That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 286 Chu's Sword House Chu Tiankuo

Chapter 286 Chu's Sword House Chu Tiankuo

Did Xu Beiyou blink when he killed people?It seems that he has not blinked. He doesn't like to kill people, but he is often forced by others to the point where he has to kill people to solve the problem. At this time, he is still in danger, even if he talks about Buddha's heart and compassion, he will naturally not blink. close your eyes.

Before the guests arrived, the three of them were not in a hurry to go to the table, and they sat in the private room with a woman respectively. Li Shidao and Guo Hanxuan were both veterans, and they were teasing and laughing with the women around them, while Xu Beiyou was with Su Qingnu Talking about the Taiping Grand Ceremony edited by Lan Yu this time, I have to say that the women who can rank among the top in the Qianjin Building are really unusual. Speaking of this masterpiece of ancient and modern achievements, Su Qingnu is still able to handle it with ease. Telling the anecdotes and allusions that happened during the compilation period, Xu Beiyou, who already had a high regard for her, had to look at her with admiration again.

This woman is unusual.

Su Qingnu was also surprised by the knowledge background of Mr. Xu. Although he is not proficient, he must have enough knowledge. He is definitely not the ignorant dude in the legend. Complimented lightly: "Mr. Xu has a wide range of knowledge, and the little girl is not as good."

Xu Beiyou smiled lightly and said, "Miss Su is too modest, and also too flattering Xu. I know exactly how much Xu weighs, I know best."

Su Qingnu smiled gently, "Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Qingnu lived in the Qianjin Building for a long time and read a few books. At most, he just talked about wars on paper. How can he compare with Mr. Xu who travels thousands of miles, reads all kinds of people, and sees the world?" thing."

Xu Beiyou pointed out: "When it comes to reading people, Miss Su may not have seen fewer people than Xu."

Su Qingnu said quietly: "It doesn't matter how many people you see in this Qianjin Building? In the end, they are all the same kind of people. Virtuous gentlemen will not come here, and ordinary people cannot enter the gate of Qianjin Building."

Xu Beiyou smiled and praised: "It is said that there are many strange women in the south of the Yangtze River, and the predecessors will not deceive me."

Su Qingnu's wonderful eyes turned, and he smiled lightly: "Beidi is mostly a real man. When I met Mr. Xu today, Qingnu will know that it is true."

Xu Beiyou shook his head and said with a smile, "What kind of man is he who hasn't made meritorious deeds on the battlefield or established a career in the temple?"

Su Qingnu took two glasses of wine from the side, handed one of them to Xu Beiyou, and said with a slight smile, "Mr.

Xu Beiyou took the wine glass, raised it with a smile and said, "Okay, then I will lend you a good word."

After drinking this glass of wine, Xu Beiyou still kept a distance of half a body from Su Qingnu. He had no intention of messing around outside. Even though he admired this woman, she was not Wu Yu after all. After all, she belongs to Qin Mumian, and Xu Beiyou is not bold enough to poach Qin Mumian's corner.

As for other involvements, Xu Beiyou is not interested at all. There is no shortage of women in his past experience, from Zhiyun to Song Guanguan, to Xiao Zhinan, and even Wu Yu, Zhang An, Lin Jinxiu, Xiao Yuanying and others, who really attracted him. There is only one woman, if Ruo Shui only takes one scoop to drink, then he will choose Xiao Zhinan.

After about a stick of incense, the guest who came from afar finally came late. This is a weather-beaten man. Even though he had changed into a fine attire, he still couldn't conceal the vicissitudes of the world, so He seemed a bit out of place with the magnificent Qianjin Building.

Xu Beiyou stood up and said, "The guests have arrived, please take your seat."

Eight people, four men, four women, and a round table.

The delicacies on the table are no worse than the top restaurants in Jiangdu City, or even worse, and the women beside the man are also as delicious as the delicacies on the table.

Su Qingnu, as the leader of the four nobles, personally held the pot and poured wine.

Xu Beiyou picked up the eight-full wine glass with one hand, and asked, "I heard that the guest came from the north? I wonder if the guest can tell me who is the name?"

The man picked up the wine glass with both hands, and said five words briefly and clearly, "Yanzhou, Chu Tiankuo."

"Since ancient times, the land of Yanzhao has many generous and tragic people." Xu Beiyou put the wine glass to his lips and took a sip, "I don't know why your Excellency came here?"

Chu Tiankuo raised his cup with both hands and drank it in one gulp. Instead of speaking in a hurry, he looked around.

