Chapter 314
After that, the two of them tacitly did not continue to discuss this topic further.

After a moment of silence, Qin Mumian pointed to the attic behind him and asked, "Nangui, I know what Gongsun Zhongmou thinks. He wants to use the twelve swords of Jianzong to create an invincible body for you. Now you have surrendered to the heavens." The four swords of Lan, Quexie, Inexplicable, and Xuanming, and a Zidian that has not yet been completely subdued in your hand, and Zhang Xueyao's Baihong sword will sooner or later be in your pocket, so the Chilian in my hand, do you want to use it? Do you want it or not?"

Without any hesitation, Xu Beiyou replied, "Of course I want it."

Qin Mumian smiled and said: "It's one thing to want it, but another thing to get it in your hand. This sword is not comparable to Gongsun Zhongmou's Xuan Ming in terms of sword spirit and divine intent, but Xuan Ming is still suppressed by the old master. You are the descendant of Gongsun Zhongmou, and Xuanming falling into your hands is an orderly inheritance, which is reasonable and reasonable, but this sword is quite different. It has not had a master for 500 years, or its previous masters have all died. Cause and effect, even I don’t want to be easily contaminated.”

Xu Beiyou asked softly: "Is this sword the Lord Devouring Sword?"

Qin Mumian nodded and said: "Although it misses, it is not far away. This sword is no worse than my Hei Xuan, but Hei Xuan is suppressed by the luck left by Xiao Yu back then, just like a wild horse being put on a bridle, this sword is There is not half a rein and a saddle. You can surrender Xuanming back then. One point is your ability, three points are luck, and six points are Gongsun Zhongmou's legacy. If you want to surrender Chi Lian, then there is no Six points of legacy, three points of luck and two and a half points of luck, only one point of your ability and half points of luck are left, and you are close to death, and it is not an exaggeration to say that you are a devourer."

Xu Beiyou hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Why didn't the seniors of the Sword Sect surrender this sword?"

Qin Mumian said indifferently: "Because there is no need for this. Those who have this ability, such as Shangguan Xianchen and Gongsun Zhongmou, are probably the masters of the Sword Sect. They have the immortal sword Zhu Xian in their hands, and the saber that has been nourished by their own energy for many years. Red training is of no use to them, they don't want to do it, and Zhang Xueyao and others, whose cultivation level is similar to mine, don't dare to get involved in it easily, for fear of compromising their own merits, they dare not do it."

Qin Mumian wrote lightly: "The last time this sword was born was 100 years ago. It secretly eroded the mind of the sword owner and made it its own host. The rest of them finally led the monks of Molun Temple to attack, and at the foot of the Snow Mountain, the host was beheaded by the monks of Molun Temple, and the sword was sealed and suppressed and sent back to the Sword Sect."

It was only then that Xu Beiyou understood why Qin Mumian said that Xiao Jin gave her this sword with evil intentions. Indeed, this sword can already be regarded as a fierce sword. The masters of all walks of life lie in their fineness, so Chi Lian's killing comes from the countless souls who died wrongfully and tragically under this sword, and it lies in the number, which not only makes it contain monstrous resentment, but also has a lot of karmic entanglement.

Taoists call it bondage, if ascension is compared to a butterfly breaking out of a cocoon, then bondage is the spider silk wrapped around the body, preventing it from flapping its wings and flying.

Buddhism calls it karma, and the so-called supernatural powers are no match for karma, which means that even if you cultivate supernatural powers, you still cannot escape the calamity of death in the face of endless karma.

The so-called cause and effect is actually a debt. If you owe a little, you can slowly make up for it. If you owe a lot, you can only repay it with your life.

If Xu Beiyou wants to be Chi Lian's sword master, first, he must subdue the sword with strength, second, he must resist the erosion of Chi Lian's own resentment, and prevent himself from becoming its host, and third, he must add karma.

As the saying goes, bodhisattvas are afraid of causes, and ordinary people are afraid of consequences.Qin Mumian and the others could do the first two points, but it was because they were afraid of the last point that they banned this sword from use.

Qin Mumian said: "Not long ago I heard from Xueyao that you are currently cultivating the supreme sword body. You have used an inexplicable sword as the foundation to forge a sword bone. If you can get this sword again, you can go further and start Refining muscles and refining skin, when the twelve swords are assembled one day, that will be the perfect sword body, and you will be able to combine yourself with the two swords of Zhu Xian, comparable to the rebirth of Shangguan Xianchen, and there will be no opponent in the world."

