That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 305 Fighting for strength on the East China Sea

Chapter 305 Fighting for strength on the East China Sea

After Wu Lezhi and Zhang Zhaonu retreated, Xu Beiyou stood in the bank with a livid face. Not long after, swordsmen from the Sword Qi Ling Kong Hall entered the bank in a file, led by Xuan Yi.

Seeing Xu Beiyou who still had a little blood on the corner of his mouth, Xuan Yi hurriedly confessed, Xu Beiyou suppressed his anger and sneered, "Okay, it's very good, where is this place? It's Fuguifang! It's right in front of our house, God Unknowingly occupied our bank, none of us know! What are you all doing?!"

Xuan Yi and a group of Sword Qi Lingkong Hall swordsmen all knelt down on the ground, "Young Master, please punish."

"Check it out for me from now on, and pull out all the nails around you." Xu Beiyou flicked his sleeves, turned and left.

After walking out of the bank and coming to the street cleared by more than a dozen swordsman of Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, Xu Beiyou took a deep breath, calmed down his mood slightly, and boarded the carriage.

At the same time, Zhang Zhaonu and Qin Mumian chased after each other, leaving Jiangdu in an instant, crossing Jiangzhou, and entering the East Lake from the mouth of the river.

On the East China Sea, Zhang Zhaonu stood in emptiness, facing Qingluan, who was more than ten times bigger than himself, and said loudly: "Senior Qin, Mr. Lan once commented on the monks in the world, and you may not be able to do it based on the level of cultivation alone, senior." Into the top [-], but in terms of combat strength, the senior must be invincible at the same level, even if it is not unusual to fight across the border, Zhang Zhaonu has the courage to ask senior for advice today."

While speaking, Zhang Zhaonu fell to the surface of the sea, opened his arms, and opened the door in front of his chest.

Immeasurable energy gushes out from the Qi Palace in his chest. If the energy of a person who has just entered the realm of the earth fairy is a rushing river, then Zhang Zhaonu's energy is a vast ocean.

This is the strength of the Ninth Man in the World.

Zhang Zhaonu made an ordinary gesture, and the sea surface with a radius of tens of miles rolled endlessly.

With this level of cultivation, it is not difficult to sink an ocean-going fleet in the sea.

Qingluan let out a clear cry, and the sound spread to the sky, she lowered her body suddenly and skimmed across the sea, with her wings waving, a thousand layers of waves rolled up, and she slammed into Zhang Zhaonu fiercely.

Zhang Zhaonu slowly pushed forward with a palm, with great aura, tit for tat.

The loud sound was silent, and there was no sound, only a circle of sound waves suddenly spread out, which made the sea surface more than ten miles below their feet sink in instantly, like a smooth "water bowl".

The place where the two are located is the bottom of the "water bowl".

With a bang, the water bowl shattered, splashing thousands of layers of snow.

The two of them stepped back respectively, and instantly opened a distance of hundreds of feet.

Qin Mumian put away his Qingluan incarnation, transformed back into a human form, flicked his wrist, and Heixuan slashed out, and the red line connecting Heixuan on his wrist also extended infinitely, like a small red snake meandering and swimming , Intertwined with countless mysterious tracks.

Speaking of this Heixuan, it also has a great background. Although it is not comparable to the Daoist Linglong Pagoda, or the treasures of immortals such as Jianzong Zhuxian, it is also a top-grade treasure second only to this, and it ranks lower than the Jianzong Twelve Swords. The few swords he used were slightly stronger.

The reason why Heixuan has such power lies in its previous masters. Its earliest master was a master of Xuanjiao in the realm of earth and immortality, and he could be regarded as a rampant demon lord. It was only because he offended Mr. Fu, the master of the Tianji Pavilion , that is, Lan Yu and Tang Shengyue's master Fu Chen, this Xuanjiao master was directly killed by Fu Chen on the spot, and a wisp of remnant soul was sealed into the knife by Fu Chen, making it a demon knife, extremely bloodthirsty.

Afterwards, Fu Chen presented this sword to a casual martial arts practitioner named Wang Dongle, and asked him to kill people to raise the sword, and use the resentment and death of thousands of people to raise the blood and evil spirit of the sword. After raising the sword to a small degree, Wang Dongle He challenged Xiao Huang with a sword, and faced Xiao Huang who was invincible at the time, the result was naturally dead, and Hei Xuan fell into Xiao Huang's hands, and was taken by Xiao Huang for many years, killing and fighting , after being influenced by the killing spirit of the battlefield and the great luck carried by Xiao Huang himself, the cathode and yang are born, and finally reach great success.

