Chapter 235

Song Guanguan asked softly, "Shall I go with you, Young Master?"

Xu Beiyou shook his head and said, "I can go there alone. After I leave, you can take care of this place. If there is no accident, I can come back at dawn. If I haven't come back before tomorrow morning, you should leave Jiangdu immediately and go to the capital to find Mr. "

Song officials wanted to speak but stopped.

Xu Beiyou waved his hand to stop her unspoken words.

Then Xu Beiyou didn't bring anything, and went to the outside of the mansion alone.

Fuguifang, Zhangfu.

Zhang Xueyao knelt alone behind a small sandalwood table in the back hall. On the table was a pot of Junshan silver needles that had just been soaked, and there was a curtain of night rain outside the window beside her.

One person, one tea and one lamp, a curtain of rain enters the painting.

What a good mood.

Footsteps sounded.

Old Wu brought a young man outside the house and knocked on the door.

Zhang Xueyao's fingers trembled slightly, and said calmly, "Come in."

The door was pulled open from the outside, and Old Wu didn't come in, but Xu Beiyou walked into the back hall alone, his boots stained with dried blood and mud rattled on the wooden floor, and at the same time left a trail of Clear footprints.

Zhang Xueyao didn't take it seriously, poured another cup of tea, and signaled Xu Beiyou to take a seat.

Xu Beiyou knelt and sat opposite Zhang Xueyao, holding tea but not in a hurry to taste it, he said softly, "Master, Chi Bing is dead."

Zhang Xueyao, who had known the news for a long time, looked calm, even if Chi Bing didn't die, she would definitely kill him.

Zhang Xueyao sipped her tea in small sips, and after she drank a cup of tea, she straightened up and asked, "Beiyou, don't you want to ask me why I did this?"

Xu Beiyou looked down at the clear tea in the cup, and said slowly, "I think it's the word "exam."

"It's indeed the word for school examination." Zhang Xueyao nodded in agreement and said, "If you just muddle along like Qinglian, that's fine, but if you want to support Jianzong's burden, you can't do without wrists."

Xu Beiyou said in a deep voice: "So, Master, you just want to see how my wrist is. I wonder what Master thinks about Beiyou's methods after tonight?"

Zhang Xueyao smiled in relief, "It's not bad."

Xu Beiyou suddenly laughed, swept away the dignified atmosphere just now, and said, "I really feel at ease with what my teacher said."

Zhang Xueyao raised her hand to refill the tea for herself, it was [-]% full, and then asked: "Beiyou, do you hate Master's wife from the bottom of your heart?"

Xu Beiyou never thought that Zhang Xueyao would ask such a straightforward question, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer, so he could only remain silent.

In any case, Zhang Xueyao is a character who can be on an equal footing with Gongsun Zhongmou. In terms of cultivation, scheming, skills, and foundation, they are all far above Xu Beiyou. He went to his teacher's wife, and the woman held a lot of grudges, so Xu Beiyou didn't want to make any more troubles.

Xu Beiyou didn't speak, and Zhang Xueyao didn't care, and continued: "Whether you hold grudges or not, you have passed my exam today. Our Sword Sect always judges things only by success or failure. From tomorrow From the beginning, the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall is yours."

Xu Beiyou's heart skipped a beat, and he clenched his hands on his knees into fists. After taking a deep breath, he tried to keep his voice calm and said, "Beiyou thanked Mrs.

Zhang Xueyao pinched the green-glazed white flower teacup that was half full with her index finger and thumb, gently spun it, and said calmly, "I gave you the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, but whether you can hold it depends on your own ability." , and the major industries of Jianzong, the same is true, I will not ask, and I will not help."

"I don't need to worry about this." Xu Beiyou smiled and said, "Since I have already got it, there is no reason to let it go easily."

Zhang Xueyao hummed, looked outside at the rain curtain and said, "There will be a family banquet in the East Lake courtyard tomorrow night, remember to come over."

Xu Beiyou bowed his head and said yes.

When Xu Beiyou raised his head, Zhang Xueyao had disappeared, leaving only a small case and the tea set that was still smoky.

Xu Beiyou suddenly remembered that it seemed that every high-ranking celestial being had some elegance, such as Murong Xuanyin playing the role of an actor, Qin Mumian playing the piano as a national player, Qingchen's divination was perfect, Gongsun Zhongmou's wine, and Zhang Xueyao's tea.

