That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 360 Leisurely Center Li Zijian

Chapter 360 Leisurely Center Li Zijian

Mrs. Li was about to speak, when a young boy came to the main hall unimpeded. After saluting to the people in the hall, he said in a crisp voice: "The old ancestor invites Mr. Xu to live in leisure."

Mrs. Li's expression suddenly became suspicious.

Xu Beiyou was the old god, and he seemed to have expected it, saying: "Xu has long admired Senior Li for a long time, please lead the way."

The little boy turned and left.

Xu Beiyou glanced at the Dragon King who had been silent all this time, and after seeing the Dragon King nodded slightly, he got up and said to Mrs. Li, "I dare not refuse the elder's invitation, so Xu will leave first."

Mrs. Li also got up, and said with a smile: "Since it was my father who invited me, Mr. Xu is the one."

Xu Beiyou followed the little boy all the way out of the Li family's mansion, and after several twists and turns, he came to the gate of the other courtyard. At this time, the middle door of the other courtyard was wide open, and he could clearly see the lush greenery in the courtyard, and a cool air came over his face.

Xu Beiyou admired: "It's really a good place to escape the summer heat by taking a quiet place amidst the hustle and bustle."

After all, Xu Beiyou stepped across the threshold first.

In an instant, a wind blew up, blowing Xu Beiyou's sleeves and temples.

Xu Beiyou's eyes changed slightly, his hands formed a sword mark in front of him, and two sword auras flew out from his sleeves, connecting end to end, circling around him.

At this moment, he seemed to be stepping into a tide of vitality. He had only experienced this feeling in Zhang Zhaonu's body.

Xu Beiyou stretched out his hand to hold it, and Xuanming appeared in his palm. For all swordsmen, there is a huge difference between having a sword and not having a sword in their hands.

Xu Beiyou stabbed Xuanming in his hand into the ground, stabilized his body, and said loudly: "Is this how the old Patriarch of the Li family treats guests?"

Countless trees rustle and move, and fallen leaves rustle down.

Li Zijian, who was at the place where the path led to a secluded place, had already sat up from the reclining chair, propped his forehead with his hands, and just smiled nonchalantly when he heard Xu Beiyou's words.

In terms of the realm of cultivation alone, Li Zijian really doesn't take Xu Beiyou seriously, even if Xu Beiyou has already stepped into the realm of immortality.

It should be noted that Li Zijian is now in the realm of the twelfth floor of the earth immortal. It is said that the eighteenth floor of the earth fairy, the first floor of the first sky, and Xu Beiyou is only the realm of the third floor of the earth immortal. There is a difference of nine heavens between the two. Xu Beiyou had Zhu Xian in his hand, and he had no chance of winning, let alone he didn't have Zhu Xian yet.

Of course, Xu Beiyou didn't have any fear of Li Zijian. In fact, during this period of time, he had met too many immortals and masters.

Not to mention my master Gongsun Zhongmou, not to mention the well-deserved No. 1 Qiuye in the world, and Murong Xuanyin who beheaded Zhang Zhaonu with a single sword, that is the dead Zhang Zhaonu, who is also from the Sixteenth Floor of the Earth Immortal Based on his cultivation base, Li Zijian is really not in the ranking, not to mention there is a Buddhist dragon king who is almost the same as Zhang Zhaonu beside him at this time.

Last time Xu Beiyou spent 220 million taels of money to ask the Dragon King of Buddhism to resist Zhang Zhaonu, but in the end it was Murong Xuanyin who killed Zhang Zhaonu. He was still a little bit sorry, so he followed Xu Beiyou to Huzhou, which was considered a favor.

Xu Beiyou was not in a hurry to let the Dragon King take action, but chose to support himself independently, which was also a test of his current cultivation.

Xu Beiyou stretched out his hand again, this time it was Tian Lan who appeared in his palm, slightly moved forward, and instantly appeared in ripples of vitality.

If he didn't have the Twelve Swords of Jianzong, in terms of his aptitude, if he insisted on hard work, he would probably be able to achieve this level of cultivation at Li Zijian's age, but he has almost come to the end, and there is not much progress. possible.

But how lucky he is, not only has the Twelve Swords of Jianzong, but he may even be in charge of Zhuxian. It can even be said that the luck of such a huge Jianzong rests on him alone.

