That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 238 Set up a family banquet and abdicate for the virtuous

Chapter 238 Set up a family banquet and abdicate for the virtuous

On the second day after Xiao Bai left Jiangnan, Zhang Xueyao held a family banquet in the East Lake Courtyard. Many people came, besides Xu Beiyou and Li Qinglian, Zhang Xueyao's niece Zhang An, Tang Shengyue, Qin Mumian, Shangguan Qinghong and Song Guanguan , East Lake Bieyuan has not been so lively for a long time.

Since it was a family banquet this time, the women decided to cook by themselves. Fortunately, Tang Shengyue is very good at cooking food, and Zhang An is also good at it. If Zhang Xueyao is the only one who cooks in person, then the result of this family banquet will be very worrying.

It has to be said that the East Lake Bieyuan is now extremely yin and yang, and apart from this group of women, there are only two men left, Xu Beiyou and Shangguan Qinghong.

Women work in the kitchen, while gentlemen stay away from the kitchen. Let’s not talk about the right and wrong of this sentence. Xu Beiyou and Shangguan Qinghong, the old and the young, did abide by the teachings of the saints and did not get closer. They sat side by side with a fishing rod in their hands. Fishing at the lake.

For this old man who was also famous in his early years, Xu Beiyou didn't feel any fear, but he felt a little close to him. After all, the old man's temperament has changed a lot now, and he has almost become a different person compared with his early years.

Sword intent is born from the heart and varies from person to person.People can lie, but sword intent can't. Shangguan Qinghong's ability to change from a deceitful sword to a fairy sword now undoubtedly shows that he is really looking at it, and it is definitely not deliberately hiding his power and biding his time.

Shangguan Qinghong easily caught a bright red carp, but he did not put the carp into the fishing basket, but put it back into the lake again, and then threw the pole and hook again, and the cycle repeated.

Xu Beiyou didn't have such good concentration as the old man, he hesitated for a moment and then took the initiative to say: "Uncle Shangguan, I heard that you used to be the master of the cunning sword."

"I don't dare to call you the word "grandmaster", but this old man did practice the cunning sword before." Shangguan Qinghong replied softly.

After Xu Beiyou considered his words a little, he said, "Beiyou wants to boldly recommend someone this time, and I ask my master to give me some pointers."

Shangguan Qinghong was noncommittal, and asked: "The person the young master mentioned is Song Guanguan from the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall?"

"Exactly." Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "She is also following the path of cunning swords, but without the guidance of a famous teacher, it is miscellaneous but not refined, and it is difficult to form a system, so I would like to ask you to give pointers, lest she go astray by herself."

"I've seen that girl." Shangguan Qinghong looked at the big red carp swimming in the lake, and said unhurriedly: "The root bone is not the best, but it is quite spiritual, and it can be regarded as a material that can be made. Since the young master spoke in person, I don't mind passing on all I have learned to her."

Xu Beiyou couldn't help but be overjoyed, he just wanted this sword fairy to give some pointers so that Song Guanguan could step into the realm of immortality as soon as possible, but he never thought that there would be such an unexpected joy, that Shangguan Qinghong would take the initiative to pass on what he had learned to Song Guanguan In this way, Song Guanguan, who originally wanted to stop in the realm of human immortality, turned out to be in the realm of immortality.

Shangguan Qinghong smiled lightly and said: "Young master, please call that girl over, I have a few words to say to her."

Xu Beiyou immediately got up and called Song Guanguan who was laying hands in the kitchen over.

Song Guanguan stood in front of the old man in a slightly restrained manner. The son had already told her what had happened on the way here. Of course, she would not refuse this rare opportunity.

It is far more precious than the opportunity of a fairy family's legacy to be taught by a master of the earth in person. After all, the teacher is not only preaching and teaching, but also answering questions, and relying on his own experience to keep the younger generation away. There are many detours, and the effect of teaching with or without a teacher is undoubtedly very different.

Shangguan Qinghong looked Song Guanguan up and down, and asked, "Little girl, how many people have you killed?"

Song Guanguan was taken aback, and subconsciously glanced at Xu Beiyou. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Xu Beiyou's expression, he replied honestly, "160 and three people."

Xu Beiyou's face was still calm. Not to mention Song Guanguan, who was born in the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, even his own life was not too small. From the secret guards of the Longmen Inn to the twelve wolf robbers outside Julu City, there were more than a dozen or 20 people at every turn. , in the rivers and lakes, human life is the least valuable thing.