Wine is placed on love, and tea is placed on courtesy.

Drinking wine is a word for love, and drinking tea is a word for courtesy.

Seeing the big from the small, that's why Gongsun Zhongmou is reckless, and he travels the world with love, and everyone in the world knows him. Compared with him, Zhang Xueyao is much colder, but this is the real way of running a family. One hot and one cold, just complement each other.

Xu Beiyou drank the tea that Zhang Xueyao poured for him in one gulp, and then poured himself another cup.

This time, nine points are full.

—— Xuan Yi did not expect that Xu Beiyou really survived.

Yu Jia didn't expect Chi Bing to die.

Two unexpected, one result.

Xu Beiyou didn't want to block the news, and such a big movement couldn't be blocked, so Yu Jia and Xuan Yi, who had been watching from the sidelines, soon learned of this shocking and even horrifying news.

It was also raining at night outside the window, but the mood between the two sitting opposite each other did not have Zhang Xueyao's calm and breezy mood, only an almost suffocating solemnity remained.

After a long time, Yu Jia slowly opened his mouth and said: "We all underestimated him, who would have thought that he really had to kill Chi Bing? You and I know Chi Bing's cultivation level, even if the two of us match up He didn't have any certainty of victory at all, it was only five or five at most, but Chi Cing died in his hands."

Xuan Yi hesitated and said, "Do you think it was the mistress who made the move?"

"You know the temperament of the mistress, even if Xu Beiyou is her own son, she would never play such tricks." Yu Jia shook his head and said: "If she really wants to help Xu Beiyou secure the position of the young master, she will kill her immediately. That is, who dares to disobey the people below? Why bother to make such a big detour."

Xuan Yi was silent.

"Chi Bing just died like this." Yu Jia sighed with a bit of melancholy: "Back then, some good people called the first four of us together as the Four Great Sword Masters of the Sword Sect, and Chi Bing was regarded by many In the future, he will be a great talent in the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, but the result is that he will die as soon as he says it, it is really unpredictable."

Xuan Yi turned his head to look at the rain curtain outside, and sighed softly: "Now is not the time to mourn the spring and autumn, the most urgent thing is how to solve the dead situation in front of us, so that you and I can find a way out, so that we won't be like Chi Cing , Chang Xin, Nian Geng, and Ren Chen became other people's ghosts under the sword."

Yu Jia was silent for a moment, and said expressionlessly: "What else can I do? You can either bow your head, bend your waist, and knees, and try to survive; Which do you choose?"

There was a dead silence in the room.

After some time, all the candles in the house were burned out, leaving only darkness.

It was still raining outside the house.

In the darkness came an unknown sighing voice, "We are getting old."

These two swordsmen who dared to go through life and death with Gongsun Zhongmou, as they grow older, have long been worn out by ease and vanity, and they can no longer make a word of disagreement that is angry, and angry eyes draw their swords and draw their swords. As for the matter that the sword must kill, they are becoming more and more calm, and it can also be said that they are timid, with less and less ambition, and more and more worries.

It was also because of this that they did not dare to blatantly rebel like Chi Cing. At the beginning, they did not dare to draw their swords, and now they dare not even after the dust settles.

After the sword has been in the sheath for a long time, it is really locked in the sheath.

Since you can't even pull out your sword, why are you talking about standing?

——When it was about to dawn, the rain turned a little bit lighter, from a fine rain curtain to a light rain.

Xu Beiyou walked out of Zhang's mansion covered in filth, stepping on the rainwater with his blood-stained boots, as if he was about to turn blood in the clear rainwater.

Drenched in the rain all the way, he walked from Fuguifang back to Ronghuafang step by step.

Despite the drizzle, Xu Beiyou couldn't suppress the joy in Xu Beiyou's heart.

A real man should be in power, since Jianghu is a vanity fair, then it is even more important to hold power in your hands when you hang out in Jianghu.

If it is said that Xu Beiyou just stepped into the threshold of power with one foot before, then after last night, Xu Beiyou has already received the other foot into the threshold.

This internal struggle finally came to an end with Xu Beiyou becoming the master of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall.

Jiangdu City is just the beginning, under the glitz and blood, there is a road to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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