Chapter 389

Those who come are not good, and those who are good don't.

For people in the court, the name Xiao Lin is not unfamiliar. As early as when the first emperor was still the Northwest feudal lord, Xiao Lin had already been in and out of the palace of the central capital, but later because of some reasons that cannot be understood by outsiders, he was named Xiao Lin. Gradually estranged, and now it is listed as a traitor by the Dark Guard House, it seems that there is no need to think about the reason for this visit.

Xiao Lin stopped, looked at the old man and said slowly: "I heard that there is an unwritten ranking among the ceremonial supervisors, the eunuch Zhang Baisui naturally ranks first, the chief Bingbi is second, and the third The one in the top position is Chen Zhijin, who is the first of the four masters of writing, just in line with the old saying that if you want to plant flowers, you will not grow them, but if you don’t care to plant willows and willows to make shade, it is Chen Zhijin who values ​​power the least and is most relied on by the Xiao family."

The old coachman has been silent ever since he uttered the word Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin paused for a while, staring at the eunuch who was acting as a groom, and said slowly: "Eunuch Chen should have entered the palace in the first year of Huanglong. Like Zhang Baisui, he both worshiped Sun Shilin as his godfather, and was later taken over by Xiao Lin." The emperor took a fancy to it, and turned to practice the Xiao family's boxing intention, which is the most fierce and domineering."

Chen Zhijin remained silent, but slowly let go of the rein in his hand, stretching his five fingers slightly.

No one thought that this old eunuch who seemed to have experienced vicissitudes of life turned out to be a martial arts master who had taken a fierce path.

The imperial court has never lacked martial arts masters, because the army is the best place to practice martial arts, but it is rare to practice martial arts in the ceremonial supervisor, and the Xiao family's boxing intentions are not handed down from the Xiao family of the Tian family. The secret is that usually only the descendants of the clan can practice. Chen Zhijin was able to be taught the Xiao family's martial arts, which shows that he has won the trust of two generations of emperors of the Xiao family, otherwise he would not be the third in charge of the supervisor.

But anyone who comes out of the palace will believe in the truth that a hundred words are worse than a silence, so Chen Zhijin didn't want to waste much time with Xiao Lin, jumped off the carriage, and directly put on a fist of the Xiao family. Mode.

Although the path of martial arts was dismissed as a small way by the gods and real people, it was not as good as the broad road of the five immortals, but if you don't talk about how to ascend in the future, just say that in the world, martial arts is still better than the way of the five immortals. Before ascending to the eighteenth floor of the Earth Immortal, compared with martial arts monks, it is like thin paper. Fighting with martial arts monks, life and death are often only a matter of life and death.

why?In the final analysis, it is nothing more than the word physique.

From the perspective of seeking longevity, physical fitness is indeed a dispensable thing, it is best to have it, and it does not hinder the pursuit of the Dao, but from the perspective of fighting with others, physical fitness is the most important thing Well, many people underestimate physical cultivation and regard it as a stupid and stupid way, but it is this kind of stupid way that allows Wu Xiu to accomplish the feat of fighting across borders time and time again.

Xiao Lin unhurriedly took out the heavy tome and said calmly, "I'm here for the people in the carriage."

After the words were spoken, Chen Zhijin's figure was already moving suddenly, and his punches were like thunder.

The old and withered fist roared, instantly occupying all of Xiao Lin's sight, and the powerful fist enveloped all directions.

Xiao Lin stared at the fist, and the book in his hand moved without wind, his whole body turned into lightning and disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already above a hundred feet high.

Chen Zhijin's punch that locked on the Qi machine actually missed.

At this moment, the expression on his face became more serious.

Xiao Lin stretched out two light blue wings behind him, making him suspend in the air, and said with a smile: "Chen Zhijin, with your skills, you also want to break my wrist? Zhang Baisui is about the same."

He stretched out his hand and drew a series of strange traces in front of him, forming a strange formation that was neither Buddha nor Dao, and then a giant sword burning with black flames rose slowly from the formation.

