That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 311 Daomen Chaohui 3 Qing Palace

Chapter 311 Daoist Court Meeting Sanqing Hall

Xu Beiyou stood on the embankment and watched the boat disappear at the end of his vision.

Song Guanguan quietly came to Xu Beiyou and stood gracefully behind her. She looked calm but full of suspicion. Although she roughly guessed the identity of the woman, she still couldn't guess why the two broke up after a brief meeting.

Could it be because of the princess?

In Song Guanguan's view, this possibility is unlikely.

My son is not a sentimental person, let alone a sentimental person, but he is not a ruthless person either. There is a steelyard hanging in his heart, how much affection is, and how much incense is there. He clearly understands that with him, there will never be a weight of affection. It's no match for the things with four or two chests.

Song Guanguan vaguely felt in Xu Beiyou's heart a sense of helplessness that was hard to tell, but she subconsciously didn't want to think about it. In life, there is always something to take on. How can there be a real happy person?
Sitting in the carriage with Song Guanguan, Xu Beiyou said softly to himself: "That girl Zhiyun has the most pure heart, she can't let go of this and that, if I am in trouble, she will definitely go to find me, but this time I let her down, but there is nothing I can do about it, Qi Xianyun is Qiu Ye's disciple, and Qiu Ye and I have a grudge against my master, so I have no reason to save my enemy."

Song Guanguan did not speak.

Xu Beiyou was only expressing his feelings, and didn't expect Song Guanguan to really answer.

Back at Gongsun Mansion, there was one person waiting here, which was reasonable and expected.

The Dragon King of Buddhism.

Compared with the last time we met, the Dragon King is a bit different. If the Dragon King had a lot of untimely fireworks, then this time he has restrained all the fireworks, leaving only those who should not belong to the Buddhist family. High fighting spirit.

No wonder Qin Mumian said that this Buddhist dragon king is a "fighting Buddha".

After greeting each other, the Dragon King said meaningfully: "Mr. Xu, the Qinglong Festival is approaching, and the poor monk would like to invite you to Zirong Temple."

"February [-], the dragon raised its head?" Xu Beiyou frowned slightly, "Is it too risky to choose Zirong Temple? After all, it is the lair that Jiangnan Daomen has painstakingly managed for hundreds of years. Once we do it, I am afraid it will be very disadvantageous to us."

The Dragon King seemed to have expected Xu Beiyou's remarks a long time ago, so he said in a calm and unhurried manner: "Yasheng once said that the right time is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the harmony of people. Now that the general trend of harmony between people is with us, why not let him share the advantage of the place?"

Xu Beiyou's eyelids twitched, and he said, "It's clearly a situation of equal power, how can people talk about it? Master's words are probably a bit inappropriate."

The Dragon King smiled slightly, and pointedly said: "I heard that Mr. Xu is never good at playing chess with others, but he is good at finishing with the second hand. Every time the second hand is at the end, people are hard to guard against."

Now Xu Beiyou's face finally changed slightly, and he said bluntly: "What does Master mean by this?"

The Dragon King smiled and said: "Mr. Xu understands in his heart, so why bother the poor monk?"

Xu Beiyou chuckled, and changed the topic, "Since that's the case, Master Xinluo will send a greeting card to Du Haichan, the lord of Jiangnan Taoism, in the name of Buddhism. On the Qinglong Festival on the second day of February, you should visit him."

The Dragon King smiled and said, "Then see you again at the Qinglong Festival."

After finishing speaking, he disappeared without a trace in front of Xu Beiyou.

Xu Beiyou sighed softly.

Today, he feels that he is short of manpower. If he can have a confidant in the realm of the earth fairy, then many things will be easier to do.

Thinking of this, he had to envy King Xiaobai of Qi and Mutangzhi, King Liao, each of whom had a subordinate of the Earth Immortal Realm, and held military power indirectly, but this was fate, so envy could not come.

Back in the day, Master Shangguan Xianchen had nine sword slaves under his command, ranging from the realm of ghost immortals to the realm of earth immortals. In the original battle of Dingding, the slaves were killed and injured one after another, and no one survived in the world.

Master did not raise sword slaves, but devoted himself to rebuilding the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall.

Now that the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall is on the right track, can I follow the example of my master and start cultivating my own sword slaves?

Xu Beiyou fell into deep thought.

——Dutian Peak has two sides.

The highest point is the Zixiao Palace, which symbolizes the supreme authority of teaching, and the Sanqing Dao Hall, which is known as the "Taoist Court Meeting". On the back of Tianchi, slightly lower is the first hall of the Taoist Sect, the Demon Suppressing Hall.

