That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 392 The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie

Chapter 392 The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie
Zhao Qing, the direct disciple of Great Qi Martial Ancestor Emperor Xiao Lie, used to serve in the Dark Guard Mansion of Great Zheng. After Xiao Lie became Prime Minister of Great Zheng, he was also in charge of the Tenth Regiment Battalion, one of the three major battalions of the Forbidden Army.

In the fourth year of Dazheng Jianwen, Zhao Qing ushered in the pinnacle of his life. He served as the left governor of the secret guard mansion and the military commander of the Northland.

But at the same time, Xiao Huang, who had just put down the Rebellion of the Five Kings, had 20 veterans as the backbone, supplemented by 20 new recruits and 50 auxiliary soldiers for the expansion of the army. The third road goes out from the northwest, and knocks on the pass to enter the east.

In a blink of an eye, the entire Jiangbei situation was precarious and precarious.

Faced with the Xiao Huang who came with the general trend, Zhao Qing, who was at a disadvantage in all aspects, naturally lost again and again. In the final battle of Bohai Mansion, Zhao Qing was almost wiped out. He had no choice but to abandon the city and go to the south of the Yangtze River. Lu Qian, who dominated Jiangdu at that time.

Later, Xiao Huang and Lu Qian fought decisively in Dajiang, which was known as the Dingding Battle in history. After Fu Chen and Shangguan Xianchen died one after another, Lu Qian's situation was over.

The building was about to fall, and Zhao Qing was alone, fled the river and sea, and never disappeared.

It's just that no one thought that this Zhao Dudu, who used to fight with Xiao Huang for a while, turned into a martial arts master who guarded Xiao's house, and now even personally guarded Han Xuan Zhouquan.

It's no wonder that Han Xuan didn't recognize Zhao Qing. Although the two met a few times back then, it was the time when the young Zhao Qing was full of vigor and lashed out at Fang Qiu, so he was so taciturn like today.

Really unpredictable.

As early as 60 years ago, Zhao Qing was already at the pinnacle of human immortality. Now that six years have passed by so quickly, what kind of state should Zhao Qing be in if he got rid of his mundane affairs and concentrates on practicing martial arts?
Perhaps an answer can be given next.

Xiao Lin said slowly: "I was very strange before, brothers Xiao Yu and Xiao Jin, who are the direct descendants of the Xiao family, have never learned the Xiao family's martial arts, and Xiao Lie died before Da Qi was established. Most of them are incomprehensible. Who has inherited the Xiao family's boxing intentions? The realm of everything, but after seeing you today, I want to understand."

Zhao Qing waved his hand, motioning for Chen Zhijin to escort the carriage back.

He looked at Xiao Lin, who was obviously not from the Central Plains, and said with a smile, "Zhao Qing, no one has called me that for many years. I almost forgot that I had a name called Zhao Qing."

Xiao Lin revealed the truth with a single word, "The Wufang Emperor Fist needs to rely on the luck of the emperor to practice. You are not a member of the Xiao family but you have cultivated the Wufang Emperor Fist. Presumably you have reached an agreement with Xiao Yu. You work for the Xiao family. The family will provide you with the luck of the emperor, and everyone will get what they need."

Zhao Qing smiled and said: "Actually, there is nothing to hide. When Lu Qian was defeated, the Great Sword Immortal Shangguan Xianchen and Mr. Fu both died one after another. I completely gave up the idea of ​​​​competing Xiao Yu. I wanted to go back to the world, but I still Xiao Yu found the trace, Xiao Yu at that time was really invincible in the world, let alone me, even Tian Chen who is about to ascend is not an opponent, I can only wait for death, but Xiao Yu did not kill me."

Xiao Lin asked straightforwardly: "Why didn't Xiao Yu kill you? With his temperament, he is neither genuinely compassionate nor is he willing to pretend to be compassionate. There is no reason to let you go."