As soon as the sword was released, the sky suddenly became dark, and it was even stained with a touch of blood red.

The next moment, as if the giant sword was being held by an invisible giant, it dragged out a long tail flame and slashed at Chen Zhijin.

This sword is not as pure as Jianzong's swordsmanship, but is mixed with many impurities such as anger, hatred, confusion, fear, death, etc. It is not about hurting the enemy's body, but about disturbing the mind.

Chen Zhijin's feet didn't move, his spine twisted violently like an evil dragon. From the spine, his chest, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and five fingers heard a series of bursting and roaring sounds in sequence, and he punched forward.

Shock void.

With this punch, the void in front of him began to vibrate and twist violently, the black flame attached to the sword instantly collapsed, and even the falling giant sword stopped, and its indomitable momentum plummeted.

Xiao Lin frowned, and turned a page of the book in his hand.

Mutation resumed.

The huge black sword suddenly burst into countless black rays of light, and the black flames that had already disintegrated solidified again, burning blazingly, filling the entire sky.

The next moment, the entire giant sword was wrapped in endless flames, forming a huge tornado, and then the flame tornado poured down.

Chen Zhijin had no expression on his face, and punched again.

A straight punch that seemed simple and straightforward brought out the sound of mountains roaring and tsunami, and the vast and majestic fist was like a mountain falling apart.

The power of this punch is enough to open mountains, even the old man's arm has begun to ooze fine blood because it cannot bear the huge power.

A punch and a sword collided, and the flames in the sky suddenly stagnated, and then they were pushed back to the nine heavens by an invisible force.

But Chen Zhijin didn't feel well either, he let out a muffled snort, blood oozes from the corner of his mouth, and a scorched blackness appeared on his entire palm.

Xiao Lin glanced at the huge black sword that had been cracked by this punch, and said with a soft smile, "It's not bad, it's really not bad, but your body is incomplete, and your vitality and blood are deficient. With a fierce and domineering fist, if your skills stop here, you may not be able to get out of Pingyuan Mansion."

After the words fell, the heavy tome in Xiao Lin's hand rattled.

There was a red light jumping in his eyes, which seemed to contain a sea of ​​blood and endless negative emotions, which made people afraid to look directly at it.

The black giant sword that had been cracked by the old man's fist began to heal slowly like a living thing, and the surrounding black flames were quietly stained with a thick layer of blood.

After Chen Zhijin threw two punches in a row, his old face became more and more vicissitudes of life. He who had never opened his mouth said in a deep voice: "Whether it is victory or defeat, it is too early to say."

Xiao Lin with red eyes played with taste: "Oh? Are there other methods?"

Chen Zhijin was not Qi Xianyun who had just entered the realm of the Earth Immortal. At this moment, he finally no longer held back, and dense acupoints all over his body lit up one after another.

The truth in the world is that if there is gain, there is loss. Wuxiu does not cultivate the soul, but only relies on his own body to fight against the enemy. Before the realm reaches a high level, he can't even do such methods as standing in the sky, controlling the wind and fire, and it is a lifelong struggle with Sumeru. Magical powers such as mustard seeds and drawing the ground as a prison were missed, but they gained the most terrifying combat power among the monks in the same land.

Different from the three major dantians of the Taoist lineage, Wuxiu takes the star-like orifices in the human body as the core. After successful practice, he can communicate with the stars in the sky, and each acupoint will give birth to a body god. One thousand two hundred and ninety six gods in the realm of perfection can smash the void and prove the way with strength, which is not inferior to the gods in the realm of longevity.

Chen Zhijin has now cultivated 290 five acupuncture points, which is not far from the realm of Little Perfection.

Chen Zhijin took a deep breath, and instantly devoured the vitality of heaven and earth within a hundred miles, and then his figure rattled, bursting out with continuous bursting sounds.

Like an old tree in the new year.

In the blink of an eye, a vicissitudes old man turned into a weak young man.

The young man stomped heavily on the ground, causing a loud shock in a radius of a hundred miles.

(End of this chapter)

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