Xu Beiyou understood, and raised his hand to signal the four women to step back first.

Su Qingnu and the others folded their sleeves and gave a salute, then slowly exited the house.

When there were only four people left in the room, Xu Beiyou said, "These two are not outsiders, so you can say it."

Chu Tiankuo hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "I want to pay my respects to the Sect Master of the Sword Sect, and I hope Mr. Xu will do it."

Xu Beiyou frowned lightly, put down the wine glass in his hand, and said, "The acting suzerain has ignored the mundane affairs, and now the Jianzong is up to me to decide."

Chu Tiankuo was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting such a result, and remained silent for a while.

Xu Beiyou didn't urge him, but just filled a cup of old duck soup and sipped it slowly.

Li Shidao said: "Mr. Xu is the only successor of Sect Master Gongsun. Sooner or later, the position of Sect Master will belong to Mr. Xu. Since you want to find Sect Master of Jian Sect, you might as well explain to Mr. Xu if you have anything to say."

Chu Tiankuo raised his head, glanced at Li Shidao first, and then shifted his gaze to Xu Beiyou. He was naturally very clear about Li Shidao's status in Jiangdu City. Sect Master, the status in Jianzong will not be low after all.

He gritted his teeth and said: "I am the current owner of the Chu Family Sword House. The ancestor of the family was originally a disciple of the outer sect of Jianzong. Although he returned to his hometown Yanzhou to create the Chu Family Sword House after being successful in his studies, he dare not forget the Sword House. Because of the grace of teaching the art, we have had frequent contacts with Jianzong for many years. A few years ago, when Sect Master Gongsun passed through Yanzhou, he went to Jianlu as a guest, and promised that if Jianlu was in trouble in the future, he would go to Jiangnan to find his old man."

Xu Beiyou remained calm. He had heard his master mention the Chu Family Sword House, but it was not what Chu Tiankuo said.

According to Gongsun Zhongmou, the Chu Family Sword House was originally a branch of Jianzong, similar to the Zhongdu Chonglongguan and Jiangdu Daoshufang in the Taoist sect, but when the Jianzong was overthrown, the trees fell and the monkeys scattered, the Chu Family Sword House So he took the opportunity to establish his own family, relying on his years of experience, he suddenly became one of the so-called "Hundred Schools".

Gongsun Zhongmou once went to the Chu Clan's Jianlu to discuss the matter of Jianlu's return to the Sword Sect, and he already had some eyebrows, but with Gongsun Zhongmou's accidental death, all of this turned into a passing cloud.

After Xu Beiyou took over the power of Jianzong, he was troubled by internal troubles and foreign troubles. He had subordinates who were obedient and disobedient, and powerful enemies from the Taoist sect and Xuanjiao were on the outside. The prestige is far different from Gongsun Zhongmou, and he is unable to do these things.

It's just that he never expected that if I don't go to the mountain, I will come to the mountain, and the Chu Clan's Sword Cottage will come to the door on its own initiative.

Xu Beiyou's face was calm, he couldn't see any joy or anger, he glanced at Chu Tiankuo and said, "Lulu Master Chu is in trouble?"

"Don't dare to hide from Mr. Xu, my Chu Clan's Sword House is now at the point of life and death." Somewhat beyond Xu Beiyou's expectation, Chu Tiankuo had no intention of hiding anything, and directly stated his current situation Come out, are you afraid that you will open your mouth like a lion?Or has it really reached a point of no return?
Xu Beiyou thought that the former might be more likely, and said slowly: "Please tell me the details."

"Mr. Xu must have heard of the Kunshan sect. It ranks first among the hundred schools, second only to the twelve sects including the three religions and the nine streams. The major sects listed, they have annexed many small sects one after another in recent years. This time they found our Chu Clan’s Sword House and asked us to submit to Kunshan. Chu had no choice but to come to Jianzong. "Chu Tiankuo sighed.

Xu Beiyou frowned and said, "Zhang Zhaonu?"

Chu Tiankuo nodded dejectedly, the vicissitudes on his face turned into helplessness.

Xu Beiyou had heard of Zhang Zhaonu, of course, he was ranked ninth in the list of secrets, second only to his master Gongsun Zhongmou.Although there is a lot of water in the Tianji list, except for No.1 Qiuye, who deserves its name, the rest of the rankings are quite controversial, and even many experts disdain to be on the list, but since Zhang Zhaonu can be on this list, then It shows that he is by no means an ordinary immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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