Chapter 240

Just as Xie Suqing and Ye Daoqi were traveling in micro-clothes, the dinner party at the East Lake Courtyard ended, and Xu Beiyou returned to his mansion in Ronghuafang, Jiangdu City, half drunk.

Although Xu Beiyou is now in power at the beginning, he is still too far away from the world of wealthy patriarchs like Xie Suqing and Ye Daoqi. Don't say that he has been passed down for thousands of years, and let alone what his background is. Well, at best, he is just a merchant with a touch of gray, and he is still a merchant who has just dabbled in business.

After returning to the mansion, Song Guanguan brought Xu Beiyou a bowl of hangover soup, because the wine drunk at the family banquet today was not ordinary wine, but a jar of a hundred birds brewed by Gongsun Zhongmou in his early years, using more than [-] kinds of birds. Saliva in the mouth is brewed with a secret recipe to make wine, and even the so-called masters of the fairyland will get drunk under this wine if they don't use their cultivation to resist, which shows its overbearing stamina.

Because of his own realm, Xu Beiyou only had a drink, but even so, on the way back home, his face was flushed, his eyes were dazed, and he looked like he was drunk.

Zhang Xueyao and the other three women relied on their own cultivation to drink a few more glasses, and it didn't take long for Xiafei's cheeks to appear, and the brilliance in her eyes was like ripples in water. The three of them have their own strengths and weaknesses, and they are even more beautiful when they are half awake and half drunk It's just that Xu Beiyou was already drunk and hazy at that time, but he didn't have the chance to see this rare grand scene.

Wine is not ordinary wine, so the hangover soup for hangover is not ordinary either. It is carefully prepared with various precious medicinal materials. It can not only refresh the mind, but also warm and nourish the liver and spleen.

After a bowl of sober soup, Xu Beiyou came to his senses after a while. I have to say that this Bai Niao Niang is a good thing. Although the alcohol is strong, it does not hurt people when drunk, and there will be no hangover pain. After the soup, you will feel comfortable and refreshed all over your body.

Xu Beiyou lay on a recliner, looked sideways slightly, and found that it was already pitch black outside the window, it was sunny after the heavy rain, and there was a bright moon hanging on the night, with no dark clouds covering it.

Xu Beiyou withdrew his gaze a little, turned to Song Guanguan beside him, and asked, "What time is it?"

Song Guanguan sat on the embroidered pier next to the reclining chair, folded his hands on his knees, and replied softly after hearing the words: "You Shi Mo."

Xu Beiyou turned over and sat up, Song Guanguan subconsciously wanted to help, Xu Beiyou smiled and waved his hand.

Xu Beiyou regained his composure, got up and came to the desk, flipped through a few files, and asked softly, "How are the stewards these days?"

When it came to business, Song Guanguan was a little more solemn, and said in a deep voice: "Since Chi Bing's death, he has become more honest. I'm dead, this time I'm really scared."

Song Guanguan hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Some people also came to look for slaves, but they were all rejected by the slaves."

Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "It's all human nature. When the water is clear, there will be no fish. Sometimes it's better to be confused. You can tell Zhang An. If someone comes to her in the future, you can deal with it according to your circumstances, but those Those who are too disgraceful are not included, I will use a few heads to show my authority."

Song Guanguan nodded and wrote it down.

From Chi Bing's death to attending the family banquet in the East Lake Courtyard, Xu Beiyou was not idle during this period of time, most of the time was spent looking through the account books and files from the major management newspapers, and he did not pay attention to Yu Jia and Xuan Yi who came to plead guilty Instead, they left the two of them outside the door, making up their minds to completely wipe away the last remaining arrogance of the two of them.

Xu Beiyou put down the dossier in his hand, and said slowly: "Tomorrow you will go to Uncle Shangguan. If you can step into the realm of immortality one day earlier, the matter of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall will be implemented one day earlier."

Song Guanguan was not a dull person, he immediately heard the voice of Xu Beiyou's words, he couldn't help but asked in surprise, "Master, you mean to let the slaves lead the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall?"

Xu Beiyou nodded and said: "I don't ask the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall to help me now, I just want to hold the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall firmly first, so as not to cause any trouble again, Guanguan, you are the person I trust the most, and you are the leader of the Sword Qi Ling Kongtang’s errand is none other than yours.”

