Chapter 468

"Since you all want to die, Huo has made it possible for you!" Huo Xi let out a long laugh, surrounded by black and red aura, and the pupils of his eyes turned into two black whirlpools that seemed to take people's soul away.

Countless thin and dense air lines emerged before Huo Xi sank, forming a big net.

"Not good! This is Xuanjiao's magical art of closing pupils! He can actually know the magic art of closing pupils!"

The pink-clothed woman exclaimed, and the expressions of the other two changed immediately. The Eye-closed Eye Demon Art was famous decades ago, because this method can absorb other people's cultivation and turn it into one's own use. The monk who practices this method is Like a glutton, it can only go in and out, let it grow rapidly, when a Xuanjiao elder practiced this method, I don’t know how many innocent monks were attracted by him, and finally attracted the masters of Buddhism and Taoism to come out and kill him. Killed in the eastern capital of that year.

Huo Xishen smiled, showing no mercy towards those who wanted to kill him, with a flick of his fingers, the knotted sword net was pressed down on everyone.

The man with the saber and the woman in pink narrowly escaped the sword net, but Boss Chen was not so lucky. He was wrapped in the sword net, and his whole body was cut off in an instant, leaving only a torso.

After a moment of silence, Boss Chen's miserable howl resounded throughout the inn, and the smell of blood filled the entire inn lobby in an instant.

Then Huo Xishen pointed out the man with the saber to draw back the saber, and gently brushed away the various spells of the woman in pink. Although the realm was the same, the difference in cultivation was fully revealed.

The woman in pink said anxiously: "Huo Xichen, you dare to practice such a taboo method. If it spreads out, aren't you afraid that you will become a rat crossing the street, and everyone will be punished!?"

Huo Xi took Chen Xu's hand over Chen Boss, who was left with only his torso, and saw that Chen Boss' flesh and blood shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, but within a short time, he had already turned into a mummified corpse.

He sneered and said, "Spread it out? As long as you die here too, who will spread it out!?"

After the words were finished, he stood still, his fingers on his right hand pointing like a gust of wind and rain, and every time he tapped, a stream of air shot out.

The last two remaining were struggling.

At this moment, the dust has almost settled. Although the man with the saber and the woman in pink have the upper hand in terms of numbers, but their cultivation bases are too different, it is only a matter of time before they are defeated. However, the man with the saber is also a real fairyland after all. , There are also a few methods of pressing the bottom of the box, unwilling to just sit there and wait for death, and after finding an opportunity, slash out with a sharp knife.

This knife contained the lifelong cultivation of the man with the knife, and it was considered a life-threatening blow.

I saw the long knife dimmed, like a ghost, taking people's lives silently.

Huo Xishen's expression remained unchanged, he raised his left hand which had been free all the time, pointed out, and landed on the blade.

In his early years, he followed his father to the imperial capital, where he was fortunate enough to appreciate a general's order by the great master Su Ruo, and learned a fingering method for hammer from Master Su's drum method.

This finger was a drumstick, and when it struck the blade, it made a dull sound. Huo Xishen's fingerprints did not move at all, while the man with the saber froze in mid-air.

The next moment, Huo Xi took a deep look at him, and the man with the saber suddenly dissipated, and the flesh and blood all over his body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if his whole body had shrunk by a third in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the woman in pink turned around and wanted to escape, but Huo Xichen pointed her heart out, and the sword energy pierced through her chest, but the woman in the realm of ghosts and immortals staggered forward a few steps and then fell to the ground, Huo Xishen strode forward Going forward, he stretched out his hand to press her head, and sucked this alluring woman into a mummy in the same way.

The dry corpse is withered and dead wood, but the body is wearing gorgeous dresses, the contrast is huge, and it is very frightening.

Huo Xichen patted his stomach lightly, as if he had just eaten, then looked up at the lady proprietress who was behind the counter, and said, "I am very worried about today's trouble, Huo will definitely lose all of the inn's loss today." Compensation according to the price, but there is still one thing Huo wants to ask the proprietress, and I hope the proprietress will let me know."

The proprietress lay on the counter, showing off her ups and downs perfectly, and said with a smile: "Mr. Huo, if you have anything you want to ask, just ask, I will know everything and talk about it."

Huo Xi said slowly: "Miss Boss, just now Huo deliberately shot a few sword qi at the counter. Although Huo has only a short time to practice the lightsaber, it is not easy for anyone to pick it up. It's down, but you can receive Huo Mou's thirteen sword qi calmly. This cultivation level is probably not below Huo Mou's. The moon, the mirror flower and the water moon, this should be the trick of the mirror flower. Just now the proprietress has been watching from the sidelines, but now she wants to be that oriole?"

The landlady's expression remained unchanged, and she smiled softly: "Mr. Huo really thinks highly of my concubine's body. My concubine's cultivation base is not fake, but it is far inferior to Mr. Huo. Since the second year of Taiping, my concubine has been alone. So far, it has been more than [-] years since this dilapidated inn was converted into an inn brick by brick. After all, I just want to live a normal life. If the concubine says that these people have nothing to do with the concubine , I have no idea about the Qishan elixir in Mr. Huo's hands, does Mr. Huo believe it or not?"

Huo Xi Shen stared at the proprietress, and asked calmly: "Where is the proprietress from? Is it the Secret Guard Mansion, or the Tianji Pavilion? Or that peony full of women?"

The proprietress calmly said: "Young Master Huo guessed wrong, I am neither from the Dark Guard Mansion nor from the Tianji Pavilion. Although I had some friendship with Mudan in the early years, I can't be regarded as a member of Peony. As for the truth of my concubine's identity As for the identity, it is better to advise young master not to inquire, after all, many old things are involved, and it may lead to death."

Huo Xichen's complexion changed. He was born in a high-ranking family of the Huo family. He can't be regarded as a pure Jianghu person, but he can also be regarded as a half-gong cultivator. He is very sensitive to such old things that will lead to death. He said in a deep voice : "The lady boss is from the imperial capital?"

The proprietress looked at him with a half-smile, and then said "yes" softly.

Huo Xishen's expression changed. Although he was expelled from the Huo family by his father, there are not a few elders in the family who support him. After all, he is the eldest son and grandson of the main family, and his mother's family is also comparable to the Huo family. With the great family and the great support of his grandfather and uncle, he may not be able to break the wrist with that heartbroken father.

Since he doesn't want to be a pure quack monk, but also wants to inherit the Huo family, then some temple rules have to be followed, such as some old things that big people don't want others to know. The monks on the eighteenth floor, otherwise they will all suffer.

At this point, there are already several small and big aristocratic families who have proved the determination of the imperial court with their heads. Even some deep-rooted big aristocratic families cannot be uprooted by the imperial court. The head of the family is also doomed to die, and the whole family will have to shed a layer of skin if they don't die.

Such precedents, large and small, are not uncommon. No matter it is true or not, Huo Xichen has already made up his mind not to provoke this right and wrong.

Furthermore, against this unknown woman with unknown background, he was not completely sure of victory.

(End of this chapter)

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