That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 331 Quietly Never Quiet

Chapter 331 Quietly Never Quiet

Breaking the Daoshu Workshop's big four-element and five-element formation is only the first step, and then we need to use some means to clean up the Taoshu Workshop that has been destroyed by most of it.

The so-called means are always unavoidable.

This is dirty work and tiring work, so most of the high-ranking immortals will not intervene too much, as long as they grasp the general direction, the specifics are still done by the people below.

The disciples of the three major sects, together with the monks of the Buddhist sect, are somewhat mixed, but the ones who are really responsible for killing people are the people of Jianzong.

For Buddhist monks, whether it is true compassion or fake compassion, killing people is not easy to do clearly.

The White Lotus Sect and the Wenxiang Sect are good at cultivating disciples. They were unmatched when the world was in trouble in the Great Zheng, but in the peaceful and prosperous age, the others will inevitably fall behind.

The only one left is Jianzong. The sword is a murder weapon. How can there be a sword repairer who doesn't kill people?Practice makes perfect, they do this a lot, and it's easy.

Most of the people dispatched by Jianzong are from the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, and there are also disciples cultivated in recent years. Their aptitude and cultivation base are all good, but they have not seen blood yet. Old people "see the world".

This time, the three women were in charge of the overall situation, so Xu Beiyou didn't go to join in the fun, and stayed in Tianxianglou to concentrate on negotiating with Yuguanyin about the handover of the half of the sea route.

As for the division of labor between the three women is also very clear, in addition to being directed by Qin Mumian, the role of the other two is still to sit in charge.

After all, Murong Xuanyin would like to sigh that Jiangdu hides the dragon and the crouching tiger, who knows what thousand-year-old bastards are hidden in the Jiangnan Taoism, and no one knows what kind of surprises will be in this seemingly smashed Taoist workshop.

This time to clean the Daoshu Workshop, Jianzong is mainly responsible for the core area centered on Zirong Temple, White Lotus Sect and Wenxiang Sect are mainly responsible for picking up the leftovers, while Buddhist disciples are responsible for the fish that slipped through the net. After all, the three women were cruel. It is better to kill by mistake than let it go, and it is about to uproot the Jiangnan Daomen in Jiangdu City.

If a woman wants to stand in the same position as a man, she has to work harder than a man to prove herself.

It is no accident that the three women became the three Lafayettes of Jiangdu.

Song Guanguan is also a woman, so she asked to participate this time, because she is the head of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, and if she wants to convince the crowd as a woman, even with Xu Beiyou's support, she still needs to do something to establish her prestige.

The Taoist temple is supposed to be a quiet place outside the world, and inside the temple are the monks who were born in the world. Unfortunately, the Taoism is not pure, and the places under the name of these Taoism are not pure.

Although Taoism is widespread all over the world, its core and fundamental power is far away in the south of the sky. That is the headquarters of Taoism. The sky is high and the earth is far. .

In the south of the Yangtze River, if the imperial court ruled the south of the Yangtze River by means of garrisons and yamen, then the Taoist gates depended on the Taoist temples.What Xu Beiyou and the others had to do was to smash all these Taoist temples into pieces.

Most of the Zirong Temple has been destroyed in the battle between Du Haichan and the Dragon King, and even a dozen or so Taoist temples around have suffered disasters, or were uprooted by the Dragon King with his supernatural power to move mountains, or were knocked down by the aftermath. The house collapsed.

However, there are many Taoist temples in the Taoist workshop, and many Taoist temples are still intact. Among them, the hidden Taoist disciples have not been able to escape from the Taoist workshop like Du Haichan did. Moreover, as a formation node, each Taoist temple should have a A Taoist with good knowledge sits in town.

This will be a battle of the beasts.

It was the last darkness before dawn, the spring rain that lasted most of the night finally stopped, the sky was almost black, and the whole Taoist workshop was dark like an inkstone.

Cheng En Temple is a famous Dao Temple among the Taoist workshops. The master of the temple is an old Taoist of the leaf generation with white hair and a childlike face. Humans have indeed lost a lot of cultivation, but they didn't expect that this large formation that had blocked countless powerful enemies was broken, and the whole Taoist workshop was in a mess.

