Chapter 284

Thousands of miles of blue waves, Biyou Island looms between the wind and waves.

This place used to be the place where Wanjian Chaozong lived, where the hearts of swordsmen all over the world aspired, and at the same time, it was also the core place of Jianzong.

It is said that there are 36 large islands in the East China Sea, countless small islands, and Jianzong owns [-]. The huge East China Sea, including Weiguo, was once the back residence of Jianzong.

At that time, the Sword Sect was a behemoth that could compete head-on with Taoist sects, and even competed in the world. It was far from being comparable to today's Sword Sect, which could not single-handedly cover the sky in Jiangdu.

Among the 36 islands of Jianzong, Biyou Island is the most important one. The great master of the Qing Dynasty who betrayed the Taoist sect established a sect here, recruited many disciples, and established the millennium foundation of Jianzong.

It was just a big gamble in the last years of the Zheng Dynasty. Jianzong lost everything. Those who lost were ruined, lost all their lives, and only a few lonely ghosts remained.

At that time, Daoist Master Yuchen, the leader of Taoism Yuheng Peak, teamed up with Xiao Shen, the elder of Jianzong's rebel sect, to attack Biyou Island and slaughtered Jianqi Lingkongtang, and Jianzong was overthrown.

Fifty years later, Sun Zhongmou, the lord of the Sword Sect, once again set foot on Biyou Island, attracting the head teacher of the Taoist school Qiu Ye Xiashan and the spirits of the Nine Earth Immortals to travel.

The two of them did a game here to break the past.

Ever since the battle between Qiuye and Gongsun Zhongmou, Biyou Island has become more and more barren, with dilapidated walls and ruins, and no one inhabited.

The Daoist sect sends a great master to station here all the year round. Each Daoist has a period of three years, and the rotation expires. This year, the rotation period just expires. Maybe it is because after Gongsun Zhongmou's death, the sword sect can't make any more troubles, so the Daoist sect sent here I met a big real person who had just been promoted to the realm of the earth fairy.

This big real person is a woman, at the age of prime and prime, her surname is Qi, and her name is of the generation of Yun, and there is a sense of immortality in her name.

Qi Xianyun is 24 years old this year, and she had already set foot in the realm of immortality as early as that year. In other words, she stayed in the realm of immortality for six full years.For ordinary people, it is undoubtedly a blessing to be able to break through the realm of human immortality and become an earth immortal in six years. Many people even stay in the realm of human immortality all their lives. These six years are indeed a bit too long for geniuses who are fifth-rank, 12-year-old first-rank, 16-year-old ghost immortals, and human immortals.

During these six years, there were many people who ridiculed Qi Xianyun, who had disappeared from everyone, and was not worthy of being the first disciple of the Taoist sect, let alone inheriting the position of head teacher of the Taoist sect. However, Qiuye always refused to comment on such statements, not only did he not neglect himself The youngest direct disciple, on the contrary, asked her to assist Murong Xuan in taking charge of Dutian Peak.

It wasn't until this year that Qi Xianyun, who had accumulated a lot of knowledge, finally realized that the human fairyland had reached perfection, and she took the step that she could have taken a long time ago but hadn't taken so long to achieve the earthly fairyland.

She is still the Qi Xianyun who looks down on her peers all over the world, except for the young Xiao Yuyi, the crouching tiger Zhao Tinghu, and the young Lin Xu Beiyou, how can they be compared with her?
However, compared to Xu Beiyou, who has already become the first disciple of the Sword Sect, she still has a long way to go to become the first disciple of the Taoist sect. After all, there are many great masters in the Taoist sect, but there can only be one first disciple. There are also eight senior brothers and three senior sisters, especially senior senior Tian Yun, second senior Wu Yunsou, and third senior Bai Yunzi. All three of them are Earth Immortals who have accumulated for many years, and they are not much better than some elders of Ye Zi's generation.

If Qi Xianyun is given another 30 years, she is confident that she can surpass the three senior brothers, but the master can't wait that long. In another ten years at most, Qiu Ye will fly away to the immortal, and by then the head teacher will be vacant , the major peak masters and palace masters stood in line one after another. Even if she had the support of her teacher and mother Murong Xuan, it would be difficult for her to compete with the three senior brothers with deep roots.

This time, the master couldn't retreat, so the senior brother Tian Yun decisively joined the other two senior brothers, and dispatched her to Biyou Island through the discussion of the peak master and the palace master. No future.

After arriving at Biyou Island, Qi Xianyun spent a whole day walking around the island, and finally came to the top of Lianhua Peak, saw the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, and then looked west.

To the west across the sea is Qizhou. It is said that the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall on Lianhua Peak and the Taiqing Palace on Laoding face each other across the sea. It is not known whether it is true or not.

