That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 266 One Jiazi is in vain

Chapter 266
Zhang Xueyao has long since lost her ambition to compete with the Daoist sect, and only wants to preserve the lineage of Jianzong's incense, which is worthy of her deceased master and husband. As for revitalizing Jianzong, or avenging her husband, she feels powerless , and can only hope that Xu Beiyou, who was placed high hopes by her husband Gongsun Zhongmou, can really take on the great task of Jianzong.

But she didn't expect that once the Taoist sect made a move, they would not keep their hands, and would uproot Jianzong. Although Jianzong saved Zhu Xian this time, the price he paid was tragic. Jian Thirty was killed in battle, Xu Beiyou had an arm and a leg broken, Qi Hai was shattered and at the same time his life was lost for a year, almost no different from a useless person. After Gongsun Zhongmou, Shangguan Qinghong and Xu Beiyou are the only two males left One died and one was scrapped, and the rest were really a group of orphans and widows.

The sleeping Xu Beiyou fell into a dream again, but this time the dream was not so grotesque, there were only many past events, many old people, and many emotions hidden deep in his heart, coming and going, just looking around.

The qi machine that did not belong to Xu Beiyou consumed Xu Beiyou's 60-year lifespan, but it also helped to open his upper dantian Zifu Consciousness Sea. According to normal circumstances, only when the cultivation level reaches the realm of the earth fairy can the upper dantian be opened. Dantian, Xu Beiyou has reached the sky in one step. If his lower dantian Qihai is intact, he can step into the realm of immortality just by virtue of this opportunity.

It's a pity that at this time Xu Beiyou's lower dantian qi sea has disappeared, and the realm of immortality is hopeless. The middle dantian qi mansion can't be opened either, and only the upper dantian purple mansion is left, which becomes a castle in the air.

Throughout the ages, qi refining practice has been carried out step by step from bottom to top, just like building a castle, laying the foundation first, and then building it layer by layer. There is no saying that the top floor is built first, and then the bottom floor and foundation are built, so I have never heard of it for so many years. Say someone can buck the trend.

In fact, more than seventy years ago, someone had accomplished this feat unintentionally, but the world didn't know about it. Later, that person ruled the world and killed Fu Chen who was on the eighteenth floor with a single sword.

From this point of view, Xu Beiyou is not completely at the end of the road, there is still a glimmer of hope. If he can set foot in the realm of the earth fairy within three years, he will have an extra hundred years of life, and he will get rid of his youth at a young age. The miserable situation of dying.

It's just that it's easier said than done to re-enter the Daoism in Dantian Zifu, and to set foot in the realm of the earth fairy in three years?Ascension to the sky is nothing more than that.

Suddenly, Xu Beiyou entered his purple mansion from a dream, and stood alone in this world independent of reality.

Xu Beiyou looked around blankly, and vaguely saw 36 giant pillars reaching the sky standing around him, but because of the fog, they couldn't see them clearly and clearly.

With a thought in his mind, Xu Beiyou's eyes suddenly narrowed, the fog cleared and he returned to clarity.Where are the 36 giant pillars that reach the sky, they are clearly 36 giant swords that stand up to the sky!
Xu Beiyou was surprised, this seems to be Jianzong's Zhenzong's unique sword 36?
As soon as he thought about it, Xu Beiyou saw fifteen of the 36 huge swords light up in sequence, which corresponded to the first fifteen swords he knew.

Xu Beiyou closed his eyes and carefully felt the fifteen great swords that had been lit up. His mind was immersed in it, and his eyes suddenly became clear, and the essence and wonderful interpretation of the fifteen swords were all in front of him.

After Xu Beiyou came back to his senses, he looked at the remaining 21 swords, and couldn't hide his shock. Doesn't it mean that the whole chapter of Taiyi's 36 swords to save Ku Tianzun that he couldn't ask for was actually in his mind?
When he woke up, Xu Beiyou slowly opened his eyes, saw Zhang Xueyao's face, and smiled.

——A glass mirror that came across the ocean reflected a young face that could not hide the haggard and dark color, but what did not match this face was the young man's hair, which was not even half black and blue. In winter, the snow is white, without the slightest variegation.

The young man is sitting, and behind him is a standing young woman who is combing his hair carefully with an ivory comb.

Since the beginning of autumn, a series of changes in Jiangdu has made people overwhelmed. First, a group of chief deacons of the Demon Suppressing Palace came aggressively, and then attracted the imperial court to wait in full force. The situation is imminent.

