Chapter 30

The moment Meng Po was defeated by Yuan Dun, the prosecutor in the inn felt it. He knew the horror of the little girl, so he couldn't help speeding up the speed of breaking the formation, and tried his best before the little girl returned to the inn. , and captured Duanmuyu so that she would be wary.

The inspector and judge has been walking in the world for a long time, not to mention what happened after entering the Demon Suppressing Palace, even before that, he was also a giant owl, who was used to strong winds and waves. Seeing that the color of blood between the pictures of Splendid Mountains and Rivers became thicker and thicker, the pictures of Splendid Mountains and Rivers that were already on the verge of collapse completely dimmed down, like a candle in the wind that would go out at any moment.

Finally, after half a stick of incense, the whole picture completely collapsed. The lines of the composed picture seemed to be pulled by an invisible hand, and the original thick and colorful ink painting gradually became a simple sketch that seemed to be a child's graffiti. Unbelievable.

Duanmuyu and others who had been hiding in it reappeared in the inn.

There was a cold smile on the face of the inspector and judge, and he stretched out his hand to strangle Duanmuyu's throat, and said with a dark smile: "It's kind of interesting. Duanmu's boy, what skills do you have, why don't you show them all and let the old man open it?" The vision also allows the old man to see the rich heritage of the dignified Duanmu family!"

Duanmuyu is worthy of being a noble son from a noble family, even in such a situation, he is still calm, squinting his eyes, and said with a smile: "Don't be impatient, old judge, the one who should come will definitely come."

If someone else said this, the procurator would probably only think it was a dead duck with a stubborn mouth.

But as the only son of Duanmu Ruisheng, the governor of the Dark Guard Mansion, it is hard to say whether he is blunt or has other backhands.


Later things changed, the prosecutor and judge didn't want to haggle with Duanmuyu any more, and if he grabbed Duanmuyu, he would run away.

The next moment, he realized that he couldn't move.

A pair of icy hands silently pressed on the back of his heart and the back of his waist respectively, firmly restraining his lower dantian qi sea and middle dantian qi house, making him unable to move an inch.

The procurator's eyelids twitched, he tried his best to calm down, and asked calmly, "Where is the master?"

A sinister voice came from behind him, "Check, long time no see."

While speaking, the shopkeeper's thin face slowly protruded from behind the inspector and judge, and a pair of yellow-brown eyes glowed with a faint green color in the dim inn, which was particularly permeating.

The procurator asked calmly, "Didn't ask for advice?"

The shopkeeper said slowly, "If I hadn't helped you during the He Laoshan battle, you would have died in Qing Chen's hands."

There is a secret list in the Temple of Demon Suppression, which lists ten "devil leaders" who can be punished by everyone in the world. Among them, Qingchen, a traitorous sect, is at the top of the list.

Speaking of Qing Chen, one has to mention the two disputes between Taoist masters.This is a well-known public case in the world. According to seniority, Qingchen is the younger brother of Zichen who taught Taoism in the previous generation. peak master.

Qingchen had twice competed with Zichen's master and apprentice for the Daoist headmaster position, but they both ended in defeat. The real person in charge, Daoist Tianchen, was uprooted and regarded as an apostate, and he topped the list of demon leaders in the Temple of Demon Suppression.

After Zichen and Tianchen ascended one after another, Qingchen still stayed in the world, his cultivation was so high that he was regarded as a fairy in the world by the world. Laoshan set up a large formation of corpse dragon Moyuan to encircle and suppress Qingchen. In this battle, the Temple of Demon Suppression was mobilized, but the result was that the formation of corpse dragon Moyuan was killed by Qingchen by himself, The elites were almost slaughtered by Qing Chen, and it was not until the last six Dazhengs joined forces that they were able to stop this patriarch-level monster.

Because of this, Ming Chen took the blame and resigned from the position of the Lord of the Demon Suppressing Hall, completely retiring.

The inspector and judge had also participated in this battle back then, and after hearing the words, his face finally changed drastically, and he said, "You are the ghost emperor of the north! Didn't you deserve to die in Jiange of Shuzhou long ago?!"

Northern Ghost Emperor, ranked No. 36 among the 11 deacons in the Temple of Demon Suppression, second only to the King of the Wheel, a real immortal master.

Duanmuyu slowly opened the inspector's finger that was strangling her throat, and said softly: "After the battle of Helao Mountain, Daoist Chenye succeeded his uncle Mingchen as the new master of the Suppressing Demon Palace. The main direction of the Demon Palace has also shifted from Qing Chen to Gongsun Zhongmou, the head disciple of the Sword Sect. There are only a handful of them, and the Northern Ghost Emperor happened to be one of them. However, he did not return to the Demon Suppressing Palace after this incident, but joined our hidden guard. Just now the old judge asked me if I had any other options, and that was it. "

The shopkeeper of the inn, or the former chief deacon of the Temple of Demon Suppression, the Northern Ghost Emperor, smiled, "Check it out, those who know the current affairs are heroes, let's make a decision."

The inspector was not panicked, because he had obtained a magic treasure in the grassland in his early years, which could be used as a substitute to escape the golden cicada's shell, so he was secretly running the wandering air machine in his limbs and bones, while delaying time, not moving Said sternly: "Northern Ghost Emperor, you once saved my life, such a great kindness, I will never forget it. But you were seriously injured, even if you were once a master of the human fairyland, now you have been knocked down to the ghost fairyland by Gongsun Zhongmou He even did not hesitate to let Duanmuyu destroy a rare treasure in order to make a sneak attack. Now you know what will happen to the masters in the palace. If I serve as a hidden guard, you will not be able to protect me. I am afraid It’s because we can’t see the sun next year.”

The Northern Ghost Emperor said coldly: "If you don't serve as a hidden guard, you will definitely not see the sun tomorrow."

The prosecutor pretended to be contemplative and hesitant to delay the time.

After a while, the inspector judge had managed to gather enough energy to activate the magic weapon. He was about to activate the magic weapon when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart, and then the energy in his body began to disintegrate rapidly.

At this moment, there was silence in the inn, only the sound of wind and sand whistling outside.

The prosecutor couldn't see the expression of the Northern Ghost Emperor behind him, but he saw Duanmu Yuzheng looking at him with a half-smile, as if he was looking at a clown.

He lowered his head slowly.

An arm was seen piercing his entire chest.

In the palm like withered old bark, there is a bright red heart that is beating.

Then before he died, he heard the words of the Northern Ghost Emperor, "Check, check, even if the old man falls into the realm of ghosts and immortals, after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, not as true as before, and more than enough than you. Do you think that your little tricks can fool the old man? The old man kindly gave you a way out, but you refused to go. Anyway, if you don’t go to heaven, there is no way to hell, so I have no choice but to let you go .”

The Northern Ghost Emperor pushed away the prosecutor who was gradually losing vitality, put the heart in his hand into his mouth and chewed it, the blood flowed from the corner of his mouth to the front of the Taoist robe, it was bright red.

The prosecutor who "eat" several hidden guards in a row just now ended up with his heart and liver being eaten by others.

Xu Beiyou watched this scene, his hands and feet felt cold and his scalp was numb.

(End of this chapter)

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