That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 481 Goodbye Sick Tiger in Zhongdu City

Chapter 481 Goodbye Sick Tiger in Zhongdu City

The governor's mansion was quite deserted, except for the armored soldiers with swords and halberds, there were hardly any other idle people.

Xu Beiyou and his party entered through the middle gate, followed the main road paved with bluestone slabs to the front of the main hall, where the owner Zhang Wubing was already waiting here, and clasped his fists and said, "It's such a joy to have friends coming from afar. Some days are gone."

At this time, Xu Beiyou was wearing a dark red brocade robe, covered with black bijia, a jade belt around his waist, and a simple bun on his head, which was tied with a black jade hairpin. It has to be said that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. After getting dressed, Xu Beiyou's body changed, and he looked more and more like a noble son from a noble family, just like today's Zhang Wubing, with his hair growing up, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, he is no longer the monk who guarded the cave.

Xu Beiyou returned the gift, "Xu Beiyou has met Dudu Zhang."

Zhang Wubing smiled and said: "You don't need to be too polite when you return to the south, I have already ordered someone to prepare a banquet to welcome you."

"Beiyou first thanked Dudu Zhang." Xu Beiyou bowed his hands again.

Zhang Wubing waved his hand lightly, and everyone retreated, leaving only two people.

The two looked at each other.

Xu Beiyou remembered that the last time the two of them looked at each other like this was in the Thousand Buddha Cave outside Dunhuang City, Zhang Wubing was holding a young monk by the hand, and Xu Beiyou was blocking Zhiyun behind him.

After that, Xu Beiyou never looked directly at the sick tiger without hesitation, until today.

Xu Beiyou said slowly: "It may not be a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar. I'm afraid Dudu Zhang doesn't want to see me come to Zhongdu."

Zhang Wubing's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly, "Go inside and talk."

There is a small round table in the hall. There are twelve dishes on the table, but there are only two pairs of chopsticks.

The host and guest sat down across the table, Zhang Wubing, as the host, lifted the jug to fill a glass of wine for Xu Beiyou, and asked, "How is Nangui?"

The wine is first-class Fenjiu, which has been stored in the Northwest Army's underground wine cellar for more than ten years. When it was taken out today, the aroma of the wine is overflowing. What amazes me is that the liquor is still crystal clear without any turbidity.

Xu Beiyou raised his glass with both hands, watched the clear liquid pour into the glass, and replied: "Everything is fine, and it is thanks to Dudu Zhang. If Dudu Zhang hadn't rescued me back then, I'm afraid I would have died under Duanmuyu's command." Under the knife of the dark guard, there is no Mr. Xu of Jiangdu today, so I will offer a cup to Dudu Zhang first."

Xu Beiyou raised his wine glass high and drank it down.

Zhang Wubing said flatly: "It's not always true. At that time, you were pregnant with Zhu Xian, even if I didn't take action, you could turn the crisis into safety in the end."

Xu Beiyou put down the empty wine glass, and said bluntly: "I think Governor Zhang already knows the reason for Xu's visit."

Zhang Wubing took a sip of the wine in his glass, "Guess a little bit, but I still want to hear what you have to say about Nangui, and I also hope that Nangui won't be like some lobbyists, pretending to be surprising .”

Xu Beiyou said softly: "Whether the words are shocking or not is not just the speaker's intention, in the final analysis, the listener has the intention. Today Xu is only stating his interests and analyzing the situation for Zhang Dudu. As for how to make a decision, it is only Zhang Dudu's thought."

Zhang Wubing leaned back on the back of the chair and said softly: "I would like to hear the details."

Xu Beiyou took the jug and poured himself a glass of wine, but instead of drinking, he dipped his fingers into the wine, wrote a word "blue" and a word "Han" on the table, and said slowly: "The name of today's temple is In the past, the blue and Korean parties were fighting each other, and Dudu Zhang was a man who had lived in the temple for a long time, so he could see the pros and cons clearly, so there is no need for Xu to elaborate, Xu came here just to relay some words of Mr.

Zhang Wubing remained calm.