Originally, the number one deacon of Zhenmo Temple with the [-]th floor realm, Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun, personally acted, making many people think that Jianzong might be more dangerous this time, but who would have thought that there would be an unknown swordsman master Out of nowhere, Taiyi rescued Ku Tianzun, who was on the [-]th floor with a sword, forcing all the chief deacons of the Town Demon Palace to retreat, and then drifted away without a trace.

It's really a thing. The demeanor of the sword fairy who had left his clothes, was in the limelight for a while, and some good people have already honored him as the sword god in the world.

At the same time, there are also rumors in the Jianghu. It is said that this person is actually an old ancestor who has practiced for many years in the sword sect. He was the one who escaped from the sword sect with Gongsun Zhongmou and Zhang Xueyao.It is also said that this unknown sword god is actually not interested in drunkenness. He seems to be helping Jianzong, but in fact he is pointing at the Taoist school. .1 Throne.Some people even say that this person is actually Gongsun Zhongmou. In the first battle on Biyou Island, Gongsun Zhongmou simply faked his death and escaped, and then hid in Jiangdu to heal his injuries. It won't be long before the head teacher will be attracted to come down the mountain in person.

One after another, people hear in a cloud of fog, not knowing whether it is true or false.

However, Jianzong and Daomen, the parties involved in this matter, were silent at the same time, neither taking the next step nor seeing anyone come out to clean up the mess.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Taoist sect made a profit in this fight. Although the Taoist sect lost face, and even Taiyi rescued Ku Tianzun was cut off an arm, but Jianzong died a sword fairy, Shangguan Qinghong. Jianzong is no better than the Jianzong of the past. In just one year, two sword celestial beings died. Even the Jianzong with Shangguan Xianchen sitting in the town in the past would feel a lot of pain, not to mention the fact that Jianzong is far inferior to the past. Zong.

Nowadays, there are many people who think that if they are not afraid of the peerless sword god who can't see the end of the dragon, the Taoist sect can take advantage of the situation to destroy the sword sect.


Xu Beiyou looked at himself in the mirror and sighed silently.

Now he is just a half-disabled person. Although the supreme sword body is still there, the dragon and tiger alchemy has been completely abolished along with the sea of ​​​​qi in the lower dantian, and almost half of his cultivation has been lost.Zhang Xueyao didn't hide too much from him, and told him bluntly that he had only three years left to live, if he could break through the bottom line within three years, then everything would be fine, if not, then he would have to wait to die.

As for the legendary life-prolonging elixir, don’t even think about it. The first emperor Zulong summoned the monks from all over the world to search for the medicine to no avail. He spared no expense in material and manpower to seek a medicine for longevity, but they all returned in vain. It is said that nowadays, with the Xiao family sitting on the world's rich and powerful, there may not be such a medicine for immortals, let alone the ones who are now withered to this day. Jianzong?
After Song Guanguan combed Xu Beiyou's hair into a bun, he tied it with an ebony hairpin. He looked at the young master's neat and long snow-white hair. Although it had been a while, he still felt very sad every time he saw it.

Xu Beiyou got up from the embroidered pier. Because of his white eyebrows and hair, he no longer wore the abrupt heavy black clothes, but changed into plain and light white robes, just like the one he saw in his dream. figure.

More than half a month has passed since the original battle. During this time, Xu Beiyou has been living in the East Lake Courtyard to recuperate his body, and Zhang An and Song Guanguan are responsible for other matters.

Xu Beiyou asked, "Where is the teacher's wife?"

Song Guanguan replied: "The mistress seems to be out to visit."

Xu Beiyou nodded, and said: "We have lived here for a while, and it's time to go back to Jiangdu City to have a look. You should go and inform the senior sister in charge first, and then we will leave."

Song Guanguan responded, turned and left.

Xu Beiyou walked out of the room alone, looked at the green square pond outside, and said softly: "Tianlan, Quexie, Xuanming."

Three green swords flew out from the room, hanging in front of Xu Beiyou.

If we lose our horses, we can't know what a blessing is.

Although Xu Beiyou lost all energy, he opened up the sea of ​​consciousness in the upper dantian, and used this opportunity to perfect the sixteenth sword in the past half a month. After he absorbed the sword energy and spirit, the three swords had already been with him Together as one body, with sixteen swords to control the sword, even if there is no aura, it can be commanded like an arm.

Where the heart goes, the sword goes.

(End of this chapter)

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