Chapter 49

A knight galloped into the inner city from the outer city, without detours, directly crossed half of the inner city, and came to the Yamen of the Dark Guard Mansion.

Compared with the majesty and magnificence of the Town Demon Palace, the Dark Guard Mansion located in the imperial capital is a bit unremarkable, and it can even be said to be a bit crude.

But this is also reasonable. After all, it is at the feet of the emperor. Let alone the palace, just talk about the big yamen, and the cabinet and the governor's mansion are pressing on it. Dare to give others a handle in the open.

However, it is also because the Yinwei Mansion is directly under the emperor, and its status is noble. It is not scattered in the inner city lanes like other pro-military yamen, but it is close to the Chengtian Gate, the main gate of the imperial city, on the west side of the Thousand Steps Corridor, adjacent to the Grand Palace. The Governor's Mansion, across the street from the Liubu Yamen on the east side, can be said to be located at the core of the entire empire.

As for the cabinet, it is located in the Wenyuan Pavilion in the imperial city, not in the same place as the major yamen.

The armored guard with a knife in front of the gate of the Dark Guard's Mansion looked at the tired-looking knight with cold eyes, until he took out a black jade tablet from his arms, and then slowly withdrew his eye-catching gaze.

This jade card shows the identity of the knight, and he is one of his own.

About half an hour later, the knight appeared in a confidential room deep in the Dark Guard Mansion.

The place is small and dark, except for a kang, a table and a cabinet, there is nothing else. A middle-aged man dressed in a lion military officer's robe is sitting cross-legged on the kang, his face is shrouded in dim light and shadow, and he cannot see clearly.

The knight knelt in front of the kang, presenting a secret letter with the sealant intact with both hands.

Since the middle-aged man can wear the military official robe of the second rank, there is no need to guess about his identity. He is Fu Zhongtian, the right governor of the Dark Guard Mansion.

Fu Zhongtian, one of the three officials of Baihutang, is in charge of Shuzhou, Northwest, and the grasslands of the Western Regions, and the Northwest Dark Guard Mansion is under his command.

Before becoming the right governor of the Dark Guard Mansion, he used to be in charge of the internal guards. He was famous for his high cultivation and merciless attacks. Over the years, he has captured and executed many so-called powerful officials. It can be said that he was trampled. With the blood of countless dignitaries, he boarded the seat of the right governor of the Dark Guard Mansion.

Fu Zhongtian took the secret letter, did not rush to open it, bent his index finger and tapped lightly on the Kang table a few times, and asked, "What's your name?"

The knight lying on the ground respectfully replied: "Report to the Governor, the villain's name is Gu Yan, Dugu's Gu, Dayan's Goose."

The voice was crisp, it was actually a woman.

Fu Zhongtian nodded, "Get up and talk."

"Master Xie Du Du." The woman stood up from the ground, revealing a face that was eighty percent similar to that of the dead Gu Yan, but Gu Yan was more dusty, while Gu Yan had a bit of a cold beauty.

Gu Yan and Gu Yan were a pair of orphans adopted by Lu Chen in his early years. When they were young, they were like two sisters carved out of the same mold. Sometimes even Lu Chen couldn't tell the difference, but when they grew up, only the resemblance in appearance and no spirit remained. Gu Yan is happy to move, and Gu Yan is happy to be quiet. Just by his demeanor and behavior, the grown-up sisters can be clearly separated, and now that Gu Yan is dead, they are no longer two sisters.

Fu Zhongtian glanced at Guyan, and said softly: "How is Lu Chen?"

Gu Yan said in a low voice: "The news just came from the northwest that Mr. Lu lost an arm and has returned to the central capital, waiting for the governor to deal with it."

Fu Zhongtian finally opened the secret letter in his hand. The two pages of letter paper were filled with densely packed lowercase letters.

After carefully reading the contents of the letter expressionlessly, he still didn't show any expression of joy or anger, and he didn't even comment on what was written in the letter.The Dark Guard Mansion is the ancestor of spying and collecting confidential information. As one of the three chief officials of the Dark Guard Mansion, he naturally has other channels to prove whether Lu Chen's words are true or not.

Fu Zhongtian put the letter paper in his hand on the oil lamp on the kang table, watched it turn into ashes little by little, and then slowly said: "Gongsun Zhongmou killed the tenth runner king of the Zhenmo Temple with a sword, and he deserves to be The master of the Sword Sect is so domineering. Back then, he failed to kill Gongsun Zhongmou, who was not well-known. If he wanted to kill him now, even if it was too late, it would be too difficult."

