That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 281 State-owned 2 Dragons Don't Meet

Chapter 281

Qizhou, Langya Mansion, King Qi Mansion.

Qi Wang Xiaobai, who has already returned to the fief, is in a good mood today, and he specially invited his confidant General Yu Kuang. There is a large lake in the rear mansion of Prince Qi, and there are pavilions and waterside pavilions on the lake. Tea.

Xiao Bai has a tall and straight figure, and as the future prince, he looks rich and powerful. Although Yu Kuang is already seventy years old, his face is still full of age, majestic and heroic.

Sitting together, the two of them can be said to be pleasing to the eye.

Yu Kuang was an old man who was promoted by Emperor Xiao back then. When he first became an official, he served as an inner guard. He became the leader of the third-rank inner guards. His official rank was not high, but he was a close minister of the emperor. He had a high status and was known as a flying bear. Bing and Zha Qing have the same names.

In his later years, Emperor Xiao released four of his bodyguards as officials one after another. Wei Wuji entered the Secret Guard Mansion, Zha Mang went to the Northeast Army, and Zhang Wubing was the most valued. He was assigned to the Imperial Army of the Central Army and was in charge of the five cities Bing Ma Si, the position is prominent and important, if he was not implicated in the party struggle between Han Xuan and Lan Yu, and then dismissed from office, the current Zhang Wubing should have been the head of the five left governors and the left commander of the Central Army. .

But in any case, among the four major bodyguards back then, the other three were successively occupying high positions. Only Yu Kuang was not in a hurry. He lacked status and lived idle in the imperial capital. He was not appointed as the third-rank commander of Xiao Bai's army until Xiao Bai became the county king. At this time, Wei Wuji was already the governor of Jiangnan's Dark Guard Mansion, and Zha Mang became the second only to Xiao Bai. The left governor is the right governor of the Northeast Army.

For so many years, Yu Kuang has been following Xiao Bai's ups and downs, and has always stayed in the position of the third-rank leader. Except for Zhang Wubing who "fallen into the water", the other two have already made a career-high career, becoming the first-class ministers of the imperial court .

No matter how you look at it, Yu Kuang is like a stinky chess basket who played a good chess game so badly. Zhang Wubing lost all games with one careless move, but what is Yu Kuang?Give up your big dragon?

But looking at it now, many people suddenly realized that Yu Kuang is not a stinky chess basket, it is clear that he is a good fighter with no great achievements, and he is really a great player.

After so many years of ups and downs, the four stood on the same line again.The left governor of the Northeast Army, the left governor of the Northwest Army, the left governor of the Jiangnan Army, and the right governor of the Dark Guard Mansion, because of the special status of the Dark Guard Mansion, according to the rules, the official rank is half a level higher, so the right governor of the Dark Guard Mansion is equivalent to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. Zuo Dudu is from Yipin.

After waiting for so many years, Yu Kuang finally got the long-lost first-rank position.

And there is one more thing I have to say, that is, Yu Kuang has accumulated a lot of love with Xiao Bai for more than ten years. If Xiao Bai ascends the throne in the future, he will be the minister of Qiandi Conglong. different.

Among them, the gains and losses will not be fully seen until later.

Xiao Bai held up the sapphire teacup, took a sip, and said: "The decree issued by the imperial court is already on its way, and it is estimated that it will take another three or two days to enter the territory of Qizhou. It can be said that everyone expects it. When Zhang Wubing became the left governor of the Northwest Army last year, this king guessed that Prince Qi’s mansion would not keep you for too long. As expected, you will go to Huzhou in a few days. Today is the king who will see you off in advance .”

Yu Kuang said solemnly: "No matter where Yu Kuang goes, he is His Majesty and His Highness's servants."

Xiao Bai smiled, and said: "Fuchen, you can be regarded as an old man who grew up watching this king, and this king is really not used to you leaving."

Yu Kuang stretched out his hand to hold the teacup in front of him, he didn't raise his cup in a hurry, but felt the temperature between his palms carefully.

There was a brief silence between the monarch and the minister.

After a long time, Xiao Bai said again: "This time, I thought you would be appointed as the former military governor of the left. After all, it is my base camp, and you are my people. After passing, everything will be logical, but I didn't expect Royal Father actually put you here with the Jiangnan Rear Army, which was beyond my expectation, Fuchen, what do you mean by Royal Father?"

Yu Kuang said slowly: "Two points. First, Lan Xiang should have the same thoughts as His Highness, thinking that His Majesty will put me in southern Xinjiang, so he wants to protect Chen Qiong. His Majesty deliberately did the opposite by surprise." After all, it’s still a battle between kings and princes. As for the second point, I’m about to say something disrespectful.”

Xiao Bai's right hand holding the teacup trembled imperceptibly, "But it doesn't matter."

