowhere in the valley will be his own master. Anyone who has this kind of thing will feel uncomfortable. The difference is nothing more than Whether the reaction is fierce or not, those with a hot temper will simply turn against it, and those with a calm temper will have to wait and see for a while, I understand all these, so it doesn't matter whether you complain or not."

Xuan Yi was stunned, he didn't expect Xu Beiyou to say such a thing.

Xu Beiyou changed the subject and said, "But I don't care about it. It doesn't mean that my teacher and uncle are as good-tempered as me. I don't need to say more about my teacher. She has already put down her words. If she wants to stay, she can stay. To become a dead person of Jianzong, although my uncle didn't say it clearly, he also advised me not to pay too much attention to these details."

Xu Beiyou said unhurriedly: "Your capital is not as much as you imagined. Whether it's Murong Xuanyin or Daoist, would you really treat you as one of your own? Teacher and uncle will tolerate a few traitors running around outside Comfortable? I just don't want to see Master's painstaking efforts go to waste, so I can bear it so much, I'm done with this, so you can do it yourself."

Xu Beiyou picked up the teacup next to him and saw off the guests.

Xuan Yi got up slowly, and gave another respectful salute, "This subordinate will leave."

(End of this chapter)

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