Chapter 289

There is an alternation of old and new in the court, and there is also an alternation of old and new in Jianzong.

Xu Beiyou is new, Zhang Xueyao is old.There are also differences between the two. Xu Beiyou believes that if he wants to save Jianzong, it is already powerless to rely on Jianzong's own strength, and he must rely on the imperial court, because only the imperial court can compete with Taoism.But Zhang Xueyao had many worries, fearing that she would enter the wolf's lair after leaving the tiger's mouth, fearing that Jianzong would become a victim of the struggle between the Taoist sect and the imperial court, fearing that Jianzong would be swallowed whole by the imperial court.

This time Xu Beiyou took advantage of Zhang Zhaonu's incident to attack Zhang Xueyao, in the final analysis it was because of the differences between the two.

In the past, Xu Beiyou didn't fight because he had the patience to wait slowly, until he took over the power of Jianzong from Zhang Xueyao step by step, until he succeeded his master Gongsun Zhongmou's position step by step, and waited for him to ascend to the fairyland by himself. world, and then go to display the ambition in the chest.

It's just that a sudden change left him with only three years to live, and he couldn't afford to wait anymore. Although he practiced every day, he had little effect, and his realm climbed extremely slowly. It seems that what Master said back then was right, he really He is not an exiled immortal, if he only relies on his own cultivation, it is undoubtedly a dream to step into the realm of the earth fairy within three years.

If he can't set foot in the realm of immortality within three years, then Xu Beiyou will die, so he doesn't want to waste these three years in a secluded room, and end up in an unknown end, he wants to In these three years, if you put all your eggs in one basket, even if you die, you will be as gorgeous as summer flowers, and you will die at the peak of your life.

Xiao Zhinan once said to him, do emperors and generals like each other?This sentence should not be said by her, a princess who belongs to the rank of "emperors and generals", but she still said it after all.

Xu Beiyou didn't have much feeling for this sentence, he prefers another sentence, "It's enough if a man is not dead, and he will be famous when he dies."

There are two things he has to do now, one is to find a way out for the already precarious Jianzong, and the other is to "raise his name".

But there is a prerequisite for accomplishing these two things, that is, Xu Beiyou can get enough power, so there is this immature coercion, and there is also Zhang Xueyao's concession and compromise.

After Xu Bei wandered away, Zhang Xueyao sat alone by the lake and smiled wryly.

Today, she has learned what it means to be a mouse-thrower, and what it means to be too big to lose.

Because of her previous delegation of power, Xu Beiyou easily grasped the power of Jianzong, and now she is gradually becoming a rival to her. Originally, she was happy to see this, but as Xu Beiyou began to move closer to the court, Zhang Xueyao had no choice but to Xu Beiyou, who was gradually showing signs of getting out of control, did not take action to restrict Xu Beiyou, so today Xu Beiyou took advantage of Zhang Zhaonu's incident to take advantage of the opportunity to attack.

There is a saying in Jianzong that everything in the world is nothing more than a sword, but Zhang Xueyao does not have this level, she can certainly use force to dethrone Xu Beiyou as the first apprentice, but who should take over Xu Beiyou's position next?If Xu Beiyou's power is really deposed, how can the court chiefs who put all their chips on Xu Beiyou give up?What she wants to do is the golden mean, and she is impartial between the Taoist school and the imperial court. If they turn against the imperial court, Jianzong will have to turn to the Taoist school. This is not what she wants, so she cannot and does not dare to touch Xu Beiyou easily.

After all these things were put together, Zhang Xueyao suddenly realized that she had nothing to do with Xu Beiyou.

Just like his master Gongsun Zhongmou, Xu Beiyou turned into a hard-working spider, constantly weaving webs, and Xu Beiyou's new web gradually overlapped with Gongsun Zhongmou's old web, repairing because of Gongsun Zhongmou. This web-weaving spider's dead and broken old web, after Xu Beiyou repaired all the old webs, this sword sect will no longer be Zhang Xueyao's sword sect, but his Xu Beiyou's sword sect.

As expected of being a master and apprentice, they have exactly the same means of establishing the world.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xueyao couldn't help sighing.

In just one year, this young man has already grown to such a level. After three years, what height should he reach?
On the other side, Xu Beiyou did not return to Jiangdu immediately after leaving East Lake Bieyuan, but instead went to Jiangzuo.