The owner of the door left, or escaped.

The old Taoist knew this very well. Right now, he was sitting on the ground with his back against the porch pillar with a fly whisk in his arms. He wanted to leave too, but unfortunately, he had lost too much cultivation just now, and he was surrounded by powerful enemies, so he might not be able to leave. Lost.

Let's talk again, even if you can walk, where can you go?
Daoshufang is the place where he has lived for most of his life. Back then, the head of the door was Du Mingshi, and the head of the Xie family was Xie Gongyi. He was here at that time. Now the head of the door is replaced by Du Haichan, and the head of the Xie family is Xie Suqing. , he is still here.

Jiangnan Daomen was defeated, and his family was gone. When he returned to Taoist Xuandu, he was also a lost dog.

Just as the old Taoist was dazed in an untimely daze, more than a dozen figures climbed over the wall and entered the Taoist temple.

These people are dressed in plain white clothes, which are very conspicuous in the dark night, but for the monks, with the sense of energy, black clothes and white clothes are not important at all.

However, white clothes can determine the identity of the person who came. The Dark Guard Mansion only wears black clothes, the Town Demon Palace wears green clothes, and the white clothes belong to the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall.

The leader was a woman with a graceful figure and a cold face. After entering the Taoist temple, she stopped and stood there without any intention of making a move.

The group of swordsmen behind her came straight to the old man with their swords in hand without ordering them.

The old Taoist is already at the peak of human immortality, and he is only one step away from stepping into the realm of earth immortality, and then he can go to Taoist Xuandu to be conferred the honor of a Daoist person. Unfortunately, he has not been able to take this step, so he just Can live in Jiangnan Daomen and wait for death.

Because only by stepping into the realm of the earthly fairy can one have a lifespan of two hundred years, and one hundred years old is not considered old, one can still hold an important position. If one is at the peak of human immortality, one will be old at seven or eighty years old, and there is no need for promotion and reuse.

So the difference of this step is the difference of heaven and earth.

But no matter what, even if he doesn't have the Earth Immortal Realm, in normal times, he can easily dismiss these swordsmen who are only in the First Rank Realm.

It's just that in order to open the big four elephants and five elements formation today, his cultivation base has been seriously depleted, and at most he still has the strength of the ghost and fairy realm, so it is inevitable that he will be a little powerless in the face of these swordsmen.

What's more, there is an unknown woman watching.

The old Taoist had some awareness in his heart, but he didn't want to sit still. He flicked the dust whisk in his hand, and the silver threads shot up to more than ten feet in an instant, heading towards the crowd waiting under their hoods.

The swordsman of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall blocked it with the green blade in his hand, and there was a clanging sound of gold and stone.

The old man's face is like a still lake, with murderous intentions in his heart.

He is a Daoist disciple of the older generation, unlike the young juniors now. When he was young, it was the time when Jianzong was in full swing. The Jianzong at that time was not like he is now shrunk down in a corner of the Jiangdu, sitting on the Weiguo He and 36 islands were even able to wrestle with Taoist sects, and the disciples of the two major sects suffered casualties from each other.

I don't know how many senior brothers died in the hands of Jianzong.

It can be said to be blood feud.

Today's juniors don't take Jianzong seriously, they have no enmity or resentment, only contempt.

But their elders are different, there is no contempt, only hatred.

Since he can't be good, then before he dies, he will bring a few remnants of the Sword Sect to go on the road together!
Just when he was about to kill, the woman from Jianzong who had been motionless all this time suddenly shot.

Although the old Taoist was on guard, he did not expect the woman's sword to be so swift.

A sword.

It's just a sword, and the style of this sword is amazing.Not only pierced the old Taoist's body-protecting stellar qi, but also pierced his lower abdomen, and penetrated his sea of ​​qi.

The old Taoist's whole body was disintegrated, and he could no longer use the prepared killing method. Then he was stabbed between the eyebrows by the woman's sword, and died unwillingly.

Song Guanguan withdrew his sword, and said flatly: "Go on, if you encounter something you can't solve, don't be brave."

A group of Sword Qi Lingkong Hall swordsmen looked at the female hall master and respectfully agreed.

All the hall masters of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall have forged their authority with swords and blood.

(End of this chapter)

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