That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 338 Old Han and Xiao Xu Father and Son

Chapter 338 Old Han and Xiao Xu Father and Son

Wu Yu personally helped Fang Sanqing bring a cup of tea, which flattered this young man who had seen the world somewhat.

Xu Beiyou introduced: "This is my junior sister Wu Yu."

Fang Sanqing took the teacup, a little at a loss, he didn't dare to address junior sister directly like Xu Beiyou did, remembering that the person called her Miss Wu before, he hurriedly said: "Thank you, Miss Wu, how can this happen."

Wu Yu just smiled gently.

In Fang Sanqing's view, such a beautiful woman would be tempted by a man. Judging by her posture, she is probably Xu Xiaozi's wife.

Until now, he still finds it a little unbelievable.

Xu Xiaozi, who was not as developed as him before, bought a big house in Jiangdu City, married a woman who looked like a fairy, and maybe even had an official status, what is this?This is not the master!
How did he become a master?
Xu Beiyou took a sip of tea, looked at Fang Sanqing who was still in a daze, and said softly, "Brother Fang, don't be nervous, I'm still the same Xu Beiyou back then. A few days ago, my husband wrote to say that you were in Jiangdu, so let me take care of you." One or two, don't rush to leave later, go after dinner with me."

Fang Sanqing suddenly had mixed feelings, Xu Beiyou said that he was still the old Xu Beiyou, but Fang Sanqing knew in his heart that it was not after all, the old Xu Beiyou would live in such a house?In the past, Xu Beiyou would have such a wife?Now Xu Beiyou speaks, how dare he not listen?

Seeing that Fang Sanqing had no objection, Xu Beiyou winked at Wu Yu.

Wu Yu nodded and turned to arrange the dinner.

Fang Sanqing took courage and asked, "Beiyou, is this your home?"

Xu Beiyou smiled, "Well, it's the mansion left to me by Master."

Regarding the master that Xu Beiyou spoke of, Fang Sanqing was at a loss, and couldn't connect with the old sword-carrying old man who passed by Xiaofangzhai back then. Seeing that Xu Beiyou didn't mean to talk deeply, he didn't dare to ask more, and instead said: "Beiyou Are you married?" Xu Beiyou smiled and shook his head, "Not yet."

Fang Sanqing secretly glanced at the direction where Wu Yu was leaving, and smacked his lips, "Then you have to hurry up."

Xu Beiyou laughed it off.

Perhaps it was because Xu Beiyou didn't have too much airs, Fang Sanqing also gradually relaxed, speaking somewhat casually, "By the way, Beiyou you mentioned Mr. Han just now, what about others? Are you also in Jiangdu?"

Mentioning Mr., Xu Beiyou had a lot of smiles on his face, and said, "Mr. is not in Jiangdu, but in the imperial capital."

"The imperial capital?" Fang Sanqing was taken aback, "What are you doing in the imperial capital?"

The smile on Xu Beiyou's face became more intense, "I am an official in the imperial capital."

"How old is the official?" Fang Sanqing regained his energy. He heard the old man in the village mention that Han Xuan moved to the village with Xu Beiyou, who was still in his infancy, 20 years ago, which is rare in Xiaofang Village. He was a scholar at first sight, and he was not like an ordinary family. When Fang Sanqing first arrived here, he was full of style, but after Fang Sanqing grew up, the old man's wealthy family had been scattered, and he did not have the glory of his early years. He started a private school, took a dozen children to study, and barely made ends meet.

It's funny to say, but Xu Beiyou hasn't studied in that private school for a few days. Although he can read, he doesn't know how to be polite. He just plays wildly outside all day, or just makes gestures with a branch, like a wild boy.

After Fang Sanqing left Xiaofangzhai and came to Jiangdu, he saw a lot of things in the world. At this time, he felt a lot of flavors. The Mr. Han in his hometown is probably not a simple person. Hearing Xu Beiyou's words today confirmed himself guess.

