Chapter 47

The Wheel-Running King looked at this scene with a gloomy expression.

The rumbling thunder of the sword just now was still in my ears, and it lasted for a long time.

The wheel-running king doesn't use a sword, but he knows how domineering this sword is.

There are generally four necessary stages in the practice of swordsmanship, which are technique, qi, mind, and Tao. They are inherited in one continuous line, and the four coexist. The most perfect sword should be a sword that perfectly integrates the four.The kid in my hand has just touched the threshold of "Qi". If Sword Thirteen is to achieve the ultimate "Qi", then Sword Fourteen is to combine "Skill" and "Qi" into one. Facing this sword, he had no other way to deal with it except retreating again and again. Only when the sword was exhausted could he try to fight back.

Turning Wheel King looked at Gongsun Zhongmou, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Gongsun, what do you mean?"

Gongsun Zhongmou said flatly: "I have never been coerced by others in my life."

King Zhuanlun frowned and asked, "Mr. Gongsun, isn't he afraid that the successor he cultivated so hard will die?"

While speaking, centering on where his fingers landed, a blue-white cold air permeated the air, instantly condensing most of Xu Beiyou's body into ice crystals, crystal clear.

Seeing this scene, Zhiyun was so frightened that he could not speak, and desperately covered his mouth, for fear of screaming.

The chief deacons of the Temple of Demon Suppression made her truly see the dark side of the Taoist sect, which was even more frightening than the Dark Guard Mansion.

Gongsun Zhongmou looked at the King of the Wheel, his eyes did not see the turbidity characteristic of old people, but were crystal clear, like a newborn baby.

The wheel-running king's face changed slightly, and his eyelids twitched involuntarily.

Murder started.

A sword shadow slowly emerged from Gongsun Zhongmou's clear eyes, like a sword sinking from the bottom of a lake slowly emerging from the water.

There is a sword in the pupil.

The next moment, the wheel-running king's eyes went dark.

His eyes turned into two deep blood holes.

He is blind.

The King of the Wheel did not hesitate, and the cold air in his hands froze Xu Beiyou's whole body into a lifelike ice sculpture in an instant, which could be broken into pieces with just a light tap, and he could not die any more.

However, Gongsun Zhongmou didn't give him this chance, he flicked his fingers and struck another sword.

This time, the entire right hand of the Wheel-Running King was cut off.

The King of Wheels was driven to a dead end, and he no longer cared about Xu Beiyou, so he shot with all his strength.

There are six treasure wheels appearing slowly around his body, spinning endlessly.

Why is the king of the wheel named after the wheel?

Because of the wheel of life and death in its palm.

The six treasured wheels merged into one, forming a huge roulette wheel that was slowly rotating in the void.

With a wave of his arms, the wheel began to spin rapidly. Every time it rotated for a week, his body size increased by one point. After 36 days of rotation, the wheel was as big as a mountain, covering the sky and the sun. The coolies, amidst howling, pushed the wheel of life and death.

Now the wheel is turning in the positive direction, which symbolizes reincarnation after death. As the wheel turns, the stillness and death in it continue to escape. The worldly warriors almost die when they touch it, and they die when they touch it. When you meet in the fairyland, your soul will be dusty and your body will be filthy.

The King of Wheels is worthy of being the tenth member of the Temple of Demon Suppression.

A grayish death aura pervades the space, apart from Xu Beiyou and Zhiyun who are behind King Zhuanlun, even the ground is covered with a layer of grayish black. He remained still, accepting the death energy attack of the Wheel-Running King completely, his robe vibrated endlessly as if being blown by a strong wind, and made a rattling sound.

The King of the Wheel was hiding behind the wheel and the dead energy, his expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he was holding a black stone in his only remaining left hand. He seemed to be weighing the pros and cons, and he didn't run away immediately.

According to common sense, Jianzong is not a Buddhist school, and is not good at defensive methods. It has always used offense instead of defense. Even if you, Gongsun Zhongmou, are in the realm of an immortal, you shouldn't be safe and sound in the midst of death.

But Gongsun Zhongmou was unexpectedly safe and sound, and raised Xuan Ming in his hand, horizontally in front of his eyes, and gently wiped the sword with his two fingers.