Xu Beiyou erased the "Han" and continued: "The so-called Han Party has actually disappeared 20 years ago. Today's Han Party is not so much a one-man party of Mr., but an imperial party led by Mr. , this party dispute is not so much a dispute between Lan Xiang and Mr. Lan, but rather a dispute between monarch and prince, does Dudu Zhang think so?"

Zhang Wubing's expression changed slightly, he somewhat guessed what Xu Beiyou was going to say, but he still nodded slightly.

Xu Beiyou wrote the word "Emperor", "20 years ago, His Majesty had just ascended the throne, but Lan Xiang had been on the top of the temple for 30 years, and Lan Xiang was also His Majesty's teacher, so it is inevitable that the king is strong and the king is weak. This is a taboo in the temple. , Does Dudu Zhang think so?"

Zhang Wubing nodded slowly, "Continue."

Xu Beiyou said: "At that time, the first emperor and the empress dowager passed away in a hurry. There were King Wei and Grassland Khan on the outside, and the Blue-Han faction inside. His Majesty had to rely on Prime Minister Lan to control the temple, so he temporarily forbeared and retreated. In the past, His Majesty was already a man who knew the destiny, but Lan Xiang still stood on the temple, and to say something to his heart, is there any emperor in the world who has been on the throne for 20 years without being in control of the world?"

Zhang Wubing was silent for a long time, his upper body leaned forward slightly, and asked earnestly, "And then?"

Xu Beiyou said flatly: "Does Dudu Zhang really not understand? Or does Xu have to explain his words thoroughly? The person who wants to 'invert the blue' is not the gentleman, but His Majesty today. It is not the one who wants Dudu Zhang to make a decision. It's the so-called Korean Party, but the Imperial Party!"

Zhang Wubing was silent for a moment, then said slowly: "What is the relationship between His Majesty and Prime Minister Lan, you can't make a conclusion just by talking about it."

Xu Beiyou said: "If only Xu Beiyou uttered this statement, Dudu Zhang would naturally be able to treat it as nonsense, but it's just that this statement came from the mouth of the second assistant of the current dynasty, how can Dudu Zhang be regarded as empty talk?"

Zhang Wubing remained silent.

Xu Beiyou said calmly: "Dudu Zhang, it is true that Lan Xiangye recommended you as the Zuo Dudu, but don't forget that it was also His Majesty who approved this matter. They all said that they are grateful to the king, but they have never been grateful to each other. said."

Zhang Wubing remained silent for a long time again, let out a long breath, and said softly: "Is this all His Majesty's intention?"

Xu Beiyou said in a deep voice: "Captain Zhang, don't forget what happened to Chen Qiong, and don't forget who Chen Qiong belongs to. It's really not difficult to guess what His Majesty is thinking."

This time, Zhang Wubing was really speechless.

There was silence in the house.

After a long time, Xu Beiyou said again: "If you were my senior in normal times, but today in public speaking, I will call you Commander Zhang. I don't believe you don't understand these principles."

Zhang Wubing still didn't speak, just sighed softly.

Xu Beiyou stretched out his hand to erase the two words on the table, and slightly emphasized his tone, "Even I, who is outside the court, know that there is no hesitation in temple battles. , you must act decisively, senior is also a person who leads troops all the year round, don't you even understand such simple truths?"

Xu Beiyou's fierce words can be said to be merciless, but Zhang Wubing did not show any anger, after a little hesitation, he finally said slowly: "Since Nan Gui has already said this, then I might as well say it clearly. Before Nangui you came to Zhongdu, I had already prepared two secret letters, which were delivered to Master Lan and Duke Wen respectively. To this day, I don’t think that Prime Minister Lan has no power to fight back. Now it’s up to whoever wins and who loses It's still too early."

While speaking, Zhang Wubing took out two secret letters that had been sealed with wax from his sleeve, he pinched the secret letter with the word "blue" written on it with two fingers, twisted it lightly, and it was wiped out.

Then he pushed the secret letter with the character "Han" in front of Xu Beiyou.

(End of this chapter)

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