Gu Yan didn't dare to speak.

After all, it was Gongsun Zhongmou!The current suzerain of Jianzong, the second person on the list of demon heads in the Temple of Suppressing Demons, is second only to the great master Qingchen who has already become a saint, and even forcibly suppressed the great demon leader Murong Xuanyin.

Gu Yan can also be regarded as a high-level executive in the Dark Guard Mansion, barely exposed to some inside stories that are difficult for the world to know.

The Earth Immortal Realm above the Human Immortal Realm is very mysterious, and its realm is even wider than the sum of the previous realms.

The so-called immortals think that the earthly immortals are tired of living in the world, and they work hard endlessly, but the essence is refined with gold, the jade liquid is returned to pills, and qi is refined into qi.Entering immortality and self-transformation, yin is exhausted and yang is pure, there is a body outside the body, shed quality and ascends to immortality, stumbles into holiness, destroys the secular world, and returns to the three mountains, which is called a god.

"Three Mountains" refers to the legendary three overseas mountains, Penglai, Yingzhou, and Fangzhang. Taoist Lu Zu once said, "If people want to go to Yingzhou, they must first pass the towering eighteenth floor." Lou, such as Zhuanlun Wang and others, are just entering the realm of the earth fairy, at most they have just climbed the second floor.As for Gongsun Zhongmou, an expert once speculated that he could have a realm above the twelfth floor. The expert dared not say what the realm was. After all, for so many years, no one has been able to force Gongsun Zhongmou to Do your best to shoot.

As for the Immortal Realm above the Earth Immortal Realm, in the last hundred years, except for the Daomen's previous head teacher who has already ascended to this realm, the current Taoist head teacher who is known as the world's invincible person, the world can only guess about The realm of the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal still dare not assert that it has stepped into the realm of the gods, which shows how rare it is to see the realm of the gods.

The elders have a saying that the ghosts and immortals who perceive the cicada before the autumn wind moves, the human immortals who respond to heaven and man, the earth immortals who swim in the sea and the twilight, and the immortal immortals.It is said that only if one has set foot in the realm of the earth fairy, can he be regarded as a carefree world, but the earth fairy is not really unscrupulous, there is still a majestic suppression of the heaven on his head, and the law of heaven that cannot escape the reincarnation of life and death, only the fairy realm can be regarded as detached and proving longevity , if you don't become a god, no matter how profound you are in the world, you can't escape the way of resignation, so there are theories of the immortals of the free earth and the immortals of longevity in the world.

Fu Zhongtian whispered to himself: "Gongsun Zhongmou also brought a young man with him. After careful calculation, this old guy is also 80 years old. Kendo is not like Buddhism and Taoism. Let’s start cultivating successors.”

Gu Yan greeted and echoed in a low voice: "It should be so."

Fu Zhongtian suddenly got down from the kang, and his entire face emerged from the darkness.

With an elegant appearance, three strands of long beard, the appearance of a standard celebrity, more like a literati than a warrior, Gu Yan was startled, subconsciously took a step back.

Fu Zhongtian stretched out his hand to pinch Gu Yan's chin, looked at it carefully for a moment, and said with a smile: "What a beauty."

Gu Yan's body was stiff, a little at a loss and said: "My lord..."

The corners of Fu Zhongtian's mouth curled up slightly, and he said: "Lu Chen committed such a big mistake, he deserves to die."

Gu Yan's face turned extremely pale in an instant.

To her, Lu Chen is just like her biological father, how can she just sit back and watch her father fall into a desperate situation?
Just as Gu Yan was about to speak, Fu Zhongtian had already leaned down and whispered in her ear: "But Lu Chen sent you here, it is really an excellent gift, it suits my heart, I can let him live."

Gu Yan was stunned suddenly, and then lost his strength little by little.

Fu Zhongtian straightened up, supported her with both hands, condescending.

I remember Gongsun Zhongmou said such a sentence when he was young, a sword is like a wife, a beauty is like a famous sword, a sword cannot be separated from Xuyi, but a famous sword can be stored and displayed, and it is pleasing to the eye to play with at leisure.Giving a famous sword to a person is just like giving a concubine to a concubine by a celebrity, and it can be passed down as a beautiful story.

Isn't the sword in his hand a beautiful and delicious sword?

(End of this chapter)

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