From the first day Xu Beiyou set foot in the south of the Yangtze River, he had a lot of friendship with Xie Suqing, who was one of the biggest snakes in the south of the Yangtze River. Today he wanted to pay a visit to Xie Suqing in person.

As we all know, the Xie family has two very large and famous mansions, namely the Xie family's ancestral house and the Xie garden, which is used for hospitality. It is different from the last time in the Xie garden, this time Xu Beiyou is going to the Xie family. The ancestral house had handed over the name card in advance, not only was it not an uninvited guest, but it could also be regarded as a very important guest.

——Zhang Zhaonu is the suzerain of Kunshan, but he doesn't pay much attention to the affairs of the sect. He spends most of his time on self-cultivation. Didou, perhaps it was this piety that moved God, and God gave him a moderate opportunity, so he, a Kunshan disciple who is not outstanding in his roots and has no master's inheritance, climbed step by step. At the pinnacle of his life, he became the ninth person on the list of secrets.

It is said that one person attains the Tao, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. With Zhang Zhaonu's rise to the sky, Kunshan has also prospered. Looking at the entire Jiangbei, there is no sect that can stop Kunshan from growing. The leader-level figure of the leader is known to everyone.

Unlike Qiu Ye and Gongsun Zhongmou, who are Taishan Big Dippers, Zhang Zhaonu is still alone, has never married a wife, and has never left any children. He once said in front of his fellow disciples that if he does not live forever, this life is useless. What's the use?
What is Zhang Zhaonu's cultivation level? Some people say that he is the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal, and some say that he is the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal. The title of number one master is definitely well deserved.

On the second day after Chu Tiankuo came to Jiangdu, another group of people crossed the river and came to Jiangnan.

The leader was a tall and burly man, with a calm demeanor that attracted people's attention. There were two other men accompanying him. One of them was a middle-aged Confucian scholar with phoenix eyes and long beard. Zihua, who makes people look at him like a spring breeze, and the other is a shrewd and capable young man, wearing black clothes and black boots, showing his sharpness, walking like a tiger and a tiger, and he looks like a eagle watching a wolf.

The group of three stopped for a while by the river, and the leading man crossed his arms, looked at the Jiangnan scenery that was completely different from the Northland, and said slowly: "The last time I came to Jiangnan was 20 years ago, and Jiangnan is still the same, as soft as ever. "

The middle-aged Confucian scholar smiled and said: "Jiangnan is soft, but the sects in Jiangnan are not soft. The White Lotus Sect, Wenxiang Sect, and Jianzong are all entrenched here. The leader of Xuanjiao, Murong Xuanyin, returned here twice, and there are more secrets. Daomen even did not hesitate to ask Tianzun Taiyi, the number one deacon of the Town of Demon Palace who has not been in the world for many years, to personally take action. Most of the Town of Demon Palace came out, but it turned out that Taiyi Saved Ku Tianzun left an arm here. , and returned without success in the Demon Suppressing Palace."

The young man in black was shocked when he heard the news for the first time, and asked softly, "Mr. Zhang, is this news true?"

The middle-aged Confucian scholar nodded and said: "It's absolutely true, you can't fake it."

The leading man said expressionlessly: "Taiyi, the number one deacon of the Demon Town Hall, saves Ku Tianzun. In terms of seniority, he is still higher than the Daoist master, and his cultivation level is even more unfathomable. Rumor has it that he has already been an immortal on the eighteenth floor of the earth. I don't know what method Jian Zong used to repel this dusty Daoist, but I'm sure that Jian Zong must have paid a huge price."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar agreed: "The suzerain's words are correct. Based on what I know so far, after the death of the suzerain Gongsun Zhongmou, the sword sect lost another elder in the sect, Shangguan Qinghong, and only the Daizong remained. Advocating Xueyao, but it is likely that she has injuries on her body, the only thing she needs to worry about is the Zhu Xian in her hand, after all, it is a fairy sword that damaged Murong Xuanyin's body, so it should not be underestimated."

The unsmiling Zhang Zhaonu showed a smile for the first time, "Sword 36, Zhu Xian, these are the two powerful weapons that the Great Sword Immortal Shangguan Xianchen used to run rampant in the world back then. I have long wanted to learn about it."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar smiled.

The young man in black had hot eyes and was gearing up.

(End of this chapter)

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