Chapter 341

In the sweltering heat of the night, a couple walked side by side in the deep palace where everything was quiet.

In front of a palace lit with night lights, the man stopped and stared at the palace for a long time, then sighed softly: "It only took me five years from the son to the crown prince, and then to the crown prince. I was five years old, and it was here that I was crowned prince."

The word "望" clarifies the identity of the couple.

Great Qi Emperor Xiao Xuan, Empress Xu.

Xiao Xuan continued: "From the crown prince to the emperor, I waited for 30 years. At the age of 35, I took over thousands of miles of land from the late emperor."

He said with emotion: "It is now the 22nd year of Taiping, and I am already 57 years old, and I will soon be an old man in sixty years."

Xiao Xuan looked at his wife who didn't look too old, and said with a smile: "You are three years younger than me, and you are over half a hundred years old, but you look like you are in your 30s."

Empress Xu, who is the mother of the world, said softly: "The old concubine and others are over eighty years old, and they look like they are in their 20s. Compared with them, the concubines are far behind."

Xiao Xuan was stunned for a moment, then sighed and said: "Qin Mumian, this is a thorn in Empress Mother's heart, and it is also a thorn in Father Emperor's. Father Emperor left an edict back then, asking me to respect her as a concubine. Empress Mother didn't say much. , I don't want to disobey my father. By the way, I heard that Jiangnan is very lively recently, do you know?"

"The concubine has also heard about it." Empress Xu nodded and said, "I heard that Taoist sect suffered a big loss."

Xiao Xuan smiled, "The Taoist Workshop has changed hands."

After all, Empress Xu is a woman in the deep palace, and she doesn't care much about Jiangnan thousands of miles away. At this time, she was a little surprised when she heard this from her husband, and said: "Back then, Fu Chen made a rebellion to assassinate the late emperor, and the late emperor hid in the The Daoist Workshop escaped a catastrophe, but the Taoist Workshop was actually broken by someone?"

Emperor Daqi stepped forward again, and said calmly: "The Taoist sect has been outraged by the public for too long, and this time the Taoist sect is in chaos. The other sects that have been oppressed by the Taoist sect for a long time will naturally take advantage of the situation."

Empress Xu bit her lower lip lightly, but did not speak.

The two have been husband and wife for nearly 40 years, and Empress Xu naturally knows her husband very well.

Xiao Xuan is not Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu is the emperor who conquered the world. From the moment he hanged the red lady with his own hands, he was covered in blood, stepped on the bones, and listened to the sound of horses' hooves. He walked to this extreme position step by step.

Fu Chen, who was on the eighteenth floor, died.

The living god Shangguan Xianchen also died.

Everyone who stood in the way died, under Xiao Yu's sword of the Son of Heaven.

Therefore, when Xiao Yu was alive, Lan Yu and Han Xuan never had a party dispute, Lin Han hibernated in the grassland, Xiao Jin hadn't set foot in the Central Plains for 30 years, and even the head teacher of Taoism, Qiu Ye, had been sitting in Xuandu for decades.

But after Xiao Yu was gone, the Blue-Han faction broke out immediately, Lin Han was ready to move, Xiao Jin was even more self-reliant, and finally Qiu Ye left Du Tianfeng and beheaded Sun Zhongmou, the lord of the Sword Sect.

Since she married into the Xiao family, she is a member of the Xiao family, and when considering everything, she always starts from the Xiao family.

At this time, the Xiao family of Tianjia seems to be sitting on the world with incomparable scenery, but it is actually troubled internally and externally.

Although Xiao Xuan is the respected emperor, the four confidantes still make him uncomfortable.

Sapphire from the temple, Daomen from Tiannan, Xiao Jin from Wei, and Lin Han from the grassland, these four families have many secret contacts. If they can really join hands, they may not be able to turn Daqi upside down.

Every time she thinks of this, Empress Xu feels chills on her back.

The key lies in the Dao Sect. If the Dao Sect is suppressed, the other three schools will not be able to do well.

But how easy is it to suppress the Taoist sect?Don't you see that the Dazheng of the year tried his best to reject Taoism, and finally ended up with the destruction of a country.

Looking at the history books, there are many examples of the death of the second generation.

Xiao Xuan seemed to feel his wife's uneasiness, took the initiative to hold her hand, and said in a gentle voice: "We have to eat food one bite at a time, and we have to do things one by one. This internal turmoil in the Dao Sect is an opportunity. If we can let the Dao Sect regain its vitality If you are seriously injured, then many things will be much easier to do.”

Empress Xu nodded.

Xiao Xuan didn't let go of his hand, he took his wife forward slowly, and said softly: "I know my shortcomings, and I can't compare with the late emperor, so I sent King Qi to be trained under Wei Jin's command early on, and King Qi didn't let me down. You have done well in these years, and you know that the first emperor was conferred the title of King of Qi before he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. I gave him this title to tell him that sooner or later this world will belong to him. "

Empress Xu still nodded.

Although she is the mother of a country, she still can't get rid of many stereotypes. Since ancient times, mothers are more important than sons, so she will inevitably pay more attention to sons. Maybe she has a lot of bias towards Xiao Zhinan, but her treatment of Xiao Bai is beyond reproach.

In other words, Xiao Bai is her lifeblood. Compared with her son, whether it is her daughter, her mother's family, or even her husband, she is far inferior.

She knew that the reason why her husband said these words to her today was to reassure her.

Xiao Xuan continued: "There has never been a hundred-year-old emperor in the world. I will step down sooner or later. When King Qi takes the throne, you will be the Queen Mother."

Empress Xu looked pale.

Xiao Xuan looked at her, and said softly: "Don't meddle in the affairs of Duanmu's family, lest you cause a shame."

"En." Empress Xu responded softly.

Xiao Xuan softened his tone, "I know you are worried that Xu Yi can't support the huge Xihe County palace, but the children and grandchildren have their own blessings, how long can you help him? Even if I don't care, with the lessons learned from the Lin family, King Qi will be able to help him again. What would you think?"

Empress Xu sighed helplessly.

Her son, Xiao Bai, is her weakness. Her husband is right. Prairie Khan Wang Lin Han is actually not an outsider. What would the son think?How would you view her as a mother?
The husband's family and the mother's family will eventually have to make a choice.

No matter how noble a woman is, after she marries and has children, she becomes someone else's family.

Unknowingly, the couple came to the edge of the palace city, simply climbed up the tower, and looked at the imperial capital city that could not be seen at a glance.

Empress Xu suddenly said: "As for Zhinan's marriage, His Majesty, the father, should also have some snacks."

Xiao Xuan smiled lightly: "You are a mother who is very caring, and I, a father, can naturally be lazy."

Empress Xu gave him a blank look, "What's the use of concubines being caring? That girl has always had her own ideas since she was a child. In this matter, she won't listen to my mother. Young people can't figure it out, what are they talking about?"

Xiao Xuan suppressed his smile slightly, and said in a deep voice: "I know that young man, Han Ge's adopted son, and Gongsun Zhongmou's successor, in terms of status alone, it is enough for our family to know Nan."

Empress Xu frowned and said: "The Han family is not an aristocratic family. Gongsun Zhongmou has already left. If Mr. Han Ge has also left, why is he worthy of our Zhinan?"

Xiao Xuan turned to look at her, "Why, of course it's him."

Empress Xu was a little bitter, but she couldn't do anything about her husband's cloud-covered speaking habit, so she could only say helplessly: "No matter what, Your Majesty must know what to do."

Xiao Xuan stretched out a hand, the palm turned over, as if the whole world was in his hands, "Our Xiao family's daughter will not marry mediocre people."

(End of this chapter)

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