Chapter 395

The autumn rain fell all night, not loudly, but extraordinarily deserted, miserable, like a sad little daughter-in-law crying endlessly.

In the backyard of Gongsun Mansion, the corners of the eaves under the porch ticked, and a layer of cold moisture condensed on the wooden floor. Xu Beiyou pushed open the door and came to the porch, staring at the rain outside in a daze.

Yu Jia braved the night rain to come to the courtyard, saluted under the porch, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, the new Jiang Du Cheng announced that the chief envoy, chief envoy Zhang Jian, has arrived at Changle station."

Xu Beiyou hummed, and ordered: "Keep watching, if he doesn't come to provoke us, there is no need to provoke him."

Yujia solemnly agreed.

Xu Beiyou walked a few steps back and forth in the corridor, his expression a little dignified.

He killed Chi Bing, made peace with Murong Xuanyin, beheaded Zhang Zhaonu, and uprooted Jiangnan Daoshu Workshop. He thought that this place was finally peaceful, but now it seems that it is still far from it.

The blue party, the ghost palace, and the fragmented Confucianism, what role did the Confucian gentlemen like Xu Jingwei play in the ghost palace that turned out to be, accomplice?Behind the scenes?Or that the two are one and the same.

Today's Ghost Palace is only revealing the tip of the iceberg, and it has already stirred up the general trend, so how amazing is the part hidden under the water?

Furthermore, there seemed to be something happened to Xiao Zhinan, but Xiao Zhinan was vague in his letter, and only mentioned the incident of Xiao Lin's attack and killing.

Xu Beiyou felt a little uneasy.

Just three days before Xu Beiyou returned to Jiangdu, Xiao Zhinan finally arrived at Langya Mansion in Qizhou.

The reason why she came here is because Langya Mansion is where Prince Qi's Mansion is located. Although there is also Taiqing Palace of Qizhou Taoist sect here, after all, Prince Qi's Mansion is more powerful.

After repelling Xiao Lin, Zhao Qing did not return to the imperial capital immediately, but escorted Xiao Zhinan all the way to Qi Palace.

To Xiao Zhinan's surprise, Xiao Bai and Zhao Qing had known each other for a long time, and were even quite familiar with each other.

But this is also reasonable, after all Xiao Bai is the best candidate for the crown prince, so he will naturally know many secrets of the royal family that are difficult for others to know.

In Xiao Bai's study, Zhao Qing is sitting on the guest seat next to the desk, sipping a cup of tea slowly, while Xiao Bai is reading a secret letter brought by Zhao Qing, which is written by Han Xuan himself. In the letter, Han Xuan did not hide anything, but revealed all his conjectures.

After a long time, Xiao Bai put down the letter in his hand, and said slowly: "In my opinion, who exactly did this?"

Of course he didn't ask Xiao Lin who directly killed the man, because in this matter, Xiao Lin only played the role of a knife, and he asked the person behind the scenes who performed the knife.

In the world, there are not too many people who have the courage, ability, and motivation to do this.

Zhao Qing seemed to have expected Xiao Bai to ask this question a long time ago, put down the teacup in his hand, and said unhurriedly: "It is nothing more than Lin Han from the Royal Court of the Grassland, Xiao Jin from the Kingdom of Wei in the East China Sea, and Qiu Ye from the Xuandu of Taoism. There are the Northeast Mu Clan who have been in cahoots with Buddhism, and Wanyan Beiyue and Murong Xuanyin who were built later."

Xiao Bai nodded slightly, he was also thinking about these people.

Zhao Qing went on to say: "At first glance, it seems that everyone is suspicious of these people, and it seems that everyone is not. It is difficult to make a conclusion without solid evidence, so this matter should start from Xiao Lin. When I served in the Palace of the Central Capital, I was still serving under Emperor Wuzu of the Eastern Capital, and I had no contact with him, so I wonder if King Qi knows him well?"