In an instant, there is sword energy in a radius of hundreds of feet.

With Gongsun Zhongmou's foothold as the center of the circle, countless sword qi circulated, not only dispelling the dead energy around his body, but also surrounding the city like a river, forming an inescapable sword qi cage.

The face of the runner king changed slightly, but Gongsun Zhongmou's tyrannical methods were also expected. After seeing this scene, he no longer hesitated, and said softly: "The tenth hall of Yama, the tenth hall, the runner king lives alone among the Nether Woshi In addition, judge lonely souls and wild ghosts, determine the life expectancy of men and women, distinguish between rich and poor, send them to reincarnation, and have the authority to judge life and death."

The reason why I, the wheel-turning king, is second only to King Qin Guang in the first hall among the ten halls of Yama and King Yama, who is known as the son of Yama, naturally has my reason.

Even if I am not your opponent, Gongsun Zhongmou, I can still block one or two, right?

The black stone in the palm of the runner king flew up into the sky like a shooting star, drawing a dark trajectory, passing through the sky full of sword energy like a bamboo, and smashed hard on Gongsun Zhongmou's chest.

Gongsun Zhongmou's white hair fluttered violently, and his figure swayed backwards.

The sword energy all over the sky also froze for a very short time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Wheel-Running King will turn into a black rainbow and escape from this place of right and wrong.

But just when the Wheel-Running King transformed into a black rainbow, Gongsun Zhongmou had a sneering smile on his lips.

A sword that had been waiting for a long time came down fiercely behind the wheel-running king.

The unsuspecting King of the Wheel was instantly pierced by Que Xie's sword, and the energy in his body was instantly disintegrated.

Gongsun Zhongmou raised Xuan Ming in his hand, and chopped it down with a sword.

The sword energy poured down like a galaxy, connecting the sky and the earth, and shattered the clouds on the sky.

Still the majestic Sword Thirteen.

The wheel of life and death collapsed under this sword.

The wheel-running king was cut in half by this sword.

The blood rained like rain, dyeing Xu Beiyou, who had turned into an iceman, blood red.

Amidst the sound of rumbling horseshoes, Lu Chen just arrived here. After seeing this scene, he was dumbfounded at first, and then horrified.

The reason why he agreed to join hands with the Zhuanlun King to hunt down Gongsun Zhongmou was of course not acting recklessly. In his opinion, there was the Zhuanlun King who was ranked tenth in the Temple of Demon Suppression, and a statue comparable to most people in the realm of immortality. Even if the prison blood guard loses to Gongsun Zhongmou, he should protect himself.

But Lu Chen would never have imagined that, not to mention the destruction of the blood guards in the prison, even the King of Wheels would be killed by Gongsun Zhongmou's sword during this time of burning incense.

In front of Gongsun Zhongmou, the masters on weekdays are like paper paste, and they are completely wiped out with just a few sword strikes.

Gongsun Zhongmou put both Xuanming and Quexie swords into their scabbards, and turned to look at Lu Chen, "You are Lu Chen? If the old man remembers correctly, you should be from Fu Zhongtian. Today, the old man spared your life. You Go and bring a message to Fu Zhongtian. Back then, Fu Zhongtian took the lead in planning, and the Dark Guard Mansion dispatched eight high priests to assassinate me, Gongsun Zhongmou. I have always kept this account in my heart. One day, my Gongsun Zhongmou will settle it with him. .”

Lu Chen nodded repeatedly, then turned and left carefully.

At this moment, he no longer cared about encircling and suppressing the remnants of Jianzong, let alone his status as the governor, and just wanted to escape from this place as soon as possible.

Gongsun Zhongmou's eyes were cold, and he wiped his sleeves.

All the servants of the two hundred generals turned their backs on their backs, and all their men and horses died.

One of Lu Chen's arms fell to the ground lightly.

Lu Chen's face was pale, he didn't dare to say a word, he didn't even dare to turn his head, and left in a hurry alone.

How can he not be frightened?

This man with a sword in his sleeve beheaded more than two hundred fifth-rank elite soldiers, so what can he do?
After staggering for five miles, the governor of the Northwest Dark Guard Mansion said in a hoarse voice, "The King of Wheels has misled me!"

(End of this chapter)

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