"However, wealth and honor need to be found in danger. You have tasted the taste of being invincible not long ago. The price you paid was that the energy in your body was exhausted, and there was no lifespan. Since you want to make a sword that can truly be invincible for a long time Immortal, then the price to pay is much higher than this one."

After a moment of silence, Xu Beiyou laughed at himself and said, "I only have three years left to live, so I'm afraid of resentment and karma. You can give it a try."

Qin Mumian waved his sleeves expressionlessly, and the attic door slowly opened.

Xu Beiyou slowly walked towards the attic.

——Jiangdu City, Daoshu Workshop, Zirong Temple, as usual for a hundred years of peace.

It's just that under this peaceful weather, there are unknown undercurrents surging.

Today, a young monk walked into the Taoist workshop with his palms folded. He looked particularly eye-catching in this place full of Taoist priests.

The young monk was wearing a white robe, no Buddhist beads on his chest, but a bunch of Bodhi seeds wrapped around his wrists. He looked like he was only at the age of the crown. Although his face was handsome and extraordinary, he really didn't look like an eminent monk.

It was the first time for the monk to come here, but he was not at all unfamiliar with it, and walked straight to the core of the Taoist workshop, the Zirong Temple.

Zirong temple is the core of Jiangnan Daomen and one of the four Daoist temples of Taoism. It is juxtaposed with Qingjing Landscape of Emperor Capital, Qingxu Palace of Linxian Mansion, and Taiqing Palace of Lushan Mountain in Qizhou.

Standing in front of the gate of Zirong Temple are two Taoist priests, their spirits are restrained, and their eyes have a faint light, vaguely implying the realm of ghosts and immortals.

The monk came to the door and wanted to step into the temple, but was stopped by two Taoists who stretched out their arms and crossed each other.

One of the Taoists said in a deep voice: "The master of the temple is not here. I haven't seen any outsiders in the temple for a few days. I hope you will forgive me."

The monk snorted, took out a stack of greeting cards from his sleeve, and said: "I heard that Guanzhu Du personally presides over the ritual rituals and praying for rain on the Qinglong Festival every year. Seeing that the second day of February is coming soon, I have been instructed by the teacher He was ordered to send the greeting card, but he is not here."

The monk's tone was so loud that the two Taoists almost laughed out of anger. Where is this?This is where the majestic Jiangnan Daomen is located!Everyone in the world knows that my school of Taoism is the real state religion, so what if you are a disciple of Buddhism?Don't you want to bow your head and obey your ears in front of my Daomen!
A gust of wind suddenly rose.

It was one of the Taoist priests who made a quick move, not to mention taking human life, but determined to teach this monk who knows nothing about the sky and the earth a lesson.

The monk's expression was calm, and the energy in his body was not even the slightest ripple, as if he hadn't even noticed that the Taoist had made a move.

The next moment, his chest thumped, and a clearly visible palm print appeared.

The monk's figure shook slightly, but his expression remained calm.

The strength of the Taoist's hand is not weak, one palm is enough to break the wall and rubble, and there is a feminine force in it, which can shake the bones to pieces without hurting the body surface.

If this palm strike is real, even if the monk was not fatal at the time, he would still be wounded in the future, and every time it happens, life would be worse than death.

After the monk stabilized his figure, he looked down at his chest and smiled slightly.

The Taoist was obviously a little shocked. After looking at each other with another Taoist, both of them put away their contempt, and put on a posture of solemnly confronting the enemy.

The monk stretched out two fingers, making a flower-like shape.

The two Taoists were stunned for a moment, mistakenly thinking that they had met a real master of Buddhism, they hurriedly circulated their Qi machines and waited intently, but they waited for a while, but there was no movement.

The two Taoists felt that they were being teased by the young monk, they couldn't help but turned into anger from embarrassment, and they attacked together, this time without any mercy, it was obvious that they wanted to put the monk to death.

The monk still maintains the posture of holding flowers and laughing, neither dodging nor avoiding.

The two of them slapped the monk's body with four palms, as if they were slapping on a bronze bell. The bronze bell was unharmed, but it shocked the two of them so that their hands went numb.

The monk does not move, but the monk's robe flutters.

The two Taoists were terrified and wanted to get away, but found that they could not move.

The monk smiled and said: "It is said that karma is retribution. It was the cause of the two attacking others just now, but now the poor monk fights back and it is the result."

The cultivation bases of the two of them were like a river going east and west in an instant, and they turned into two useless people with no vitality in an instant.

After the monk left the placard in his hand, he turned and drifted away.

(End of this chapter)

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