Chapter 316

Letting Xu Beiyou surrender Chilianjian seems to be extremely risky, but in fact it is all in the planning of Qin Mumian and Zhang Xueyao. They have already calculated Xu Beiyou's cost in advance. Come here, nine lives and one death is right.

As for what Qin Mumian said earlier, they were just intimidating words. If Xu Beiyou is so hesitant, then he should not mention the revival of Jianzong, and just wait for the three-year term to expire.

In the attic, under the urging of Xu Beiyou with all his strength, the Four Nine Platinum Sword, which gathered the power of the three swords, pierced through layers of bloody resentment like a bamboo, and pointed directly at Chilianjian itself.

If the Chilian Sword has a host at this time, it can still produce many changes to meet the enemy, but at this time it is just a dead thing placed on the sword stand, and can only "watch helplessly" watching Xu Beiyou's majestic attack. Sword Qi suppressed himself.

The moment Xu Beiyou's sword energy touched Chi Lian, Chi Lian trembled suddenly, like an enraged beast, making a piercing shriek, and the blood around the sword suddenly became much thicker.

Xu Beiyou knew that this should be Chi Lian's final counterattack, success or failure depended on it, so he became more cautious, and unhurriedly mobilized his sword energy, step by step.

Among the few swords that Xu Beiyou has seen, aside from the anomaly of Zhu Xian, Chi Lian is the most spiritual, even stronger than his Tian Lan and Gongsun Zhongmou's Xuan Ming, and even has a sense of sanity , It's just that this sanity is soaked with too much killing intent and resentment, just like a big monk who went mad and turned into a devil who kills without distinction between the enemy and himself, it really doesn't matter.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages, if Xu Beiyou can absorb this divine will, supplemented by the Weiyang Sword Sutra, he will surely be able to break through to the realm of the earth fairy.

The two sides once again fell into a stalemate.

Xu Beiyou wasn't agitated at all, his state of mind was calm, his sword energy was no longer indomitable, but was stripped away, reducing Chi Lian's edge layer by layer.

This method was learned by Xu Beiyou when he traveled with his master Gongsun Zhongmou. That time against the enemy, the runner king, Xu Beiyou was directly frozen into ice by the runner king. It is through such means as to break through the ice layer without hurting Xu Beiyou at all.

Afterwards, Xu Beiyou specifically asked his master for advice. This method is not very useful against the enemy, but it is surprisingly easy to use at this time.

Xu Beiyou kept repeating without stopping, without feeling bored at all, pulling silk 36 and peeling cocoon 72, which made Chi Lian's aura that had just been condensed become weaker and weaker.

The blade of the sword is dripping with blood. Over the past 500 years, no less than ten thousand people have died under this sword.

But since Xu Beiyou once broke Taiyi's sword 34 to save Ku Tianzun, what is a dead thing?
Finally, Chi Lian couldn't bear Xu Beiyou's whimpering, and all the bloody resentment suddenly disappeared, as if resigned to his fate.

Xu Beiyou didn't take out the sword immediately, but still pinched the sword formula with his hands, and raised his sword, only to see the three swords Xuanming, Tianlan, and Quexie leaping up one after another, hanging in the sky above Chilian.

Xu Beiyou, who was originally sitting cross-legged on the ground, slowly got up, with plain sleeves and white hair all over his head, there was no wind, and there was a sound of hunting, and the ground under his feet was already broken.

Xu Beiyou pressed his hands down suddenly, and three long swords with different sword spirits stabbed at Chi Lian at the same time, intending to completely suppress Chi Lian.

Not only that, Xu Beiyou also opened his mouth and spit out a cyan inexplicable sword energy from his lungs, and as he stretched out his hand, he also shot towards Chilianjian.

If these four swords are not enough, Xu Beiyou still has the last sword spirit of Zhuxian. At the beginning, Xu Beiyou was only in the realm of ghosts and immortals, but he was able to kill Chi Bing, who was already at the peak of human immortality. Breathed out the Zhuxian Sword Qi.

At this moment, Xu Beiyou's sword heart became more and more clear as he envoyed the four sword qi. He temporarily put aside all thoughts of gain and loss, didn't think about it, didn't think about it, and just concentrated on controlling the sword qi.

With the addition of the four great sword qi, Chi Lian immediately wailed, and the last bit of bloody aura dissipated.

Xu Beiyou muttered to himself, "It's easier to kill someone than it is difficult."

