That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 257 Inside and outside of the East Lake Courtyard

Chapter 257 Inside and outside of the East Lake Courtyard

The East Lake Bieyuan in the setting sun seems to be covered with red gauze. In the gradually dimming sky, there are only a few chirping birds and insects, and it is peaceful.

It's just that there is no sound of people, and the maids who come and go on weekdays have disappeared, and this place seems to have become an empty house.

The eight doors of the main hall were wide open, and a reclining chair was placed in the middle. A woman in white linen was lying on it, her feet were on the pedals, her hands were folded on her lower abdomen, and she was resting with her eyes closed.

Standing next to the woman's right hand is a long sword. The sword head, hilt, tsuba, and scabbard are all white, as white as a long rainbow, and the sword is named Baihong.

The white rainbow is cast in response to the aura of the golden crow, pointing at the sun to make the day light and dark, and it is actually a pair with Xuanming, the two swords are combined, and their power is even greater.

"The so-called family, the big one can have hundreds or thousands of people, such as the Tian family sitting on the world, and the small one is just two people, husband and wife support each other."

The woman slowly opened her eyes, as if she was whispering to herself: "This is a small family with only a husband and wife, but the man in charge of the family has to go first, and the remaining widows will inevitably be lonely. If there is a windfall, it is even more necessary to spy on it, and there may be powerful people who want to steal it."

"First cheat, then scare, if you can't cheat, if you don't scare, then you have to turn into a robber, break in directly, and break into other people's homes to rob."

"It's obviously a robbery, but I still have to give myself a good name, and I don't understand what is said to be taken back from the ancestors. These things are all passed down by the ancestors, and they all worship the same ancestor. Why did you claim to take back the things in our hands that you lost?"

An old Taoist walked into the yard slowly, stood still outside the main hall, and replied with a light smile: "The Daoist sect and the Jianzong family are originally a family. The old Taoist is a few years older, so I ask you to call me Zhang Shimei. Just like what Zhang Shimei said just now." In other words, the Taoist sect worships the Taoist ancestor, and the Jianzong also worships the Taoist ancestor. It is not wrong to say that the two families worship the same ancestor, but brothers have to settle accounts clearly, let alone two huge sects? The things left by the father and mother should be theirs. The younger brother took the elder brother’s things. There is no reason why he can’t take it back just because he is a brother. Back then, Zhu Xian was passed down to my Taoist sect by the Taoist ancestor. Today, my Taoist sect is here to ask for it. Going back to Zhuxian, what's wrong?"

Zhang Xueyao sat up while leaning on the armrest of the reclining chair, and said with a sneer: "Back then, the Taoist ancestors handed down the Zhuxian Sword, the Linglong Pagoda, and the Three Treasures of Dutianyin. Du Tianyin, all matters concerning the Taoist sect will be decided by the three great masters.”

"It was only because Yuqing's lineage was so powerful that he wanted to take all the three treasures into his own hands. My Shangqing lineage refused to accept it. That's why my ancestor of the Sword Sect persuaded 24 great masters to establish themselves with a sword. Afterwards, the great master Yuqing He took the Linglong Pagoda and the Dutian Seal into his own hands, abolished the theory of the three veins, divided the Taiqing vein into seven peaks, sealed the remaining Shangqing vein as Jianfeng, and denounced my Jianzong as a traitor, while he himself Single-handedly in charge of Dutian Yimai, commanding the eight peaks, known as the master of Taoism in the world, and he himself is the master of Taoism."

"What Dao ancestor is the first generation head teacher, why is my sword sect patriarch actually the master of Jianfeng Peak, you can hide these things from the world, and you can also hide my sword sect? As for the No. 13 generation head teacher, it is even more important to integrate the seven masters. In the name of Mai, all the Qifeng masters who originally belonged to the Taiqing lineage were connected, and they actually used his disciples Qingchen, Wuchen, Xichen, Weichen, Yuchen, Tianchen, and Qingchen as the new Qifengfeng masters. Lord, you made Xuanchen and others the masters of the palaces and Zichen as the head disciple of the Daoist sect, and since then there has been no such thing as Taiqing or Shangqing in this Daoist sect, and only you, Yuqing, are left to hold the power alone."

"Zhu Xian was originally given to me by the Taoist ancestor of the Shangqing lineage. What does it have to do with your Yuqing lineage? Why do you say take back the word? You should return the Linglong Pagoda to the Taiqing lineage before coming here to be righteous! "

The smile on Ksitigarbha's face slowly froze.