In contrast, on the other side of the Zhenmo Temple, there is a panic mansion, with gold and jade tiles and white jade pavement, named Tianshi Mansion.

After the discussion in the Yuqing Palace, the second chief deacon, Emperor Fengdu, the third chief deacon Ksitigarbha, the fourth chief deacon Yama, and the fifth chief deacon, the Central Ghost Emperor, were all held accountable, leaving only one Taiyi to save the suffering. Tianzun, the wall is falling and everyone pushes it. There has never been a shortage of people who have fallen into trouble.

The so-called Sanqing Daodian deliberations refer to the Shangqing Palace deliberations, Yuqing Dian deliberations, and Taiqing Dian deliberations respectively.

Among them, the affairs of the Shangqing Hall are also called the discussions of the Lord of the Pavilion, and the discussions of the Taiqing Hall are also called the discussions of the Lord of the Jiumai Peak. However, the discussions of these two halls have already been stopped by Qiu Ye, and only the Yuqing Hall is the only one that discusses the affairs of the Lord of the Peak and the Pavilion. main business.

Everyone knows that among the many apprentices who teach Daoist Master, there are only three apprentices who are expected to inherit the position of head teacher. They are the eldest disciple Tian Yun, the second disciple Wuyunsou, and the third disciple Bai Yunzi.

Today, Tianyun is in charge of the Taiqing Palace, supported by a group of peak masters, and Wu Yunsou is in charge of the Shangqing Palace, followed by a group of palace masters. The struggle between the two is more like the final counterattack of the nine peak masters.

In the early years, the peak master had great authority. No matter the master of the palace or the master of the Taoist sect, he had to obey the peak master of his own vein. Master No.1, still has to obey the orders of Qing Chen, the master of Tianshu Peak.

It is precisely because of this that Qingchen, as the peak master of the first day of the peaks, was able to set off a civil strife that almost shook the foundation of the Taoist sect. Scattered in the hands of the masters of the palaces, so that the masters of the peaks will no longer have the glory of the past.

Tian Yun has always been close to the major peak masters, if he takes over as the head teacher, then the Taoist sect will inevitably restore the Taiqing Palace where the major peak masters have a single speech.

As the masters of the palaces who have been able to fight against the major peak masters, naturally they will not sit still. Except for the Zhenmo Palace, the other palace masters began to support Wu Yunsou to fight against Tianyun as early as 20 years ago, and they even have one. The more daring idea is to use Wu Yunsou to ascend to the position of head teacher, so that the masters of the peaks will completely lose their power and become a vain position with no name.

Now the head teacher Qiu Ye can't retreat, and the same is true of Chen Ye, who is second only to Qiu Ye, so the two parties gradually became indifferent in the discussions of Yu Qing Palace.

As for Bai Yunzi, he has neither the support of the peak master nor the master of the five palaces and twelve pavilions to follow. The reason why he can be compared with those two senior brothers is entirely because of the Tianshi Palace.

This time, the two sides joined forces to push the neutral Demon-Suppressing Hall out of the Yuqing Palace, making the Tianshi Mansion, which had been dormant for a long time, come from behind, and seemed to have a tendency to take the place of the Demon-Suppressing Palace.

The former Tianshi Mansion is more like the prototype of the cabinet in the early years of Dazheng. The cabinet in the early years did not have the power to hold the cardinal of the world in the future, but it was a close minister of the emperor.

The so-called cabinet was originally a fifth-rank official, similar to the emperor's secretary, and had no real power.Until the middle period of Dazheng, the ministers of various ministries served as the cabinet, and the officials of the six ministries had to act in accordance with the will of the cabinet. This made the cabinet gradually override the entire temple. Can compete with the imperial power one or two.

At this time, Tianshi Mansion is developing towards the direction of the future cabinet, and its power is increasing day by day.

With Bai Yunzi in control of the Tianshi Mansion, he has great power to speak, especially at this time, as a neutral person who does not belong to the Peak Master's faction or the Palace Pavilion's faction, he can replace Chen Ye to preside over the affairs of the Yuqing Palace. With the qualifications to bet or even settle in this game of coaching.

The majestic Dutian Peak, known as Xuandu, is the No. [-] mountain in the world. Standing on it, one can truly overlook the world.

The Taoist Twelve Golden Immortals, what a name, but not everyone can climb to the highest point of this mountain.

Today, a Taoist dressed in snow-white feathers climbed up the stairs and came to the gate of Yuqing Dao Temple, which was more than ten feet high. Mortals.

The Taoist looked back at the mountain, only to see the sea of ​​clouds billowing under his feet, and the blue sky above his head, except for the dome, there was nothing left.

(End of this chapter)

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