Xu Beiyou said softly: "Cabinet assistant."

"What kind of official is the second assistant of the cabinet? Is it bigger than the magistrate?" Although Fang Sanqing has some knowledge, that's all. He knows that the biggest local official is the chief envoy. Qing, I heard that this official name is both "secondary" and "auxiliary", so it's not too big to think about.

Xu Beiyou didn't dare to say that he had seen countless people, but he had actually met a lot of people in the past few years, and he still had some ability to read people. He saw Fang Sanqing's thoughts at a glance, and said with a smile: "Of course it is bigger than the magistrate. The magistrate is the fourth rank, the head of the third department is the third rank, and the cabinet assistant is the first rank."

Genuine product! ?

Fang Sanqing felt his heart beat violently several times, almost making him breathless.

Isn't that what the common people often say is a prime minister who is under one person and above ten thousand people?
No wonder Xu Xiaozi can be so beautiful, it turns out that old Hantou has become a high-ranking official.

But now he can't be called Old Hantou, he should be called Prime Minister.

Fang Sanqing suddenly felt that he had figured everything out. Han Xuan must have been a high-ranking official before, but lost his official position for some unknown reason, and then went to live in their small village for 20 years. Now he is an official again. , how do you say that sentence, oh yes, it's called "Qifu"!
Now Han Xuan recovered, so did Xu Xiaozi, and suddenly became the son of the prime minister's family.

Thinking of this, Fang Sanqing couldn't help but envy Xu Beiyou's good luck, and at the same time regretted why he didn't go to Old Hantou's place more often?
It's just that he didn't think deeply about why Xu Beiyou didn't go to the imperial capital with Han Xuan, but settled in Jiangdu thousands of miles away.

While the two were talking, Wu Yu came back and told Xu Beiyou that the banquet was almost ready.

Xu Beiyou got up and said, "Let's go to eat."

Then Fang Sanqing really experienced what it meant to be "deep as the sea once you enter the Marquis's Gate", and it took half a quarter of an hour to walk from Xu Beiyou's side hall where he entertained guests to the dining hall where he ate.

This mansion carefully built by Gongsun Zhongmou fully interprets what is called ingenious workmanship.

Where the winding path leads to secluded places, there are dark willows and bright flowers.

Xu Beiyou didn't put on the posture of a great meal, it was just a very casual meal, the taste was mostly plain, and there were only him, Wu Yu and Fang Sanqing on the table.

Xu Beiyou sat in the middle, and Fang Sanqing happened to be facing Wu Yu. Facing such a fairy figure with ivory chopsticks in his hand, Fang Sanqing became nervous again, almost unable to use the chopsticks in his hand.

Xu Beiyou smiled and comforted him: "They are all from my own family, Brother Fang, please don't see outsiders."

Fang Sanqing hurriedly nodded yes, and lowered his head to pick up the rice.

Ever since Xu Beiyou set foot in the realm of the earth and fairyland, he already had the capital to feed on the wind and drink the dew. It was only a matter of choice whether to eat or not. After taking two bites at will, he got up and said, "I still have something to do, junior sister, please help me." Invite Third Brother Fang."

Wu Yu said empathetically, "Brother, go and do your work. I'll be with Third Brother Fang."

Xu Beiyou smiled and cupped his hands to bid farewell to Fang Sanqing and left.

Of course he wasn't just making excuses, Han Xuan sent people all the way to Jiangdu, not just for this trivial matter, but for other things to explain, this trivial matter was just incidental.

This time Han Xuan planned to attack the Jiangnan army, and the reason was the attack on Xu Beiyou last time.

With the defeat of Jiangnan Daomen, many unknown secrets also fell into the hands of Jianzong, including many secrets of Tianshi Mansion and Zhenmo Palace.

With these things, together with Yu Kuang's cooperation, and the important witness Baiyu, the father and son are sure to sort out the Jiangnan army and completely uproot Lanyu's foundation in Jiangnan.

(End of this chapter)

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