That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 227 Swordsman's Killing Sword

Chapter 227 Swordsman's Killing Sword

The hustle and bustle of the deadly battle in the front mansion made the tranquility of the back mansion even more eerie and penetrating, and there was not even a sound of birdsong or insects.

Xu Beiyou stood alone in the middle of the courtyard of the Houfu. He stood upright, with only a calm expression on his sharp-edged face, not a trace of worry or panic.

After a while, there was a sudden sound of piercing the air, and people with swords appeared on the wall in all directions. Everyone was dressed in white linen clothes, with black masks on their faces, with swords around their waists, or with swords behind their backs. All the escape routes of Xu Beiyou were sealed off.

In the end, a burly man holding a big black sword broke through the wall. His whole body was covered in a tight iron armor, and every step he took felt like the ground was shaking, although his face was hidden under the iron mask I can't see it clearly, but the arrogant aura on his body is very similar to Chi Bing.

The man in iron armor pointed his sword at Xu Beiyou, and said one word concisely, "Kill!"

All the swordsmen on the top of the wall moved together in an instant, and their sword drawing skills were uniform, forming a pincer attack on Xu Beiyou from the front, back, left, and right sides.

Xu Beiyou didn't make a sound, just pressed the hilt of Tianlan's sword at his waist.

Draw the sword, the moment of youth.

I saw a ray of sword light shining brightly, illuminating the courtyard under the night in an instant.

The purpose of drawing the sword is to draw the sword faster, and the purpose of drawing the sword faster is to make it difficult for the opponent to guard against.

To draw a sword is to kill.

The sword light disappeared in a flash, Xu Beiyou still stood on the spot, and a corpse lay down in his front, back, left, and right positions, each with a sword to seal their throats.


A drop of blood slowly fell from the tip of Tian Lan's sword, and the sound was clearly audible in this silent night.

Xu Beiyou raised the sword with one hand over his shoulder, Xue Liangjian reflected his stern face, a stream of blood slowly trickled down the edge of the sword, and finally fell from the tip of the sword to the ground.

Tick, tick, tick.

Those who died were the disciples of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, and the one who killed them was the master of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall.

This is an infighting and killing that completely torn skins.

Of course, Chi Bing didn't think that he could kill Xu Beiyou with these disciples of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, he just wanted to use their lives to test Xu Beiyou's depth, or to consume some of Xu Beiyou's energy.

In other words, Chi Bing didn't want to have a fair fight with Xu Beiyou, he just wanted to kill Xu Beiyou, no matter what method he adopted.

Jianqi Lingkongtang is doing dirty work, giving up its own advantages to pursue the so-called fairness, this is not the style of Jianqi Lingkongtang.

More and more swordsmen climbed over the wall, jumped off the roof, and appeared in front of Xu Beiyou.

The three formed the Sancai Sword Formation, and the nine Sancai Sword Formation formed the Dajiugong Sword Formation. A total of 27 people pressed towards Xu Beiyou.

Xu Beiyou, who was fighting alone with one sword, said silently, "Three swords."

With one sword out, Tianlan's sword energy was surging, followed by countless sword energy intertwined like a net, and ravines appeared on the ground. Compared with the sword three that Xu Beiyou used to deal with Yin soldiers on the ancient battlefield of Xiheyuan, it is really It is too much higher than the realm level.

Jiansan claims to be a sky-covering net without leakage, and it is a vast sky net formed by sword energy. Wherever the sword energy is covered, no matter whether it is living or dead, as long as the sword energy cannot be blocked, life and death will be determined by the sword master. between thoughts.

Xu Beiyou's three-style sword directly enveloped all 27 people in it, and the sword energy criss-crossed, as if endless.

The Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation composed of 27 people is naturally extremely ingenious, but Xu Beiyou used his strength almost arbitrarily to break the skill, turning the sword formation that was supposed to be a trapped person's strangulation into a trapped object.

However, after three waves of sword energy, the Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation has become somewhat stagnant.

Xu Beiyou seized a flaw and entered the battle with his sword. His whole body passed by a leading swordsman like a ray of breeze, and then a glare of blood flashed by. The swordsman's upper body and lower body were slowly divided. two.

Xu Beiyou's sword was too fast and too sharp. The swordsman didn't feel the pain immediately. It wasn't until he wanted to get up from the ground that he realized that his lower body was still standing there.

For a while, the howling of the swordsman was endless.

Another swordsman from the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall stabbed down with his sword expressionlessly, giving him pleasure and relief.

Xu Beiyou had already returned to the original place, Tian Lan pointed at the ground obliquely, the blood on the blade trickled down, and gathered on the ground into a small pool of blood.