Xiao Bai pondered and said: "Xiao Lin is actually a Semuren from the Far West, his real name should be Tyrrell Matthews von Augustusburg, and it is rumored that he was born in a wealthy Western family. In the third year of Jianwen, he and Viscount Elena crossed the Mobei Grassland to resist the Biluo Lake, and after several rounds, they came to Zhongdu. The so-called letters from the parliament and the holy hall, Emperor Taizu treated the two of them with courtesy and left them in the palace."

Lin Han said softly, "Semuren."

The Semu people actually came from the grassland. Before the post-construction, the grassland army could be said to have swept across the world. They even crossed the Mobei grassland and entered the far west for expedition.

The skin color, hair color, and especially the color of the eyes of the people there are very different from those in the Central Plains and the grasslands, so the Khan of the grassland at that time called them "Zhusemu people", which means all kinds of people, and gradually evolved into People with different colors and eyes, so there are many types of people with different colors. After Dazheng, basically people with different eye colors can be called people with different colors.

To this day, with frequent maritime trade, many Western sea travelers come from thousands of miles away. Most of them are blond and blue-eyed, with snow-white complexion like ghosts, and they are also called Semu people.

Xiao Lin, who was born with blue eyes, is undoubtedly a pervert.

In fact, nowadays, Semu people are not uncommon. As early as the tenth year of Daqi Huanglong, a sect called Shengtang sent a large number of people to Daqi. Dormant for the time being, don't talk about preaching, and focus on managing personal connections, hoping to wait for opportunities in the future.

After decades of painstaking efforts, the efforts of these Semu people have achieved initial results. For example, Xu Beiyou’s pocket watch, Li Qinglian’s chime clock, glass mirror, and celestial globe in Li Qinglian’s study. their handwriting.

Zhao Qing said: "As far as I know, most of the Semu people have their roots in Jiangdu, King Qi might as well start from there."

"Jiangdu?" Xiao Bai was thoughtful.

After Zhao Qing bid farewell and left, Xiao Bai left the study and came to Xiao Zhinan's residence.

Qiu Guang and Yin Zhu were guarding here, Xiao Bai waved his hand, signaling them to retreat first.

After the two retreated, Xiao Bai tiptoed into the room smelling strongly of medicine, at this time Xiao Zhinan had fallen asleep again.

Xiao Bai stood by the bed and stared at this face that was six points similar to his own, feeling very distressed.

The two are brothers and sisters, and they are direct brothers and sisters of the same father and mother.

The father is the king of the emperor, and he doesn't have much time to spend on his children, and the mother doesn't like to see this daughter because of some ridiculous reasons. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the one who protects the younger sister and grows up day and night. , The two brothers and sisters naturally have a deep relationship.

This younger sister was smart and gentle since childhood, but he was irritable. Whenever he got angry for some reason, it was this younger sister who persuaded him and tried to make him happy.

Xiao Bai still remembered that when the two of them were still living in the palace, whenever he was going out of the palace to handle errands, this younger sister would be sent to the Suzaku Gate, and then she would not return to the palace until he was completely gone.

When he was 16 years old, he had to go out of the palace to build a mansion according to the legal system. Xiao Zhinan, who was only six years old at that time, clearly hated him, but he pretended to be very strong, holding back the tears that were about to flow out. Put on a smiling face and persuade him to rest assured that she will take good care of herself in the palace.

Xiao Bai never forgets that complicated smile.

Thinking of these past events, Xiao Bai's face softened in a rare way, but in an instant it became ferocious and terrifying again.

Xiao Bai's relationship with other brothers and sisters of the same generation is mediocre, but he is worried about this younger sister. In his year, his ancestor Xiao Shen, who taught him the way of swordsmanship, once asked him what he wanted, and he replied, "There are three things to ask for. , Taiping, my sister is safe."

At that time, he thought that his parents were empresses, so he didn't need to worry about it. Only this younger sister would never allow others to hurt her, not anyone else.

If there are such "heroes", he vowed to let these people know how to write the word regret.

(End of this chapter)

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