That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 320 Aunt and nephew walk side by side

Chapter 320 Aunt and Nephew Walking Side by Side

Xiao Yuyi whispered softly: "You haven't come to my place for some time. I heard that you went to the south of the Yangtze River a few years ago and met a young man surnamed Xu. The rumors that caused a lot of trouble in the city have spread to my ears. gone."

There was no reproach in the tone, but concern was implied.

"Where is the city full of wind and rain?" Xiao Zhinan gently took Xiao Yuyi's arm, a little coquettish: "Auntie, don't listen to some people's nonsense, it is obvious that he was driven back from the south of the Yangtze River, and he is innocent. Human nature is really disgusting."

Xiao Yuyi jokingly said: "Who is this 'he', the boy from the Duanmu family? And who is this 'other', but that Mr. Xu?"

Xiao Zhinan did not have the shy gesture of a younger daughter, and admitted generously: "It's these two people."

Xiao Yuyi sighed lightly, "It's a blessing and a blessing to be liked by others."

Xiao Zhinan still had a smile on his face, but his tone turned slightly colder, "I just don't know if it's for me, or for the princess status."

Xiao Yuyi stretched out his hand to touch Xiao Zhinan's cheek, and said with a smile: "Our family knows that such a magnificent woman as Nan, which man would not be tempted?"

Xiao Zhinan said in a soft voice, "Issues are not for long."

Xiao Yuyi hesitated for a moment, and said slowly: "Zhinan, you have to be clear, born in Tian's family, many times you can't escape your involuntary control."

She lowered her eyes slightly, and then said: "Father asked me to marry Qin Xian back then, so I was willing, but in the end I still married and became the queen of Emperor Ai of the Great Zheng."

Xiao Zhinan stopped in his tracks, looked at the blue lake outside the corridor, and said softly: "At the beginning, my uncle gave the throne to the emperor's grandfather, and it was a word for 'offering', so when compiling the history of Zheng, someone suggested that his coffin should be identified as Emperor Zheng Xian. , but it’s still Auntie, you went to see the emperor’s grandmother in person, and changed the word ‘offering’ into the word ‘sorrow’.”

Xiao Yuyi also stopped in his tracks, sighed and said: "When your grandfather and great-grandfather jointly launched the Taimiao Change, he was still a child who had not reached the crown, and after ascending to the throne, he was just a puppet emperor at the mercy of others. Zheng’s country was not ruined by him, so what’s wrong with him? How can he say no to his father when he was given the Zen throne? He’s nothing more than a pitiful person.”

Xiao Zhinan murmured: "But Auntie, why do you want to never marry for such a person?"

Xiao Yuyi shook his head and said: "I am not for him, I just have no intention of remarrying. Since I was a child, I have envied the saying that there will be a couple forever. To me, getting married is a big event. Since we have been married for a hundred years, how can I easily abandon it. "

Xiao Zhinan smiled bitterly and said, "Auntie, you set up a cage for yourself, so that your mind will never be free."

Xiao Yuyi smiled, "That's pretty good, I should have died early in Julu City, but now I earn extra money every year I live."

Xiao Zhinan sighed heavily, "Why bother?"

Xiao Yuyi supported the pillars of the corridor, smiled and shook his head, "It's not bitter."

Xiao Zhinan never had a heart-to-heart conversation with that biological mother in the deep palace. Instead, he often revealed his heart in front of this aunt. Get entangled in this topic, and move forward again.

This promenade circles the lake to form a circle, and this circle is connected with other promenades in the mansion. One of the promenades extends to the center of the round lake, where a large or small lake center pavilion is formed.

The two came to the pavilion in the middle of the lake and sat down by the railing.

Xiao Yuyi took the initiative to ask: "Is there any contact between the two of you now?"

Xiao Zhinan nodded and said: "Mr. Han Ge is his adoptive father. They have many contacts between father and son, and they walk like a supervisor of ceremonies. I will ask Mr. Han Ge to send a few letters for me, and he will also send a few letters to him." I will write back."

