Chapter 225

Xu Beiyou placed his master's sword Xuanming in front of him, hesitating slightly.

To this day, Xuan Ming no longer "ignores" him, especially after Xu Beiyou intercepted a piece of Zhu Xian's sword energy, Xuan Ming began to respond to Xu Beiyou's temptation, as if he was an iceberg beauty who was originally immovable. Moved by the spring heart, also fell from the sky to the mortal world.

As long as he absorbs Xuanming's sword energy and spirit, Xu Beiyou can step into the realm of immortality, and even push the supreme sword body to another level, from bone refining to body refining, although he dare not say at that time There is no opponent under the earth immortal, but it is absolutely rare to meet an opponent in the same realm.

However, it will take some time to absorb Xuan Ming's sword energy and spirit, and what Xu Beiyou lacks most now is time.

Xuan Ming was cast in response to the Qi of the Toad and Rabbit and the Taiyin, and used it to point to the moon, and the Taiyin was reversed, corresponding to Zhang Xueyao's white rainbow. Murong Xuanyin's True Sun Sword and True Taiyin Sword were created with reference to these two swords.

Although there is no strict distinction between the twelve swords of Jianzong, it has to be said that some swords are indeed more miraculous than other famous swords because of their masters.If Xu Beiyou can become a great sword fairy like Shangguan Xianchen in the future, then his sword Tianlan will also become extraordinary.

Of course, this is all for later. Xu Beiyou's top priority is to completely surrender the master's sword. Although the master is dead, Xuan Ming is already a sword without an owner according to common sense, but the sword spirit of death is still there. The resistance of the Masterless Sword is far greater than that of the previous three swords such as Tian Lan.

Xu Beiyou stretched out his hand to hold Xuanming, and at this moment he felt that there was too much murderous and hostile energy smoldering in the Xuanming sword.

If you compare a sword to a human being, Zhu Xian is an expert who has seen through life and death. The spiritual platform is like a mirror. The state is unstable, the mind is lacking, the nature is gradually covered in the killing, the spirit does not exist, and the sword body is stained.

If Xuanming is still in the hands of Gongsun Zhongmou, it will be fine. With Gongsun Zhongmou's cultivation base, he can naturally suppress the murderous arrogance in it. In the future, he will find an opportunity to slowly resolve it, but if Xu Beiyou holds it in his hands and continues to kill Sooner or later, Xuanming will go mad and turn into an evil sword, and even affect the sword master Xu Beiyou in reverse.

Gongsun Zhongmou once said that a famous sword is like a beautiful woman. As the saying goes, a beauty is in the bones but not in the skin. All swords in the world are made of material and spirit. If there is no support from the inner spirit, there will be no spirituality, and it will really be death. thing.

The sword will continue to grow with the master, precisely because the master's own spirit will continue to infuse the sword, so the characteristics of the sword are mostly compatible with the master, just as a majestic and domineering sword master will never have a secretive and feminine sword However, a bloodthirsty sword master would not have a righteous sword.

The reason why Gongsun Zhongmou gave Tianlan to Xu Beiyou as his saber was precisely because Tianlan had no other notable characteristics other than being sharp and hard to handle. It was a highly malleable sword embryo, most suitable for beginners Xu Beiyou.If Gongsun Zhongmou had given Xuan Ming to Xu Beiyou at that time, Xu Beiyou would inevitably be affected by the killing intent and hostility. Over time, his temperament would change drastically. One more bloodthirsty demon who kills without blinking an eye.

Xu Beiyou stood up slowly holding Xuanyin, and looked back at a nave behind him.

There are four big characters in Zhongtang's letter, nine deaths without regret.

Xu Beiyou carried Xuanming behind his back, and then hung Tianlan around his waist, but Xie hid it under his belt, and stepped out of the room.

Song Guanguan and Zhang Anzheng stood guard outside, Xu Beiyou asked, "Has there been news from over there?"

Zhang An took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Chi Bing has already started to gather people, and he has made it clear that he is about to attack."

Xu Beiyou nodded, his face expressionless.

Zhang An hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't help but persuaded: "Young master, they have a lot of people, let's leave here for a while."

Xu Beiyou said calmly: "If I can avoid it for a while, can I avoid it for the rest of my life? If I retreat this time without fighting, all previous efforts will be in vain. Not only will the people below not accept me, but the teacher will also be disappointed in me."

Song Guanguan held a closed paper umbrella upside down in his hand, and said softly: "No matter what the young master decides, the official will swear to follow the young master to the death."

