Chapter 462

Xu Beiyou walked in the Shendu city for half a day until late at night, and finally walked through the lesser half of the Shendu city, and arrived at the back door of Liangwujun Wang's mansion.

Before Xu Beiyou could knock on the door, someone inside already opened the door.

Xu Beiyou took a sudden step back and looked inside the door.

At this time, there were only two people inside the door, an old man and a young man. The young man was wearing a blue python robe, a jade belt around his waist, and a golden crown on his head inlaid with six huge shining oriental beads. , and without too much gloom, which is very rare in a prince's house.The old man next to the young man looked about sixty years old, dressed like an ordinary housekeeper, with a slightly stooped figure, as if he was bending over all the time.

The two of them were not at all surprised by Xu Beiyou's late-night visit. It seemed that they had been waiting for a long time, and the young man was still looking at Xu Beiyou, as if seeing something strange.

Xu Beiyou easily guessed the identity of the young man. Xiao Quji, the current King of Liangwu County, is the grandson of Xiao Gongyu, a former important official of the clan. Debilitated.

In his early years, Xiao Gongyu worked in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion and the Cabinet. He successively served as the Governor of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, the Governor of the Metropolitan Government, the Cabinet Secretary, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, the Commander of the Five Cities, the Left Commander of the Central Army, and the Commander of the Internal Guard Division. The emperor's close minister, high position and weight, loyal to the royal family all his life, and mourning and honor after his death, according to the Daqi law system, the emperor's posthumous title is seventeen characters, but most of them only take one character, and later they are called ancestors and princes posthumous titles Two characters, the posthumous title of the prince, the posthumous title of the county king, and the first-rank civil and military minister. Xiao Gongyu was posthumously named King of Liang after his death. ", Armor You Lao said "Xiang", after Xiao Huang considered these two characters several times, he finally decided on the imperial posthumous posthumous title "Ding", also known as Prince Liang Ding.

However, it is precisely because Xiao Gongyu's power is too strong, Xiao Huang was concerned about his great influence, so he did not reuse Xiao Gongyu's son, and instead began to support Yan Wang and Lingwu County King, which made Xiao Quji's father depressed In the end, he fell ill and died prematurely. After Emperor Xiao ascended the throne, he felt a lot of guilt towards the lineage of King Wujun of Liang, so he took care of Xiao Quji. In terms of status, there is absolutely no possibility of entering Beijing every year.If Xiao Quji had some meritorious service, it would not be difficult to change into a straight-colored python robe.

Looking at Xiao Quji, Xu Beiyou couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, the same family is in decline, and they are also trying to make a fortune, but the two of them can barely be regarded as the same people who have fallen in the end of the world. This time they met, there should be some speculative talk.

Xu Beiyou took the initiative to cup his hands and said, "Xu Beiyou has met King Wujun of Liang."

Xiao Quji didn't put on airs, and returned the courtesy: "To be honest, Xiao is quite terrified. It's really a big surprise that Mr. Xu from Jiangdu came to visit in person."

Xu Beiyou laughed it off.

Xiao Quji said slowly: "I heard that Mr. Xu made a lot of noise in Yiyang Mansion and Runan Mansion. First, he had a fight with the No.11 disciple Ling Yun, who is the head teacher of Taoism, and then let the dark Weifu lost his wife and lost his army, which really makes me yearn for it, but I can also see that Mr. Xu's journey has not been peaceful, and it is also true that the temple dispute between Master Lan and Mr. Han Ge is intensifying now. Duanmu Ruisheng You have already turned to Master Lan, you are not only Han Ge's adoptive son, but also have old grudges with Duanmu Yu, no matter how you look at it, it is worth letting Duanmu Ruisheng take action."

Xu Beiyou didn't make a sound.

Xiao Quji turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation, "I guessed that you would come to God to see me, but I have been hesitating whether to see you or not. I didn't make up my mind until today. Now that Mr. Xu has arrived , then please go into the mansion and discuss it in detail."