At this time, he has completely suppressed Chi Lian, but he is still a long way from truly surrendering Chi Lian. The reason why Chi Lian is so dreadful is not only the unspeakable cause and effect, but also the power hidden in the sword. As for the killing intent and resentment, Xu Beiyou just destroyed Chi Lian's own sword energy and the bloody aura that was stained when killing people. As for the killing intent and resentment, they are beyond his control.

Xu Beiyou stretched out his hand to grab Chi Lian, who was originally placed on the sword stand, flew into his palm.

The next moment, he suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard on his chest by a sledgehammer, and blood oozes from the corner of his mouth. Fortunately, there is no energy in his body, and it is not a matter of boiling.

Xu Beiyou frowned, feeling a little unbelievable.

Chi Lian's sword energy and blood energy have obviously been broken, why can he still hurt himself?It's obviously just a dead thing, why is it so weird?

Or is Chi Lian's murderous resentment almost substantive?

Xu Beiyou's eyes suddenly brightened, and two phantoms of ancient swords slowly emerged in his eyes.

Xu Beiyou said to himself: "In this case, I will use the Weiyang Sword Manual left by Uncle Shangguan to subdue you, and see if your killing intent accumulated for 500 years is stronger, or my means are stronger. .”

After finishing speaking, Xu Beiyou closed his eyes and concentrated.

The first sentence of the opening chapter of the Weiyang Sword Classic is the words in the Tao Te Ching left by the Taoist ancestor. It's still young!"

What does it mean to be desolate and not yet young?

Xu Beiyou once asked Zhang Xueyao about this, and Zhang Xueyao gave him an unclear explanation.

The barrenness of the Tao is vast and unknown, like clouds and boundless ears.

Yulan soup is like Mufang, Hua Caiyi is like Ruoying.

Linglian curled up and stayed, rotten Zhaozhao Xi Weiyang.

Xu Beiyou searched all the ancient books for this, and finally boiled it down to two words.


The Weiyang Sword Sutra and the Thirty Swords have the same effect.

It's just that Sword Thirty pays attention to the immeasurable sword energy and is pragmatic.But the Weiyang Sword Sutra is infinite in meaning of the sword.

Today's Xu Beiyou has no energy, so he can't do anything practical, he can only do nothing.

The phantom images of the two ancient swords in Xu Beiyou's eyes became clearer, almost real.

Chi Lian was also flickering, and the sword was covered with a layer of blood at some point, like a living thing, and this layer of blood was spreading along Xu Beiyou's sword-holding palm towards him, like wisps of red thread, very It is infiltration.

But Xu Beiyou's expression remained calm.

He stretched out his hand and wiped it in front of his eyes, and said softly: "One sword can stop millions of masters, one sword can light nineteen states, one sword can calm the world, and I have the intention of one sword."

The phantom of the ancient sword jumped out of his eyes. Although it was only an inch in length, all the details and patterns were so lifelike that it was hard to tell the truth from the fake.

This sword is Weiyang.

The Weiyang sword first circled around Xu Beiyou for a circle, and then jumped and shot with agility, like a snake catching a mouse, and began to kill all the winding red lines.

Chi Lian Yijian was finally forced to a dead end, almost like a dying person returning to the light, all the killing intent and resentment on the sword instantly flourished, and it hit Xu Beiyou's mind with all its strength, as long as he could break through Xu Beiyou's heart defense and make him his host, Then the lost sword energy and blood energy will naturally be able to make up for it.

Xu Beiyou's soul was shaken, he was not a real Earth Immortal after all, although he had opened the Zifu Consciousness Sea, but it was not strong, and under the impact, he was actually on the verge of crumbling.

Qin Mumian and Zhang Xueyao outside the attic felt the changes in the attic almost at the same time, their faces changed drastically, and they wanted to help, but neither of them were proficient in the spiritual method, so they had nowhere to do it at this time.

Zhang Xueyao's face showed despair, nine lives and one death, could it be that my sword sect energy was exhausted, so that Xu Beiyou happened to catch up with that death?
At this moment, a Zen chant sounded.

"Although my life is short and suffering is long, the Buddha's heart is not settled."

Immediately afterwards, a monk in white floated up, clasped his hands together, and gave birth to lotuses step by step.

Every time you take a step, you will chant a line of Buddhist scriptures, the sound is like a lion's roar, and the Tathagata's voice is right.

As the saying goes, there is a priority in learning the Tao, there is a specialization in art, and there is a way to overcome grievances. Buddhism is the best at it.

Under the monk's chanting, the originally insane murderous resentment melted like ice and snow, and quickly dissipated.

Zhang Xueyao let out a long sigh of relief, and put her palms together, not only thanking the monk, but also sighing.

God, the sword sect will never perish.

(End of this chapter)

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