Xu Beiyou smiled and said a good word.

Seeing this scene, Zhang An sighed helplessly, and actually pulled out a short sword that was more than a foot long from the wide sleeve of his robe, and said softly: "Since Zhang An has boarded the young master's boat, naturally he will follow the young master all the way to the end."

Xu Beiyou nodded, and said in a solemn tone: "Senior Sister Zhang, it is said that Chi Bing is not weaker than Yu Jia and Xuan Yi in terms of force alone, so what exactly is his realm of immortality?"

Zhang An's expression suddenly became serious, he shook his head and sighed, "I'm just in the realm of ghosts and immortals, so I don't want to speak nonsense, but there are rumors that this person is already a peak human immortal, and he once killed a demon-suppressing hall in the same realm with a single sword." Chief deacon, you must know that the chief deacon of the Demon Suppressing Palace is far from being comparable to ordinary casual cultivators, and he still died under the sword of this person, which shows the level of cultivation of this person."

Xu Beiyou supported the hilt of the sword with one hand, and pressed the jade buckle of the belt with the other, recalling the scene when he saw Chi Bing for the first and only time.

At that time, Song Guanguan was seriously injured by the Song Emperor's sneak attack. Chi Bing was ordered by Gongsun Zhongmou to rescue Xu Beiyou and Song Guanguan.

The first impression Chi Bing gave Xu Beiyou was that he was arrogant and domineering, especially because he was tall and wielded a big sword half the height of a man. Swords, swords are like people, they complement each other.

If Xu Beiyou hadn't practiced the sword bone chapter of the supreme sword body, then he might not be Chi Bing's all-in-one enemy.

Xu Beiyou murmured: "This time I entered the game in person, my teacher and the others won't help me, and neither will the earth immortals from the Daoist sect. Whether I win or lose, whether I live or die, all depends on my own ability. If I If I die, of course everything will come to naught, so there is no need to talk about it, but if I survive, then it will be a matter of course to subdue the sword energy Lingkong hall with the power of this matter, and even deter those gangsters with different thoughts in a natural way. Different stewards can count in one fell swoop."

Xu Beiyou turned his head and said to Zhang An: "Senior Sister Zhang, please go and gather all the sect's guard disciples in the courtyard to form an formation. Once someone breaks into the mansion, they don't need to ask for mercy, just kill them immediately."

Zhang An immediately took orders and left.

Xu Beiyou took a look at Song Guanguan and asked, "I remember that Xuan Yi took care of everything that Master used to do?"

Official Song was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why Xu Beiyou asked Xuan Yi at this time, but he still answered truthfully: "When the master was alive, daily travel and other major and minor matters were indeed arranged by Xuan Yi. We even joked in private that He is the head steward of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall."

Xu Beiyou gently stroked Tianlan's sword hilt, with a calm expression on his face, and said with a smile in his tone: "It seems that this Xuanyi sword master is very good at serving people. After this success, I will Let him be my chief steward."

Song Guanguan was speechless.

I don't know whether to say that my young master is heartless, or that my young master has a well-thought-out plan.

Standing in the courtyard, Xu Beiyou began to think silently. The Town Demon Palace claims to have one hundred and eight deacons. Of course, it does not mean that there are only one hundred and eight deacons in the huge Town Demon Palace, but that there are only one hundred and eight main figures. , The same is true for the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, there are twelve sword masters, 24 swordsmen, a total of 36 people, there are many ordinary disciples under these 36 people, and most of the 24 swordsmen are subordinate to the twelve swordsmen, since Chi Bing dared to If he openly challenged himself, then he had at least half the strength of the Sword Qi Ling Kongtang in his hands.

Xu Beiyou's expression became more solemn. According to Shangguan Qinghong, there were four sword masters in the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, including Chi Bing, who opposed him. Now that Chang Xin sword master is dead, there are only three left.

Based on Song Guanguan's cultivation base, these three people must be above the realm of human immortality. Even if Song Guanguan and Zhang An team up to deal with one person, and the two masters of ghosts and immortals in his house join forces to deal with the other person, in the end, he still has to fight against the other person. Chi Cing will win or lose in one battle.

What is the outcome?

How about life and death?
Xu Beiyou's murderous intent was hidden, Chi Bing was not the first block he encountered, nor would he be the last block, but no matter who it was, as long as he stood in his way, he would not hesitate to kill.

(End of this chapter)

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