Even if he is the third chief deacon in the Temple of Demon Suppression, he has no right to know these old secrets that only the real master and several peak masters can know.

As long as half of today's events are disclosed, especially if the court is in the hands, the Taoist sect will face the problem of improper position.

Throughout the ages, how many emperors have aroused fury in the world just because of their improper positions, and how many emperors have tried their best to cover up this.

Although this kind of thing can't affect the foundation of the Taoist sect, it can make the Taoist sect suffer from it.

After a moment of silence, King Ksitigarbha said softly: "Since ancient times, there have been winners and losers. What is right? What is evil? In the final analysis, it is only success or failure. Today I will not argue with you. See the high and low on the wrist."

Zhang Xueyao supported Bai Hong to get up slowly, and said calmly: "It's very good."

Ksitigarbha waved his big sleeves, and countless tiny flying swords as thin as cow hair flew out from the cuffs. Each flying sword was engraved with tiny inscriptions. It is a star river that revolves around him slowly.

Zhang Xueyao didn't draw her sword in a hurry, and asked plainly: "Where is another King Yama? Where did he go?"

The smile appeared on Ksitigarbha King's face again, hehe said: "There is an expert from the imperial court who is very difficult, he has to deal with it, so the old Taoist can only come to meet Junior Sister Zhang for a while."

Zhang Xueyao stretched out her hand to press the sword, and said no more.

This time, it was Ksitigarbha King who took the initiative to say: "Junior Sister Zhang, you defeated Murong Xuanyin not long ago, and it was truly majestic. Zhongmou is a good friend, if you agree to his conditions, and now that he is sitting in Jiangdu, would we still dare to come? You want to show off your prestige, not only forcing Murong Xuanyin away, but also making yourself seriously injured. It is the competition between the crane and the clam that makes us fisherman benefit."

Zhang Xueyao said expressionlessly, "They're all the same breed."

Ksitigarbha shook his head with a smile and said: "Murong Xuanyin will not take back Zhuxian, and Murong Xuanyin will not let Jianzong destroy his family. We are different from him."


It is indeed very different.

The Daomen, or the Temple of Suppressing Demons, acted on its own initiative this time while taking advantage of the head teacher and the hall master's retreat.

This can be said to be the next to conquer the top, cut first and then play.

——Outside the East Lake courtyard, the two faced each other across a small stone bridge.

It's early autumn, the weather is slightly cold, but Xie Suqing is still shaking the folding fan in his hand with the demeanor of a famous scholar. Unlike ordinary scholars and literati's folding fans, there are landscapes and beauties painted on Xie Suqing's folding fan. There is only one four-character quatrain written by himself on Xie Suqing's folding fan .

"Jiangling fine wine and tulips, jade bowl filled with amber light. But make the owner drunk, no one knows where is another country." A total of 28 characters, there is nothing else besides this.

The one who confronted Xie Suqingyao was the fourth deacon Yama.

King Yama, also known as the Son of Heaven, is not the head of Yama in the Ten Halls, but he is the most famous among the Yamas in the Ten Halls, so he ranks fourth among the 36 deacons in the Hall of Suppressing Demons.

King Yan Luo has always been known for his ruthlessness in the Temple of Demon Suppression, and he can say a few words in front of his superiors and colleagues, but in front of others, he is really as hard as a mountain, and he cherishes his words like gold.

Fortunately, Xie Suqing, the Patriarch of the Xie family, has enough face to make this King Yama turn a blind eye.

Xie Suqing shook her folding fan lightly, and said leisurely: "A person's life is 20 days. If you exclude the 40 years of being young and old and having nowhere to go, and the [-] years of eating, drinking, and sleeping, there is less than half of the time left. Even so, there is still time left. All kinds of mundane affairs are entangled, so the sages said that life is short, and you should enjoy yourself in time."

King Yan Luo was noncommittal, just waiting for the next article.

Xie Suqing closed the folding fan in her hand, slightly afraid of slapping her palms, and continued: "In all fairness, Xie doesn't want to fight to the death with Your Excellency, but the emperor's life is in her body, and Xie has to come, so Xie wants to fight with Your Excellency." It's a discussion, you don't move, I don't move, you and I just stand like this for a moment, not only can we not hurt our peace, but also we can have an explanation to our superiors, what do you think?"

King Yan Luo was silent for a long time, and then said a good word slowly with no expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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