Zhao Qing shook his head, "People will change. At that time, he was sitting in the world, and he had long disdained to care about me. You guessed right, there is indeed an agreement between the two of us, just like a landlord and a tenant. I need to learn from the emperor. Qi Luck came to continue to practice the Wufang Emperor Fist, so he gave me Tianzi Qi Luck, but I also have to contribute to the Xiao family, otherwise..."

Zhao Qing laughed at himself, "Otherwise he has a lot of ways to coerce me. If I want to turn against the Xiao family, or just take money but do nothing, although he didn't say what the end will be, he can think of one or two things. .”

Xiao Lin remained silent.

Zhao Qing said frankly: "So don't waste your time talking. Back then, Xiao Yu and I were just having a quarrel of spirits. There was no deep-rooted hatred. I would not risk my life for this bit of hatred. And those who know the current affairs are heroes. , Gongsun Zhongmou has a saying between domestic dogs and wild dogs, since you can be a stable and wealthy domestic dog, why bother to be a precarious wild dog?"

Xiao Lin looked directly into Zhao Qing's eyes, and suddenly said: "So you want to use my head to please the master?"

Zhao Qing smiled indifferently: "It's just a temporary idea, after all, your head can exchange a lot of luck for the emperor."

Xiao Lin also smiled and said, "It's not that easy for you to keep me."

Zhao Qing restrained his smile, "In detail, we are all of the same generation. Many years ago, we worked together or were against each other, so we know the basics, so don't pretend to be fools. We have actually fought to see if it is true or not. Who is better."

After these words were finished, one orifice point on Zhao Qing's body lit up again, and there was a statue of Zhao Qing who was countless times smaller in each of them.

What does it mean to communicate with the heavens?
That is to use the body and spirit in the acupoints to interact with the stars in the sky and stars to produce various mysterious connections.

Zhao Qing has 360 five gods, which correspond to 360 five stars.

Xiao Lin stretched out his hand to press the cover of the heavy tome, closed his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Praise my lord."

The sky shattered, and countless brilliant white-gold lights lit up.

The two white gates with countless reliefs slowly opened on the sky, and the already white clouds became brighter at this moment, as if they were about to burn.

Zhao Qing's five fingers clenched into a fist, and the veins on his entire arm bulged, as if he had entangled several dragons.

Then he took a deep breath, continuously, like an ancient glutton trying to absorb the vitality within hundreds of miles, and the breath visible to the naked eye gathered into his body from all directions like several white dragons, with him as the center, The vitality of heaven and earth formed a huge spiral vortex with a radius of hundreds of miles, which was extremely terrifying.

He is a martial arts monk, and he is a martial artist who has surpassed Yu Kuang, Zhang Wubing and others.

This punch cannot be said to have condensed his lifelong cultivation, but it is definitely his pinnacle punch.

At this moment, the surroundings of the white gate had turned into a vast expanse of whiteness. Looking up from the ground, the two doors could not be seen clearly, only the bright light that made it difficult to look directly at.

The next moment, a giant sword shining with platinum light descended from the sky, in stark contrast to the previous black giant sword.

An extremely bright sword.

Zhao Qing shook the sword with a punch from Shenglong.

The two wrestled, and the world shook.

A moment later, countless cracks appeared on the body of the white giant sword, and golden light burst out from the cracks.

There is only white light left between the sky and the earth.

Zhao Qing's figure was completely submerged by the white light, but his voice came out clearly, "I know you dare not risk your life."

The white light dissipated, and the figures of the two reappeared.

At some point in Xiao Lin's hand, there was a stave that was as tall as a man. The staff was entangled like withered vines, and the top was like a withered hand holding a huge red crystal.

At this moment, the magic staff was held across the body by Xiao Lin, which happened to block Zhao Qing's punch.

Originally, there were five rings engraved with complicated magic circles on the five fingers of Xiao Lin's right hand. At this moment, all five rings shattered.

Zhao Qing said with regret: "It's these strange skills again."

"See you later."

Xiao Lin took a deep look at him, and his whole body was instantly shattered like a reflection in a mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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