Chapter 380

In the early years, there were many sects, and there were many cave mounds left by the predecessors, so from time to time monks would join hands to explore the secrets, or fight for a certain treasure.

It's just that now, the polarization between big and small sects has become more and more obvious. Big sects are like Daoist sects, which can almost rival a country, while small sects are like Yanyulou, which can be regarded as Jianghu sects at best. There is a world of difference between the two. Don't, most of those natural treasures or leftover caves have fallen into the pockets of the great sect, and after so many years of continuous exploration, there are no more caves left by the ancient monks. The previous situation of hunting for treasures, Gone forever.

However, if there is no one out of ten, after all, it is not all searched, there are still a few deeply hidden fish that slip through the net, but most of these opportunities are not for the little monks. For example, today's opportunity to be born outside Xiangfan City is only present There are very few three people who can know.

The reason why the Dragon King of Buddhism came here was because he was personally taught the opportunity by the head of the Bodhi Court before he went to Jiangnan.

Li Qingyu had Zhang Zai's life memory in his mind.

As for Qingchen, it is nothing more than the word Zhanyan.

The three of them came here by their own means, and if they want to win that opportunity, they still have to use their own means.

However, compared to the other two who are facing a formidable enemy, Qingchen who has been expelled from the Taoist gate is much calmer.

To Qingchen, the Dragon King of Buddhism is just a junior of the same generation as Qiuye, but he himself is Qiuye's uncle, the junior who taught Zichen in the previous generation, competed for the position of leader twice and almost became the master of Taoism. teach.

As for Li Qingyu, if Zhang Zai stood here in his heyday, Qingchen might still be scruples, but now Li Qingyu is just a reincarnation, not to mention the lack of Zhang Zai's spirit, but to say that he is Cultivation is still relying on foreign objects to barely prove the realm of small longevity. The foundation is shallow and not worth mentioning.

Qingchen dared to look down on the two of them like this, it was definitely not out of self-importance, after stepping into the realm of the earth fairy, his life span can be extended to two hundred years, so it is called the little longevity, but there are gods above the earth fairy, if he can cultivate the gods, he will live forever, The so-called Great Eternal Life, the current Qingchen is only half a step away from the Great Eternal Life.

As early as 50 years ago in the Dingding battle, he had already climbed to the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal.

In the battle of He Laoshan, he single-handedly slaughtered the entire Temple of Demon Suppression.

Even 60 years ago, the Lord of the Demon Town Hall was just a puppet in his hands.

He's just out of breath.

One line of strength, half a step away, if the battle of Dingding was not Xiao Huang's big victory, but Jiangnan Lu Qian won the world, then Qing Chen, Shangguan Xianchen, and Fu Chen who stood by Lu Qian's side could rely on this The great merits of supporting the dragon soared one by one, but unfortunately in the end, Lu Qian was completely defeated, Fu Chen and Shangguan Xianchen fell one after another, leaving him with no choice but to stay in the world for 50 years without making any progress. The different nephew Qiu Ye has become the No. 1 in the world, and he has hope of ascension, but he still can't see half of the hope of ascension.

Looking for this opportunity today, to put it bluntly, is just a dead horse as a living horse doctor, trying his luck.

It's best if you can gain something, but if you can't just treat it as a collection of multiple items.

Qing Chen glanced at the other two, and the faint smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Since he was brought back to the Taoist school by his master, he has practiced Taoism for more than a hundred years, but he has never been a gentle and courteous person, and he has no relationship with the word "Wu Zheng". I didn't have much expectation for this opportunity, but if someone wants to compete with him for one or two, then he doesn't mind making an exception and making a shot.

Even though his cultivation has not improved a single inch in these years, and he is like water in a well, with a little use, he will become shallower, but he is still the green dust that makes the big gates helpless.

There are three major demon heads on the list of demon heads in the Temple of Suppressing Demons. Gongsun Zhongmou, who is able to fight against Qiuye with his hand in his hand, is only ranked third. Second place, at the top of the list is him, the former peak master of Tianshu Peak.

What is Qing Chen's realm and cultivation level? It's no longer necessary for him to say anything.

The Dragon King of Buddhism clasped his hands together and said: "Don't dare to say the word "fighting for grabs". This thing is originally from my Buddhist school, but it was borrowed by Emperor Xiao back then. The poor monk came here just to send this thing back to the ancestral court."

Qing Chen sneered, "To take away is to take away, what to say to borrow, since it was taken away, and you dare not ask for it, or even mention it, it has become someone else's property. Now Xiao Yu Dead, this thing is clearly an ownerless thing."

The Dragon King took a deep breath and didn't speak.

Buddhism is good at sophistry, but the Dragon King is not good at it. He is more used to talking with his fists, but even if he dared to fight Taiyi to save Ku Tianzun, he would not dare to take action against this real Qingchen. This person has a high level It's definitely just one of them, the key is that this person has the best way of experience in the world, and can compete for the first place everywhere. If he is an enemy of this person, even Buddhism will have a headache.

As for the treasure of chance that was born today, it is really a thing of Buddhism. At that time, the Buddha preached under the Bodhi tree, and the Bodhi tree dropped three seeds, which were regarded as sacred objects of Buddhism. The bodhi seed was brought by the Buddha, and the two bodhi seeds symbolizing "dharma" and "sangha" were left in the mundane world.

Among them, Bodhi, which means "monk", was enshrined in the ancestral court of Buddhism, while Bodhi, which means "dharma", was in the hands of an old Buddhist monk. The later things can be expected. Whenever this old monk fell into a demon, at that time a military leader of the Northwest Army reported the matter to Xiao Huang in order to please Xiao Huang. hands.

Although Emperor Xiao didn't really take it as his own, he didn't intend to return it to the Buddhist sect either. Instead, he left it outside Xiangfan City after the Dingding battle that year, expressly saying that it was only for those who were destined.

Qingchen turned his head to look at Li Qingyu, and said coldly: "Poverty remembers that this thing should have nothing to do with your Confucianism."

Li Qingyu sighed softly, and put his posture very low, "I have a disadvantage in my cultivation base, and my foundation is unstable, so I want to borrow this thing and return it when it is used up."

Qing Chen said expressionlessly: "What if the poor don't want to borrow?"

Li Qingyu's face remained unchanged, and he said softly: "This thing should not be in your pocket, right?"

Qing Chen said calmly: "It will be there soon."

Before the words fell, the Dragon King and Li Qingyu violently attacked at the same time.

One punch and one palm landed on Qing Chen's chest and lower abdomen respectively.

Although the momentum is not big, if it were an ordinary immortal who received this blow, he might lose his bones.

Qing Chen's body remained unmoved, and his face remained normal as he said: "Does the light of rice grains dare to compete with the bright moon?"

The next moment, the faces of the Dragon King and Li Qingyu changed suddenly, and they saw Qing Chen wave his big sleeves without the slightest smoke and fire, and a strong wind blew up on the ground, causing the Dragon King's figure to slide back tens of feet suddenly, and the aura was surging endlessly.

Qing Chen brushed off his Taoist robe with his hand, then flicked his fingers lightly.

In front of Li Qingyu, countless sword lights suddenly exploded, like a huge lotus flower blooming, filling the space of more than ten feet in the blink of an eye, forming a perfect momentum in its fierceness.

Qingchen's voice came faintly: "Li Qingyu, your body, which is neither Confucianism nor demon, is just a beach fortress, and it will disappear as soon as the waves rush. The bequest contained in it can still pretend to be a ghost, but in front of the poor, dare to be presumptuous?!"

(End of this chapter)

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