Shangguan Qinghong nodded, and said: "When the old man was your age, the blood debt from the sword was already 340 to [-], and there were no ordinary people, all of them were martial arts monks."

Song Guanguan couldn't help but secretly stunned, no wonder the old man's reputation was so bloody when he was young.

Shangguan Qinghong paused for a moment, and then said: "The so-called deceitful sword is simply a murderous sword. It is used to kill people, so it is called deceitful. To practice deceitful sword, you must kill people, but you must not kill people indiscriminately. The cunning sword that does not kill is just like a scholar talking on paper, misleading others and oneself. The cunning sword that kills indiscriminately is very sharp and true, but at the same time it is also very hostile, just like a sword with two fronts, hurting others and hurting yourself. When I was young, I highly admired the way of swordsmanship and killing, and despised the way of swordsmanship that only seeks to be spiritual. It was only after I got old that I realized that since the way of swordsmanship can be called Tao, it is by no means a word that can be summed up by killing. Killing, killing If you become proficient, you will only make your sword intent impure, and you will be trapped in a cocoon in the end, and you will completely fall into crooked ways."

"The sword is single-edged, so it is the most important way of killing and cutting, and it is most suitable for battles in battle. The masters of the military often use swords, but the sword has double edges. It kills while awakening itself. Knowing this truth, it can be said that I have wasted more than ten years on this, and I give it to you today."

Song Guanguan nodded solemnly and said: "Thank you for your suggestion."

"If you don't want to thank you, there is no need to say more, just keep this truth in your heart." Shangguan Qinghong waved his hand. The ups and downs he has experienced in his life may not be much inferior to Gongsun Zhongmou, but he and Gongsun Zhongmou It's different, I don't have such a deep obsession, and now everything is bearish. He makes him strong, the breeze blows the hills, he lets him do whatever he wants, the moon shines on the river, no matter how windy you are, I won't move.

Shangguan Qinghong sighed softly: "Truth, rules, and the middle one is the scale. There is a scale to grasp in everything, but this is the most difficult scale to grasp. The scale between killing and not killing is not well grasped by the old man, so the old man Just don't take the initiative to kill people anymore, after the age of 60, the old man only has twenty-one blood debts, and all of them are people who have to be killed."

After finishing speaking, the old man waved his hand, and Song Guanguan stepped back tactfully.

Shangguan Qinghong looked at Xu Beiyou, and said: "Young Master, the Suzerain had said something to the old man the night before yesterday, if you were defeated by Chi Bing, let the old man save you, and then the old man Then I will teach you everything I have learned in this body, but then you will no longer be the young master of the Sword Sect, but just an ordinary disciple of the Sword Sect."

Xu Beiyou raised his head suddenly, his face full of shock.

Shangguan Qinghong shook his head and said: "But since the young master defeated Chi Bing, then there is nothing wrong with the old man. The young master is still the disciple of the suzerain, and he is still the first disciple of the sword sect who succeeded the suzerain. You might as well come to the old man for a walk, the old man will tell the young master his two or three insights into the immortal sword, and it should be beneficial to the young master's sword practice."

Xu Beiyou saluted solemnly, and said solemnly, "Thank you, Uncle Shangguan."

Shangguan Qinghong showed a gentle smile, and said: "Let's not talk about it, it's almost time for dinner, and the group of fairy-like women in the room have a lot of temper, let's go there quickly, so as not to delay the time to ask for scolding."

Xu Beiyou smiled knowingly.

After the two returned to the house, they were indeed ready to have a feast.

This time there was no ostentation, just a big round table, and everyone sat around the table.

The dishes on the table are also glossy and eye-catching. As for the taste, you have to taste it yourself to know.

Seeing this happy scene, Xu Beiyou suddenly sighed, no wonder people say that the world is impermanent, only after experiencing some things for himself can he understand what it is like to experience the ups and downs.

Just at this time Zhang Xueyao looked towards Xu Beiyou, and said with a smile: "Although today is a family banquet, I still have to talk about some business before the banquet, and I would like to invite everyone to be a witness. From today on, my old lady will I have spent my whole life in the East Lake Bieyuan, and from now on, Beiyou will be the master of Jianzong's affairs."

Everyone here has already been psychologically prepared. Although they were surprised, they were not shocked.

Xu Beiyou didn't show any ecstasy, he tried his best to keep his face calm, and then showed a subtle smile that was just right.

Take the first step on the road to Qingyun ascending to heaven today.

(End of this chapter)

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