Yu Kuang said softly: "I wonder if Your Highness has heard the saying that the two dragons will not meet each other?"

Xiao Bai said calmly: "I have heard, this king remembers that this sentence was said by the head teacher to the emperor's grandfather, to persuade the late emperor not to establish a crown prince early, but was refuted by the emperor's grandmother, saying that the head teacher's words were nonsense. , and it was with the full support of the emperor's grandmother that the father was established as the prince."

Yu Kuang said: "I used to be one of the late emperor's close guards, and the late emperor's cultivation level is also the most clear. When the Dingding battle was held, the late emperor recognized the cultivation level of the twelfth floor of the earth immortal. By the tenth year of Huanglong, the late emperor had already From the sixteenth floor, in the tenth year of Taiping, the late emperor had the eighteenth floor, and in the last 20th year of Taiping, the level of the late emperor's cultivation is beyond our imagination."

Yu Kuang paused for a moment, he rarely showed his sentimentality in front of others, but at this time he was somewhat unconcealed sentimentality, "But in the 20th year of Taiping, the first emperor suddenly controlled Bintian, the matter is so strange, so far there are different opinions It is also because of this that there was a dispute between the blue and the Han that later involved the entire temple. If it weren't for the empress dowager who made the decision, I don't know how far it would have gone."

Xiao Bai showed reminiscence, and sighed: "I was still young at that time, and I only remember that when the emperor's grandfather left, it was snowing heavily and the city was completely deserted. The emperor took my hand and walked down from the palace gate. A few days ago, princes and ministers in mourning attire knelt on the ground. Just a few days ago, three generations of us, grandparents and grandchildren, were sitting together in Ganquan Palace, like a tripartite confrontation."

Yu Kuang let go of the teacup in his palm and said, "Why did your majesty delay in making your highness the crown prince? On the surface, he said that he was afraid that Muxiu would be destroyed by the wind in the forest, and it was to protect his highness. But in fact, I secretly thought that your majesty was I am a little scared, the two dragons will not meet each other, the first emperor did not believe it, and then there was the incident of the 20th year of Taiping, so your Majesty dare not believe it, and has to believe it."

Xiao Bai sternly said: "Bold!"

Yu Kuang said indifferently: "Your Highness, the people in the Dark Guard Mansion have been dispatched by me, and they are not in the mansion at the moment, and the people in charge of rituals have already left when you and I were silent, so there is no need for Your Highness to act like this. "

The stern look on Xiao Bai's face disappeared, and he regained his composure and said, "Fuchen, continue talking."

Yu Kuang said: "Now Your Majesty is at the height of Spring and Autumn, so not only will Your Majesty not make His Highness the crown prince, but he will not let His Highness stay with you, let alone let you go to Southern Xinjiang to hold the Southern Xinjiang army in your hands for Your Highness. Only when His Highness does not hold real power and stays far away from the imperial capital, can it be considered that the two dragons will not meet, and this is the second point I want to say."

Xiao Bai clenched his fist lightly, without speaking.

Yu Kuang was originally a close minister of the emperor, and his vision was naturally high-level. He had been idle for more than ten years, and he had been on the sidelines for more than ten years. Later, he became an official in Qi Wangfu. He was in Qizhou, but he was still outside the bureau. Everyone said that the authorities were fascinated, but the bystanders were clear. Yu Kuang sees the situation from the position of an outsider, so he sees it more thoroughly than the other three.

He was originally a clumsy person, he showed himself as a taciturn martial artist all day long, he would not say much in front of Xiao Bai easily, but now that parting is imminent, he is still determined to leave a few heartfelt words to this present and future master.

Yu Kuang smiled lightly and said, "However, Your Highness also said just now that the late Emperor, Your Majesty, and Your Highness once sat together in the Ganquan Palace, forming a three-legged posture. In my humble opinion, this is actually the late Emperor's plan for the future two parties. Candidates for the Emperor."

After Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment, his face revealed a look of surprise, and he stroked his palms and said, "Only emperors can stand side by side with emperors. Since there are three legs standing together, how can there be such a saying that the three legs have different lengths? Naturally, they must be equal in length."

Yu Kuang said slowly: "Buddhists say there are three generations of Buddhas. The Buddha of the past, the Buddha of the present, and the Buddha of the future are the lords of all Buddhas. The first emperor is the past, your majesty is the present, and your majesty is the future. If you think about it, your majesty will also take care of it." In this regard, after His Highness was transferred from the imperial capital, he was afraid that His Highness would stay away from the temple for many years, and there would be many variables when he returned to the temple in the future, so he took a compromise strategy, so Yu Kuang took the post of Jiangnan this time. After all, it’s just paving the way for the true king.”

Xiao Bai whispered to himself: "Pave the road, what a road to the sky."

(End of this chapter)

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