Just as Xu Beiyou was about to take a step, Tianlan suddenly heard a sword cry in the box. Tianlan was Xu Beiyou's life-saving sword, and its sword cry could almost be regarded as Xu Beiyou's cicada's foresight before the autumn wind moved.

Xu Beiyou turned his head and looked at the old servant who hadn't spoken all this time. It should be that this person had leaked some energy just now, which caused the sword in the box to cry.

Seeing Xu Beiyou's strange expression, Xiao Quji had no choice but to explain: "This is Lao Wang, my grandfather's personal entourage, who has served our family for three generations. To put it bluntly, the current Liangwu County Palace is also Fortunately, there is Lao Wang supporting him, otherwise he would be bullied by cats and dogs."

The old servant grinned at Xu Beiyou.

According to the laws of Daqi, eunuchs can be used in the palace of the royal family. There are many eunuchs who are high-ranking people who hide dragons and crouching tigers. It's a bit strange to give a surname, but serve three generations of Liangwu County Prince's Mansion.But Xu Beiyou didn't care about this kind of thing, since he could be trusted, he didn't go into it any further.

The three of them entered the county palace through the back door and came to a side hall.

Lao Wang personally guarded the door, only Xu Beiyou and Xiao Quji were left in the hall.

The two sat down separately, Xiao Quji said softly: "Since Mr. Xu came here in person, he is naturally sincere, so I will speak from the bottom of my heart. Now I am wearing a blue python robe and living in the most expensive mansion in Shendu City , claiming to be my king, but it is nothing more than the protection of the ancestors, why is the man not worthy of Wu Gou, and recovering the Yanyun Sixteen States, I also want to make contributions. You can accidentally leave a name in history."

Xu Beiyou didn't speak.

Xiao Quji laughed at himself and said: "When I was born, Liangwu County Prince's Mansion was still full of rich and noble families. The cabinet's academicians, the governor of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, and even the Bingbi of the Supervisor of Rituals were all regular visitors at home, but when I was crowned, Now that the family is in decline, not only has he moved from the imperial capital to the divine capital, but he has no real power anymore. Even the governor of the secret guard mansion dares to come to my house to show off his power. What a shame. As for the little governor, if you want to enter the gate of my house, you have to wait at the door for half an hour. I don’t think I’m a temperless clay bodhisattva, let alone a virtue of resignation. I’ll have to ask for an explanation on this matter.”

Xu Beiyou finally said slowly: "As far as I know, among the kings who will enter Beijing at the end of this year, there are King Qi, King Liao, King Yan, King Lingwu, King Bohai, King Linlang, and you There are seven kings in total, the kings of Liangwu County, the most in number in the history, Your Highness is going to the imperial capital, have you thought about what to do?"

Xiao Quji smiled, "Your Majesty's strategy is as deep as the sea, and under the light of a holy candle, how can we wait to speculate on our own. When I go to the imperial capital, I can only act according to your majesty's will."

Xu Beiyou smiled lightly and said, "Your Majesty is far away in the imperial capital, so I cannot hear your words."

Xiao Quji pointed to his heart, and said calmly: "Whether His Majesty is here or not, this heart is the same, and there will be no mistakes in front of His Majesty in the future."

Xu Beiyou couldn't help admiring, "What a thought."

Xiao Quji sighed and said: "It's all useless thoughts, they can't achieve great things. If you want to talk about the opening and closing of the temple, it still depends on Master Lan and Elder Han Ge."

Xu Beiyou said softly: "Mr. Han Ge's side, I can make a bridge."

Xiao Quji said calmly: "It's not a wise choice to face Master Lan."

Xu Beiyou said in a deep voice: "But it is the trend of the times to turn down Lan. Thinking about it, you also know that it is not the old Han Ge who wants Master Lan to return home, but His Majesty today. Isn't it the time when your majesty employs people, and you volunteer yourself?"

Xiao Quji glanced at Xu Beiyou, but didn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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