That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 458 Chasing, Chasing, and Chasing

Chapter 458 Chasing, Chasing, and Chasing
Three hundred miles away from Runan Mansion, there is a dense forest. The forest is deep and sparsely populated, and there are many animals walking in it. Even woodcutters and medicine farmers dare not go deep into it, for fear of being caught by hungry animals and losing their lives. .

But today, the tranquility of the dense forest was broken. Countless frightened birds fluttered their wings, animals fled and disappeared, towering trees fell to the ground, grass clippings and mud flew, and two figures intertwined and shuttled in the dense forest. , The place where energy and energy intersect, thunder shakes.

The "treasurer" who was born in the Dark Guard's Mansion was like a ghost, changing his way out of afterimages, and kept hiding behind trees. Xu Beiyou who followed was holding Tianlan in his hand, and the sword glow on his sword soared to more than three feet. The sword glowed densely, but Tianlan himself was not seen. He traveled all the way, destroying everything, no matter whether it was mountains, rocks, trees, or armor and iron arrows, they were no enemies of Xu Beiyou's sword.

The "treasurer" of the hidden guard retreated again and again, while Xu Beiyou kept advancing again and again.

With a click, a giant tree nearly ten feet high was chopped off in half by the "treasurer" of the hidden guard, and then pushed with both palms, hitting Xu Beiyou on the head.

The sword glow in Xu Beiyou's hand was like a green snake spitting out a letter, and he cut it in two with a single strike.

The "treasurer" of the hidden guard took advantage of this opportunity, swept his body, and rushed into the depths of the forest again.

"I'd like to see where you can escape to!" Xu Beiyou chuckled lightly, and his figure moved accordingly. He was actually a little faster than the "treasurer" of the hidden guard.

There was sword energy in the wind, and the "treasurer" of the hidden guard was like a light on his back, not daring to stop for a moment, and ran forward desperately.

After Xu Beiyou escaped from Beichan Temple, although there was a slight delay at the Tianji Pavilion and his party, the "treasurer" of the hidden guard did not escape immediately. He stopped and stopped, and spent a lot of time eliminating traces, including destroying the Thunderbolt. Ballista, the two left Runan Mansion almost in tandem, and at the same time started chasing and fleeing.

After leaving Runan Mansion, the "treasurer" of the dark guards of course had a backup, and arranged fifty crossbowmen in ambush along the way, all equipped with Tianji crossbows and God-destroying arrows. Xu Beiyou, on the other hand, was content and unafraid, and walked forward. He just took out Tianlan's sword from the sword box, and with three strikes with the sword, he knocked down the first wave of arrows to the ground.

After the first wave of rain, the second, third, and fourth arrows rained continuously, and Xu Beiyou still held a single sword alone. The sword sect is famous for its unparalleled swordsmanship. Swordsmanship, ordinary people and even ordinary monks, can't use the green sharp edge in their hands to shoot crossbow arrows quickly, but Xu Beiyou did it, walking with the sword, walking in the rain of arrows, without hurting himself at all, killing him instantly Going to the side of the shadow guard crossbowmen, killing one person with one sword step, it is really like walking in a garden.

After the crossbowmen, armored cavalry arrived. In today's world, although there are firearms and crossbows, heavy armored cavalry still ranks first in combat power, and among the cavalry, heavy cavalry is the most important. A cavalry force of about 3000 people, regardless of horses, armor, weapons or cavalry pawns, is the best in the world, and is under the command of the palm print commander.

The riders and horses are all in armor, the armor is black armor, and the gun is made of the same material as the Mie Shen Arrow. More than a hundred people charged in formation, and even the realm of the immortals did not dare to lightly swipe the edge.

This time the operation was trying to be stealthy, so the "treasurer" of the dark guard failed to bring a large group of horses, only thirty horses.

At this time, the thirty cavalry are wearing armor, and only the eyes are exposed from the whole body. After forming a formation, just standing on the horse is already frightening. It is hard to imagine that if more than three thousand cavalry charge together, it will be What arrogance shines through.