Song Guanguan said softly: "The qualifications of the servants are shallow, and their cultivation is only in the realm of ghosts and immortals. How can they take on such a big task? I'd like to ask you to think about it again."

Xu Beiyou shook his head and said, "You don't need to think about it anymore. I said you can afford it, and you can afford it. Besides, there are only a few people I can use at the moment. Zhang An has enough qualifications, but Cultivation is really unattractive and difficult to convince the public, so I want you to step into the realm of immortality as soon as possible, don't you want to help me?"

Hearing what Xu Beiyou said, Song Guanguan hurriedly shook his head and said, "I am willing to go through fire and water for you..."

Xu Beiyou raised his hand to stop the second half of her sentence, and said with a gentle smile, "I don't want you to go through fire and water for me, I just want you to go to Master Shangguan to study hard, and strive to step into the realm of immortality as soon as possible, and then come back Help me take charge of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, can you do it?"

Song Guanguan looked at his smiling face, his cheeks were inexplicably hot, he lowered his eyebrows and eyes, not daring to look at him, and finally said a word able in a low voice.

Xu Beiyou smiled in satisfaction, and said, "It's getting late, you should go and rest earlier."

Song Guanguan hummed, exited the house, and helped Xu Beiyou close the door.

Xu Beiyou picked up another dossier from the table, opened a few pages and squinted his eyes in thought.

Now that Chi Bing has learned from the past, if there is no accident, no one will dare to confront him head-on in the future. Most likely it will be some insidious means hidden in the cotton, which is not only hard to guard against, but also not easy for him to grasp.

Xu Beiyou is proficient at killing people with a sword, but when it comes to running a business, Xu Beiyou really doesn't know anything about it.

Since Xu Beiyou is determined to rectify the major industries, and even kill chickens to make an example of monkeys, then the managers who have been harmed to their own interests and even their lives will naturally not sit idly by.

These stewards below, let them rebel against Xu Beiyou like Chi Bing, even lending them a hundred guts would not dare, but these old fritters have been immersed in business for many years and are well versed in various rules and standards in the market. If you join hands and do some tricks, Jianzong can pay a huge sum of money, and people can't see the slightest clue. Even if you, the young master, know that we did the tricks, but you don't have half a piece of evidence , the law does not blame the public, no matter how powerful you are, can you still kill us all?

At that time, you, Xu Beiyou, will be devastated, and you will have to spend a lot of money to make up for the shortfall. Why are you talking about rectification?In the end, we will help you clean up the mess and sell you a big favor. How can you have the nerve to take another knife against us?

In the final analysis, it is up to us to run these large and small industries normally. Although you are a "young boss", you cannot escape being ostracized by us "treasurers".

It's still the same old saying, whoever can gain a foothold in Jiangdu City has no real skills?Which one is not behind all kinds of implicated connections?If you want to talk about rectification, even if Zhang Xueyao takes action personally, you must also pay attention to timing, proportion, heat, and means, all of which are indispensable.

Xu Beiyou knew in his heart that although the stewards were still watching and hadn't actually made a move, once they did, the shock it would bring might not be less than what happened with Chi Bing.

He took out a copper coin from his sleeve, held it on his fingertips, and remembered the two words Shangguan Qinghong gave him when he left the East Lake Courtyard.

The method is to open the place where the flowers and willows are dense.

When the wind is violent and the rain is violent, stand still so that you can see your heels.

Now he is standing on his feet, but what stands in front of him next is a large bush of thorns. This piece of thorns will not kill him, but it can make him embarrassed, and even stop him. How can he walk through without looking embarrassed? This piece of thorns has become the current problem.

Xu Beiyou flicked his fingers, and the copper coin on his fingertips shattered into two halves, and fell on the table, exactly the opposite.

Han Xuan once said to Xu Beiyou that if you don't have a clue when doing something, then start small and see the big from the small.Conversely, if you don’t know where to start when you have a lot of thoughts, then start from the big picture, from top to bottom.

Xu Beiyou pondered for a moment, flicked his sleeves and took the two halves of the copper coins back into his sleeves, and then dug out the thickest file from among the many files, and wrote three large characters on the cover, Duobao Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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