That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 336 Burying Hope and Ambition

Chapter 336 Burying Hope and Ambition

The host's tea cannot be served casually, since it is served, it means seeing off the guests.

Although Concubine Wanyan Yu is a latecomer, she has learned the etiquette no less than that of the Central Plains family. She took a sip from her teacup, stood up and said, "Hong Guang bids farewell, Mr. Xu, please stay."

Xu Beiyou stood up and said, "Junior Sister, send the princess off for me."

Wu Yu came from outside the door and said softly: "Princess, please."

In terms of welcoming and seeing off, this big housekeeper seems to be a bit downgraded, but in fact it is not, this is a position with a lot of power in his hands.

Take the emperor as an example, the eunuch who is the supervisor of ceremonies and seals is actually the emperor's chief steward. Is this position important?Known as the "inner minister", he can even stand up to the chief minister and assistant of the cabinet who is known as the "foreign minister".

Xu Beiyou put Wu Yu in this position, and he could see what he valued at a glance. The entire Jianzong, and even Jiangdu, as long as they couldn't force Xu Beiyou down at their own expense, they would give Wu Yu three points of courtesy.

Sometimes, Wu Yu himself felt as if he was in a dream. After coming out of the Yanyu Tower, he experienced many things, and finally entered Jianzong, worshiped the famous Gongsun Zhongmou as his teacher, and became Mr. Xu's junior sister. A rising tide lifts all boats, and he can be regarded as an important figure in the prosperous Jiangdu City.

No matter who it is, for the sake of Xu Beiyou's face, they must look up to her. Even if those aristocratic families call her "Yu Meiren" behind their backs, they must respectfully address her as Miss Wu on the surface. If this trend continues, she might not be able to have the status of Qin Mumian and others in a few years.

As for whether they can reach the level of Murong Xuan and others, it depends on good luck.

Concubine Wanyan Yu walked side by side with Wu Yu, with complicated thoughts.

She found that she had underestimated this Mr. Xu a little. There is a saying called "Ji Yi Qi, Yang Yi Body". Aside from the realm of cultivation, a man's aura comes more from his status. In the conversation between the two just now, Undoubtedly, Xu Beiyou had the absolute upper hand, because the status of the two was not equal.

If it was in Houjian, Concubine Wanyan Yu might still be able to overwhelm Xu Beiyou, but unfortunately this is Jiangdu, the Jiangdu where Murong Xuanyin returned without success twice. .

From the beginning to the end, Wu Yu didn't have any greetings to the post-built princess, but his expression was gentle and calm.

After arriving at the middle gate, Wu Yu stopped and watched Concubine Wanyan Yu board the carriage and leave before asking someone to close the middle gate.

The elderly servant sat on the coachman's seat, Wanyan Yufei in the carriage leaned against the wall of the carriage, closed her eyes, and gently rubbed her temples.

She is a very utilitarian woman, which is very different from Xiao Zhinan.

Xiao Zhinan, who has already stood at the apex of wealth, yearns for the word "Xiaoyao". If her parents want to marry her, she will not be able to be happy, so she wants to fight.

Concubine Wanyan Yu, who is still some distance away from the summit, is purely for ambition—she is a woman who is unwilling to be ordinary, she does not want to marry and have children, she yearns for the Empress Wu of that year, or the Empress Dowager Lin Yinping who listened to politics behind the curtain.

At this moment, the face of Xu Beiyou appeared in Princess Hongguang's mind.

Xu Beiyou's appearance is not bad, although he can't be regarded as a noble tree, but after occupying a high position, he gradually develops majesty and nobility. The men are quite different.

If a man is handsome but has no status, he will only be called a little boy. For a man, the best decoration is status and power.

Concubine Wanyan Yu agrees with this statement from the bottom of her heart, because in her eyes, Xu Beiyou, who holds the authority in Jiangdu, is actually quite handsome, and in terms of appearance alone, it is quite in line with his taste.

But she doesn't like this Mr. Xu.

Because she saw many things like herself in his seemingly calm eyes.

It can be called ambition or ambition.

Moreover, Xu Beiyou's current ambitions are far greater than hers, which even makes her feel a little out of breath.

She opened her eyes, and whispered to herself, "If this is in Houjian, I must cut open your heart to see how big it is."

——On the other side, Wu Yu walked slowly in Gongsun's mansion, and people kept saluting to her respectfully.

It is said that once you enter Houmen, it is as deep as the sea.

The mansion of Gongsun Mansion is no worse than Hou Mansion.

Xu Beiyou is the owner of this mansion, but there is no mistress.

Let's not talk about whether Her Highness the Princess can go to the end with Xu Beiyou, even if she can, she will not care about a mansion, she only cares about Xu Beiyou.

So Wu Yu is the number two person in this mansion.

Whenever Xu Beiyou encountered a problem, he liked to discuss it with this junior sister.

When Wu Yu walked back to the main hall, Xu Beiyou had already come out, pointed in the direction of the Houfu, and said, "Ayu, come with me?"

Wu Yu nodded slightly.

The two walked side by side on a path paved with cobblestones, and through the thin soles, they could clearly feel the touch of the soles of their feet.

This was built by Gongsun Zhongmou when he was alive. Xu Beiyou liked it very much and would come here often for a walk.

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "If you have anything to say, just say it. After all, we are the same master, brother and sister. In the world of practice, we are not much worse than brothers and sisters."

Wu Yu smiled knowingly, and after a little deliberation, he said, "Then I'll just say it, in my opinion, this Princess Hongguang is not a kind person, so we must guard against it."

Xu Beiyou nodded, "I have my own calculations in my heart."

Wu Yu continued: "Why do you want those ten thousand firecrackers?"

Xu Beiyou didn't hide what she meant, and said bluntly: "Fleet, the later builders have a foot in the sea, and the Wei State is not peaceful. I think there will be troubles at sea soon, and we should plan ahead."

Wu Yu frowned slightly, "Ten thousand firecrackers are only 10 taels of silver, and we can afford it, but thousands of people eat horse chews, as well as ships and water villages, these are not small sums. "

Xu Beiyou sighed, "I know, money is used everywhere, the rebuilding of the Daoshu workshop requires money, and the reorganization of the fleet also requires money. Our Jianzong family alone really can't afford it, but I still have the money left by my master. It’s a floating fortune, so there’s no need to worry about it for the time being.”

Wu Yu hummed and said nothing.

The water in Jianzong is very deep, far from being able to get to the bottom of it as a disciple who has just started for a long time, and she has an intuition that even this senior brother who has taken over the power in the sect may not be able to fully understand it.

In fact, this is not right or wrong. Only the suzerain can know many things about Jianzong. Before he died, Gongsun Zhongmou told Xu Beiyou all about this part.

There are still some things that Gongsun Zhongmou didn't have time to say, and now only Zhang Xueyao knows.

How deep is the water in Jianzong? It needs Xu Beiyou and Zhang Xueyao to explain clearly.

Xu Beiyou stopped and looked at the corner of the lake not far away.

He naturally thought of Biyou Island above the East China Sea.

The master was buried there, as well as the treasures left by the master and the ancestors of the past generations.

Jianzong's ambition and Xu Beiyou's hope are buried there.

(End of this chapter)

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