This is like a big gamble. If you win, Jianzong will be rejuvenated again. If you lose, Jianzong will lose the last bit of luck, and will decline from then on.

This gamble was made by Gongsun Zhongmou himself, betting on a sword sect, and it was also a gamble made by Xu Beiyou, betting on his own life.

So Xu Beiyou didn't dare to carry anything.

Ever since holding Zhuxian Defeating Taiyi to rescue Ku Tianzun, Xu Beiyou has already mastered all swords 36 by heart, as if he has used them countless times, and he can easily use them at his fingertips, but some sword styles are too powerful, and he is limited by his own cultivation and cannot use them.

The sword seal he used just now is Sword Sixteen, but it can only be regarded as a half sword, the first half of the sword is for defense, the second half of the sword is for attack, the combination of offense and defense is a complete sword.

Xu Beiyou swung his hand back, and all the two sword qis returned to Tianlan in his hands.

The next moment, Tian Lan's sword body was shrouded in sword light, like a reef in the tide of vitality, standing upright.

Xu Beiyou swung Tianlan to draw a series of mysterious tracks, and in an instant, sword-shaped talismans appeared around him, densely packed.

Jianzong originally came from the same lineage as Taoism, so he is also proficient in the way of talismans and seals. This talisman is called Sword Talisman.

The first half of the sword is the sword seal, and the second half of the sword is the sword talisman. The two are combined into one, which is the sixteenth sword, and the talisman seals one sword.

Xu Beiyou used the index finger and middle finger of his left hand together as the sword finger, lightly wiped the Tianlan sword, and said softly: "Chi!"

The sword talisman that surrounded him shot out in an instant and hit the surrounding trees. The swaying trees stopped immediately after encountering the sword talisman. Not long after, all the trees were "engraved" on them. There are no traces of sword symbols, no rustling leaves, no rustling wind.

It turns out that the tree does not move with the wind, but the wind moves with the tree.

After Xu Beiyou used up one sword, there was no sign of exhaustion in the energy mechanism in his body, and his momentum soared, climbing to the peak in an instant, and he used the sword Thirteen and One Sword in one go.

Sword Qi, a mouthful of sword Qi is like a river rushing.

The sword intent surged, rushing into the sea, a sword went east and never returned west.

This is Xu Beiyou's Sword Thirteen!

Li Zijian in the depths of the other courtyard slowly got up, and calmly said: "It's such a sword thirteen, if Zhang Xueyao uses it instead, I'm a little bit afraid, but it's a pity, your cultivation base of the third floor of the earth fairy used this The sword, it’s okay to frighten the monks under the realm of the earth and fairyland, but if you want to hurt the old man, it’s a fool’s dream.”

Xu Beiyou remained silent, and the mighty sword energy rushed straight at the Li Family Taishang Huang.

Li Zijian laughed loudly, took a step forward with his right foot, slightly bent his left foot, stretched out with one hand, and retracted with the other. With all his cultivation of nearly a hundred years, the sea of ​​Qi in his body was churning endlessly like a boiling sea.

Capture the dragon.

Today, he has intensively studied the three doctrines, and he dare not say that he has mastered them, but after mutual verification, his cultivation base is no different from that of the Daoist Daoist. He must be able to beat him upright in terms of cultivation.

I saw Li Zijian grasping the sword energy with his bare hands, and the sword energy was struggling like a dragon, but unfortunately he couldn't escape from Li Zijian's palms, and could only slowly dissipate in the sky unwillingly.

"Children of Jianzong, if you still have the ability, just use it." Li Zijian clenched his fists and said with a smile: "Let me also show the old man what Jianzong 36 is."

Xu Beiyou stretched out his hand for the third time, this time it was Chi Lianjian.

The evil spirit and resentment were overwhelming, and even Li Zijian showed a slight strange color on his face.

He was very curious about how Xu Beiyou controlled this fierce sword of the master, which even he would be afraid of.

Don't hesitate to get involved in cause and effect?He is already the young master of the Sword Sect, and already in the realm of the earth fairy, so why take such a risk?

Xu Beiyou's face was resolute, and after saying a good word softly, he began to charge forward with his sword.

(End of this chapter)

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