Qi Xianyun looked at the sea for a long time, then suddenly turned his head, his face changed slightly.

Because she saw a person coming on waves.

The man was moving extremely fast. He was just a small black spot on the sea in the distance, and in the blink of an eye he had already arrived at the beach of Biyou Island. With a single step, he soared up and appeared in front of Qi Xianyun.

This is a tall old man, wearing black clothes and black boots, with white hair scattered freely, slightly protruding cheekbones, high nose bridge, deep sunken eye sockets, and blue eyes. The Western maritime merchants who came here are quite similar.

Although Qi Xianyun has already set foot in the realm of the earth fairy, he is still afraid of this person's aura like a rainbow, so he can't help but take a small step back, secretly on guard.

Qi Xianyun asked softly: "Didn't ask for advice?"

Although the old man had a strange appearance, his voice was a mandarin accent, clear and magnetic, and he said with a smile, "My surname is Xiao, and my single name is Lin."

Qi Xianyun frowned and said, "The Xiao family?"

Xiao Lin shook his head and said: "This Xiao is not that Xiao, if it is a member of the Xiao family, who would dare to name it with the same pronunciation as his ancestor Xiao Lin?"

Qi Xianyun remained silent.

Xiao Lin asked: "Are you Qi Xianyun?"

Qi Xianyun nodded and took another step back.

Xiao Lin glanced at the sword on Qi Xianyun's back, and said with a faint smile: "The sword name is Shuilongyin, it was originally Qiuye's saber, but now it appears in your hand, it seems that the head teacher really treats his little apprentice really well." No wonder, it's no wonder there are rumors that you are actually Qiuye's illegitimate daughter, I don't know if it's true or not?"

Qi Xianyun held Shui Longyin behind his back with his backhand, and said coldly: "What do you want?"

Xiao Lin laughed and said: "Some people say that Qiuye wants to teach you all he has learned all his life, and also says that he wants to make you the first disciple, and that he will pass on the position of head teacher to you before he ascends. There are many senior brothers above you, and there has never been a female head teacher in the history of the Taoist sect."

Qi Xianyun is not a little girl who doesn't understand the world. Although she doesn't have deep-rooted pain for the word "sinister human heart", what she has seen and felt over the years, coupled with Murong Xuan's words and deeds, is enough for her to hear the meaning of Xiao Lin's words.

The coldness on her face became more and more intense, and the water dragon moaned out of the sheath behind her back, and there were bursts of dragon moaning sounds, and at the same time, every inch of water overflowed and drifted away.

Xiao Lin said plainly: "Eighteenth Floor of the Earth Immortal Realm, no matter how perfect your foundation is, in the end it is only the cultivation base of the first floor of the Earth Immortal Realm. There is an old saying that the eighteenth floor of the Earth Immortal, the first floor Once ascended to the sky, this old man's realm cultivation base is not worth mentioning in front of the master teacher, but it is still more than enough to deal with you."

Qi Xianyun's face was icy cold, and he finally drew his sword out of its sheath.

Daomen's way of sword is very different from Jianzong's. Jianzong uses thousands of opportunities to transform into one, while Daomen uses one to evolve all phenomena.

On the top of the lotus peak, a huge green lotus slowly bloomed centered on Qi Xianyun's foothold.

Xiao Lin put his right hand on his chest, palm up, and then a thick black book appeared in his hand out of thin air, and the pages of the book rattled automatically without wind.

As the pages of the book were turned, a huge pitch-black "bubble" enveloped Xiao Lin, even though Qinglian's sword qi roared and shot, it did not hurt a single bit.

Li Qinglian's complexion changed, and she decided not to attack again, her whole body turned into a long rainbow soaring into the sky, thinking of crossing the sea, heading west to Qizhou, and rushing to the Taiqing Palace of the Daomen of Qizhou.

Xiao Lin turned over a page of the book, and a pair of light blue illusory wings appeared behind him. He smiled lightly and said, "Qi Xianyun, you want to be the head teacher of the Taoist sect, but how can it be so easy to be the head teacher of the Taoist sect? Even your master Qiu Ye, it was only after going through hardships that I was able to ascend to the position of head teacher, I was entrusted with loyalty, and I blame you for blocking the way of others, and I was destined to have such a catastrophe."

Lightly flapping its wings is eight hundred miles.

Qi Xianyun suddenly felt a cold murderous intent enveloping her back, knowing that something was wrong, she was about to strike back with her sword, but before she could make a move, she was hit on the back of her heart by a strange spell, instantly sealing her whole body's cultivation.

Qi Xianyun fell to the blue sea below like a bird with broken wings.

(End of this chapter)

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