That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 475 Shanzhong City, the capital of Shanzhou

Chapter 475 Shanzhong City, the capital of Shanzhou

Xu Beiyou has traveled long distances three times. The first time was to travel all over the Northwest with his master. At that time, under the protection of his master, gods blocked and killed gods all the way, and Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas. Three points of face, that trip allowed Xu Beiyou to see a brand new world, and also let Xu Beiyou truly appreciate the feeling of going from a poor boy to a master.

The second trip was not so much a trip, but Song Song’s escape. He went from the northwest to the south of the Yangtze River and went to the south of the Yangtze River at the risk of being rounded up.

Now this is the third trip, even if it is a trip, it is also a long trip. Compared with the second time, Xu Beiyou has too much capital. He doesn't have to hide in Tibet, and he doesn't have to hide his whereabouts. Breaking through easily, and even chasing and killing the people from the Dark Guard Mansion to the end in turn, exhaling the pent-up energy in his chest, nothing could be more satisfying.

His first trip started in Zhongdu, so when he was about to set foot in the territory of Zhongdu, he was full of emotions.

When Xu Beiyou came to Zhongdu from Danxiazhai, he didn’t know how to get ahead. He just thought that going to some big places was better than living in a small place and waiting to die. At that time, he even had the idea of ​​joining the army. I just didn't want to be bound by military regulations, so I didn't put it into practice.

Now he can be regarded as getting acquainted with two big men in the army. Recalling that he almost joined the army and became an ordinary soldier, it was more than a big difference.

Since setting foot in Shanzhou all the way, Xu Beiyou walked very slowly, even a little slower than ordinary people. He would stop and observe from time to time, not entirely to reminisce about the past, but also to look at this half of his hometown that has gone through the flames of war. .

If he has the ability, Xu Beiyou hopes to change this place and restore it to the prosperity it was a thousand years ago, but this idea is really illusory and unrealistic.

Thousands of years ago, Shanzhou and Yuzhou were the Central Plains in the true sense. Whether it is in the south of the Yangtze River or in the north of the Yangtze River, they were all barbarian lands. The two prefectures in the Central Plains gradually weakened, but the south of the Yangtze River supported half of the country, and Shanzhou became a battleground because of its proximity to the grassland, and it never regained its former glory.

When Emperor Taizu of Dazheng founded his country, he sent his prince to Zhongdu and Shendu to check whether it could become a new capital. As a result, Shendu had not been repaired for many years, and Zhongdu had suffered repeated wars. Neither of them should become a new capital. Jiangdu, where Houjian's iron cavalry took turns attacking the city, was also dilapidated. On the contrary, the infrastructure of the Eastern Capital left by Emperor Houjian was relatively complete, and it would save a lot of trouble for the new dynasty without the need for large-scale construction. Therefore, Emperor Taizu of Dazheng finally decided to Dudong Capital, after the continuous expansion and repair of the emperors of the Dazheng and Daqi dynasties, there is a majestic imperial capital built today, with the power of the Dazheng and Daqi dynasties.

Later, the four capitals of the world were re-divided. Dongdu, which is today's imperial capital, ranked first. In the northern capital, the gods missed the list.

If you want to go to Zhongdu, you have to go through Shanzhong Mansion, which is not only the capital of Shanzhou, but also the internal gateway of Shanzhou. During the first Southern Expedition, Emperor Xiao once set up a camp in Central Shaanxi, along with Jiange Camp and Jiangling Camp. They are also known as the three major camps, and the three major palm-printing officials are Minhang in central Shaanxi, Jiange Linhan, and Lanyu in Jiangling. Drive straight into Shanzhou, and the soldiers approached the city of Zhongdu, which forced the two camps of Jiange and Jiangling to withdraw their troops and return to defense, which eventually led to the undefeated defeat of the first Southern Expedition.

Although the final result was a big defeat for the Northeast Mu family, Xiao Huang was also furious because of this, and dismissed Minhang from his post, and appointed his half-brother Xiao Jin to take over the post of the palm seal officer of the Shaanxi camp. The big faction began to take shape from the three camps.

Approaching the city of central Shaanxi, Xu Beiyou and Xu Zheng corrected the hat on his head and was about to enter the city when suddenly a large group of cavalry entered the city, all dressed in black armor, holding spears in their hands, sabers at their waists, and well-made crossbows and arrows hanging from their saddles The arrows are very different from the soldiers of the commanders and envoys in ordinary places, and even the air is very different from the Jiangnan army that Xu Beiyou has seen, just as the world in the northwest is very different from the Jiangnan army.

Xu Beiyou stepped aside and watched the cavalry of the Northwest Army enter the city unimpeded, then handed out the road guide that had been prepared to the gatekeepers, and entered the city without any trouble.

Since Shanzhong Mansion is the capital of Shanzhou, the Sansi Yamen of Shanzhou is naturally also in the city. Xu Beiyou suddenly remembered that when he was in Danxiazhai, the local snake who led the way for Duanmuyu was the son of the commander of Shanzhou. The general's disciple surnamed Li also seems to be from the Northwest Army. In fact, it was only two years ago, but looking back now, it really seems like a lifetime away.

I don't know if I can meet some old friends during this trip to the northwest.

Xu Beiyou laughed at himself a little bit, is this considered a villain who is rampant when he succeeds?But the predecessors made it too clear that wealth and honor do not return home, just like walking in brocade clothes at night.

More than a hundred northwest cavalry marched through the city, their iron hoofs rumbling.

The Daqi Dynasty has a vast territory, spanning the north and the south. The five forbidden armies are the most powerful, and each of the five forbidden armies has its own strengths. The stalls on the side of the road have not touched the slightest bit, horses and horses are connected, and their ups and downs are exactly the same.

The leader is surnamed Li and named Yan Liang. He was born in the Li family of a wealthy family in Xiliang. Most of the elders in the family are lieutenant generals of the Northwest Army. At the age of less than 30, he is already the commander of the cavalry army, and he is regarded as a hero with unlimited future. If there is no accident, he may be able to compete for the position of the five left governors in the future.

Apart from his family background, the reason why he has the status he has today is that he is good enough. He beheaded five people in the first battle and was promoted to the commander of the army. The position of commander today is all solid military exploits. What has been accumulated is not that kind of false position, but the real military power in his hands. Now in Shanzhong City, no one else dares to touch him except for a few third-rank chief officers who can stabilize him. Mildew.

Li Yanliang is also wearing thick iron armor, but he has never held a spear. Although he does not look strong, judging by the way he is wearing heavy armor and still moving freely, he must be in good shape, and there is a dark sword hanging from his waist The long sword with the scabbard stands out from the surrounding soldiers with swords.

Li Yanliang, who was riding on the horse, showed a pensive look on his face. The reason why he rushed to Shaanxi this time was because he heard that the cavalry army, Zuo Dutong Wenci, was coming here. He is still the confidant of Lord Zuo Dudu, so he should not be underestimated, so he rushed to Shanzhong first to make preparations early.

As for why this Lord Zuo Dutong came to Shaanxi, he only heard a few words from the elders in his family. It seemed that a big man with a lot of background was going to the northwest.

Li Yanliang narrowed his eyes, big shot?Which big shot?Is it from Lan Xiangye's side, or from Han Ge's old man?

(End of this chapter)

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