Xiao Yuyi shook his head and said: "This is not good, girls should be more reserved, how can they be so proactive?"

Xiao Zhinan showed a faint smile, lost his mind for a moment, and didn't speak.

Xiao Yuyi patted his forehead, deliberately teased and said: "It seems that our family knows that Nan is not far from getting married."

Xiao Zhinan came back to his senses, and said helplessly: "It's better to marry a man I like, than to marry a man who makes me angry?"

Xiao Yuyi smiled and said: "This is indeed the truth. If one day he comes to the imperial capital, remember to bring him to my place, and let me see what kind of horse our female Bole has chosen."

"It's definitely a better Maxima than my Sa Luzi." Xiao Zhinan smiled and blinked.

Xiao Yuyi, who has experienced ups and downs for decades, was noncommittal, and even poured cold water on Xiao Zhinan after a moment of hesitation, "Although I have never seen that child, I can hear a thing or two from your words. In fact, I think he It doesn't quite suit you."

Xiao Zhinan didn't understand the deep meaning of his aunt's words for a while, he was slightly taken aback, and said in doubt: "No, he is the adopted son of Han Ge and the young master of Jianzong, so he is well-matched in terms of status, and he I am definitely not a dandy who does not seek to make progress, I have an enterprising heart, and I am willing to endure hardships and endure..."

Xiao Yuyi interrupted her and said: "That's not what I'm talking about, and I never doubted that such a man would have a great future, and I also believe that one day he will be able to come to this imperial capital, and everyone will know about it, but Such a man is too utilitarian, after all, he is not a good match."

Xiao Zhinan was silent for a while, then asked softly: "What does Auntie mean, he wants me as a princess?"

Xiao Yuyi slowly shook his head and said: "I didn't say that, but you should know in your heart that if one day your status is useless to him, your old age will fade away, and new women will appear in front of him. Younger and more attractive than you, can that young man still treat you as before?"

The epee has no sharp edge, and it does not work well.

Xiao Yuyi seems to have lost all her sharpness over the years, but it does not mean that she is a piece of rotten wood today. When the epee that had been hidden in its sheath for many years suddenly came out of its sheath, even Xiao Zhinan was a little caught off guard. .

Xiao Zhinan, who was supposed to be holding the wisdom pearl, was speechless, not knowing how to answer.

In the final analysis, there was nothing unforgettable between her and Xu Beiyou, only some unexplained affection.

Xiao Yuyi's upper body leaned forward slightly in Xiao Zhinan's direction, his eyes were extremely sharp, and he continued: "It seems that you don't have the confidence yourself. My aunt watched you grow up, so how can you not understand your thoughts? I said However, getting married is a lifelong event, you can't find someone to use as a shield just because you don't like Duanmuyu, you can only let yourself go into the wolf's den just out of the tiger's den."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yuyi slightly lowered his voice, and said emotionally: "Men are unreliable, to say something disrespectful, back then, the queen mother was the princess of the grassland, and she single-handedly supported the father who had nothing, but in the end the father was still alive. There is a Qin Mumian? If it weren't for the strong mother and queen who swore to the death not to let the woman surnamed Qin enter the door, there would be an extra queen mother in the palace today. The father is like this, so I don't want you to put the rest of your life under pressure. On an ambitious young man, big gambles are the only way to get big, but more often than not, they end up bankrupt.”

"But what can I do." Xiao Zhinan said bitterly: "If I don't choose Xu Beiyou, my father will let me marry Duanmuyu. The Han family and the Duanmu family must choose one. As for the other, I have no choice."

"I still say the same thing, if one day he comes to the imperial capital, remember to bring him to my place." Xiao Yuyi said softly, she naturally knew that there was nothing she could do as a girl of the Xiao family, but she still hoped that this person would be regarded as her own. A daughter's niece can walk a better path than herself.

A good man is not necessarily a man suitable to be a husband.

There are so many emperors and generals, so many heroes who have ascended to the world, but in the end, how many women behind them can be happy and consummated?
(End of this chapter)

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