As the leader of the Tiqi drew his sword, more than thirty Tiqi urged their horses to move together.

The heavy horseshoes smashed hard on the ground, the sound was dull, and the tiny stones on the ground seemed to be trembling slightly.

But the next scene made the "treasurer" of the hidden guard feel desperate. He saw Xu Beiyou charging towards the cavalry, changing from holding a sword with one hand to holding a sword with both hands, instead of retreating, he ran towards the cavalry. He collided fiercely with the first rider, and split the man and the horse in half with a sword. Xu Beiyou ignored the blood spray, and then slammed his body into the second rider who followed him hard. Xu Beiyou's figure was majestic. It didn't move, but the armored war horse couldn't stand the bitter sword energy of the supreme sword body. It broke its neck and legs, and fell to the ground in an instant, throwing the knight on the horse out together.

The third rider, the fourth rider, and the fifth rider arrived almost at the same time, and the spear in their hands slammed into Xu Beiyou with the momentum.

Xu Beiyou's face was like water, and he held the sword in both hands and drew a big circle in front of him. The spear that claimed to be able to pierce the body protection of the earth immortal expert was cut off by the sharp sword.


After Xu Beiyou uttered a word briefly, he slashed horizontally with his sword, and three heads shot up into the sky with the blood.

Xu Beiyou flew up, stepped on the horse's back, pointed forward with the long sword in his hand, and a platinum-gold sword energy shot out.

An oncoming knight was hit in the chest by this sword qi, and his armor exploded like paper.

The sword energy kept going, and it continued to pass through the next few rides before slowly dissipating.

In just the first meeting, more than [-] Tiqi were beheaded, and one-third of them were beheaded. The hidden guard "treasurer" didn't dare to take any chances, and really started to run for his life.

After Xu Beiyou beheaded all thirty or so Tiqi without any haste, he continued to hunt down the senior official of the secret guard.

So the two entered the dense forest one after the other.

Along the way, the two fought and quarreled endlessly. Although the "treasurer" was not Xu Beiyou's opponent and had been defeated repeatedly, he was as slippery as a fish. He would never stalk Xu Beiyou, let alone fight him to the death. Blindly fleeing for his life, Xu Beiyou relied on force to force him into danger several times, but the old secret guard always managed to find a way to escape, which made Xu Beiyou have nothing to do with him for a while.

The "treasurer" knew in his heart that the reason why Mr. Xu was chasing him so hard was not to take his life, but to capture him, and then bring him to the imperial capital to identify the palm-print governor Duanmu Ruisheng, so he Holding back his hands, this allowed him to escape dangerously, but if Mr. Xu's patience is exhausted, it may be the time of his death.

The planning of this operation was not incomplete, and there were no mistakes. The reason for such a disastrous failure was because Xu Beiyou's cultivation was so high that it was beyond his expectations. What kind of realm is this? There is no doubt that it is the fourth floor of the earth immortal, and in terms of combat power, it is comparable to the fifth floor of the earth immortal, and even the sixth floor of the earth immortal who is not good at fighting.

He had seen Xu Beiyou's file in the Dark Guard's Mansion, and knew that he was just a low-level martial artist in the 20th year of Taiping, but after only two years, he was already above the ordinary. What an advancement ?It's no wonder that the governor of the palm print wants to get rid of him by all means. It is true that if this person is not removed, he will become a big problem in the future.

For the next three days, the two chased and fled, and kept going around in this dense forest. The huge dense forest was destroyed by Xu Beiyou's sword energy, which naturally consumed a lot of energy, but even if Xu Beiyou's energy Opportunity was wrong, and several fights ended in the defeat of the hidden guard "treasurer".

It's just that even if the hidden guard "treasurer" is lost, he can still survive, and often escapes at the last moment. In the end, the dense forest is torn apart and can no longer be used as a hiding place. The "treasurer" has to leave Runan The territory of Ruyang Prefecture is transferred to the territory of Ruyang Prefecture.

(End of this chapter)

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