Among Xiao Huang's many magic weapons, Hei Xuan can rank among the top three. In terms of killing alone, it is even second only to the Tianzidi Sword. The lifeless sword energy in the Northern Ghost Emperor's body.

As we all know, Xiao Huang once had a different relationship with Qin Mumian, but Xiao Huang failed to marry Qin Mumian openly from the beginning to the end. After the two met in Laoshan, they parted ways. Before parting, Xiao Huang gave this knife to Qin Mumian.

Qin Mumian made a "heart knot" with the essence and blood of her own heart, connecting her wrist and Heixuan's knife head as one, so that their minds and hearts can be connected, and they can be commanded like arms. After 50 years of nurturing, she and Heixuan It's already a whole.

Even if the innocence of the real person in charge was slashed by Qin Mumian with all his strength, he would still be stained with filth.

Zhang Zhaonu was not careless at all, he didn't dare to take the knife head-on, and hugged his hands in a round circle. The vitality of the world seemed to be pulled by his simple action in an instant, like a huge invisible vortex converging towards his hands, and finally Form a Pisces.

When Hei Xuan fell, the huge Pisces instantly became fragmented, but Hei Xuan also became the end of his strength and flew back into Qin Mumian's hands.

Zhang Zhaonu circled his hands and drew a semicircle, as if catching the bird's tail.

In an instant, the vitality of heaven and earth rolled violently again, as if it was about to be taken into his arms by Zhang Zhaonu.

The big waves on the sea surged like layers upon layers of mountain peaks, which was extremely frightening.

If other masters of the Immortal Realm saw this scene, as long as they were not masters of Murong Xuanyin's level, even Emperor Fengdu and others would be shocked by Zhang Zhaonu's waste of energy. After all, for real masters to fight, Creating too many visions of heaven and earth does not have much effect, at most it is to frighten the mortals, but it will waste one's energy, and the gain outweighs the gain.

Only those who have fought against Zhang Zhaonu in person can see some clues. It's not that the Kunshan suzerain did it on purpose, but that his aura is too full.

enough to overflow the water.

Zhang Zhaonu never used magic weapons in battles, because the almost infinite vitality of the heaven and earth was his magic weapon. In addition to his own Qi mechanism as vast as the sea, the way of refining Qi he followed was also very good at using the external vitality of the heaven and earth. In a word, it is to borrow energy from God, and if the energy that created the vision of heaven and earth leaks out, it is equivalent to returning it to God.

That being the case, why not waste a little?
Zhang Zhaonu laughed loudly and said, "The water dragon rises up and sings."

He raised his hands up and raised his hands, and the originally still robe rippled and fluctuated endlessly.

In an instant, more than ten tornadoes appeared around him, and then the tornadoes transformed into dragons, which turned out to be more than ten flood dragons.

More than ten water dragons meander around Zhang Zhaonu.

Immediately afterwards, within a radius of several miles, the sea was churning, huge waves were surging, and water dragons poked their heads again.

Zhang Zhaonu pushed forward with both hands, and all the water dragons rushed out.

At this time, the sea is really like a raging flood, turning the world upside down.

Seeing this magnificent scene, Qin Mumian just twitched the corner of his mouth in disdain, stretched out his hand to hold Hei Xuan's knife handle, and chopped it off.

The next moment, a water dragon was cut off in the middle and turned back into sea water.

Zhang Zhaonu's aura surged crazily as if he didn't need money, and countless water dragons swung up one after another, as if they wanted to jump over the invisible dragon gate and reach the heaven.

Qin Mumian walked forward step by step, and every time he took a step, he swung his knife, and every time he swung his knife, a water dragon disappeared into nothingness.

New water dragons are constantly being born, and water dragons are constantly turning into sea water.

This scene lasted for half an hour. The two of them seemed to be fighting each other to see who would be unable to hold on first.

The entire sea surface has become turbid. Countless swimming fish had no time to escape here, and were shaken to death in the sea by the majestic Qi, and their dead bodies floated to the surface.

On the surface of the sea, Zhang Zhaonu still kept his posture just now, motionless, like a sculpture, while Qin Mumian was less than ten feet away from Zhang Zhaonu.

It's just that as the distance between her and Zhang Zhaonu keeps getting closer, there are more and more water dragons between the two.

In the final analysis, the battle between the two is still a battle of strength.

(End of this chapter)

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