After one person died, the Great Nine Palaces sword formation became more and more stagnant. The other swordsmen knew something was wrong and wanted to change formations, but the leader behind them kept silent. Xu Beiyou rushed over.

Although Xu Beiyou's methods are fierce, these swordsmen in the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall are not the young children who have set foot in the rivers and lakes for the first time. In the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, who hasn't seen a bit of blood?Many people were even bloody aroused by Xu Beiyou's move, completely disregarding themselves, and every strike was a posture of fighting for their lives.

If there is not much difference in strength, desperate efforts are naturally useful, but if the difference in strength is too large, desperate efforts will be in vain.

Xu Beiyou was unhurried, like a paoding dispelling an ox, he wanted to dismember the Great Nine Palaces Sword Formation little by little. After he entered the formation again, he would mostly move his body around, but once he took out the sword, he would definitely take a life away. After Yu Jian, the entire Great Nine Palaces were already in pieces.

The Iron Armored Man who had been watching the battle finally couldn't bear it any longer. When Xu Beiyou drew out his sword to kill another person, he jumped into the formation and swung his big sword towards Xu Beiyou's head.

Xu Beiyou was not frightened or frightened, his left hand that had been idle all the time held his waist with his backhand, but Xie drew a stunning arc like a crescent moon with his sword.

The sword energy was endless in an instant.

How could Xu Beiyou ignore this swordsman with such an eye-catching image?

I saw that the sword energy on the two swords in Xu Beiyou's hands rose again and again, and there was a faint tendency for the sword energy to turn into a sword glow. One sword blocked the Iron Armored Man's sneak attack and one sword was more than that. cut his chest.

Xu Beiyou's two swords were nothing more than one horizontal and one vertical.

Horizontal is defensive, vertical is offensive.

As the saying goes, great tricks don't work, if you can stab and kill people, why bother to come up with so many fancy moves?

The man in iron armor, who had no success with a single sword, let out an angry roar, stepped on the ground with both feet, and put on a posture to receive Xu Beiyou's sword forcefully.

The two swords collided.

There was a cracking sound.

Xu Beiyou's figure swayed with the wind, like a kite with broken strings in the wind, but in fact, he dispelled all the strength.

On the other hand, the man in iron armor had completely sunk into the ground below his knees, his hands holding the sword were shattered, and blood flowed horizontally.

Xu Beiyou swayed to the ground, swinging his swords at will, and the sword energy was confused.

Blood splattered.

Another corpse.

The soles of Xu Beiyou's shoes were already stained red with blood.

He walked with his sword like a stroll in a garden, swinging his sword at will, the swordsman who had already lost his formation was hard to resist, and in the blink of an eye, three more corpses fell in front of Xu Beiyou.

At this time, it has turned into a one-sided massacre.

The rest of the swordsmen were so frightened that they no longer dared to go forward and sacrifice their lives for nothing, but Xu Beiyou didn't want to let them go.

Use the sword to control the sword seven times, walk with the sword, look like a ghost, and kill people with the sword.

Xu Beiyou didn't like to kill indifferently, but he never hesitated to kill when it was time to kill.

No matter what kind of rhetoric is used to modify it, the sword is always a murder weapon, and fencing is always the art of killing.

Not long after, all 27 swordsmen were given heads, and none of them survived.

Xu Beiyou stuck Que Xie casually on a corpse, then pulled out a white scarf from his sleeve, and slowly wiped away the blood from Tian Lanjian's body.

The still-warm blood soon soaked the white scarf, and the deep red gradually emerged from the snow-white, which made people think of the proud red plums in the cold and falling snow.

Last year, an old man with a sword box on his back once said to Xu Beiyou that killing people, especially killing people with a sword, also pays attention to artistic conception.

A swordsman's sword is like a singer's song, a dancer's dance, a literati's pen, a monk's prayer wheel, and a Taoist's classics. They should all be elegant and not vulgar.

When killing can bring out the taste of elegance, it means that you have achieved some small success in the way of swordsmanship, and when you return to the basics, that is the great success.

In the end, the old man took a sip of the wine and said freely, the wine in the glass can't be drunk, the enemy's head can't be cut off, the people are not exhausted, the glass will not stop.

Xu Beiyou threw the white scarf on the face of a dying swordsman, and put Tian Lan back into the sheath around his waist.

Xu Beiyou stood among the corpses all over the floor, holding Que Xie with his left hand, and Tian Lan's sword hilt with his right hand, muttering to himself, "Master, is this apprentice's swordsmanship considered a small accomplishment?"

(End of this chapter)

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